
Compromising Video

Yu Liang was texting his bodyguards, by the time Jiang Bao turned to look behind the wooden screen where he had a table with a porcelain tea set, of course, he had already picked up the pen from the corner table.

Yu Liang quickly removed the cloak of invisibility, the sky-blue cloak turned into a card, which he kept in his trouser pocket. This was a temporary card that had a counter, exactly 30 minutes, as long as this limit wasn't reached he could save and use the card as he wanted.

To Jiang Bao's surprise, the bodyguards entered the private room, which scared this young dandy almost to death, since young master Wu had "disappeared", so he wasn't in too much trouble now?

When Jiang Bao turned concerned about what "excuse" he should give, his dark eyes met the blue eyes of the young master Wu, who had a handsome man sleeping very closely in his embrace.

Jiang Bao was very shocked, even more, shocked to be suddenly grabbed by the bodyguards. The private room was silent for a few minutes, while Wu Liang and Jiang Bao exchanged glances probing each other.

Of course, that Jiang Bao realized that the young master Wu was not drugged and that in fact, the person who fell into a trap was himself. Now, he just had to pretend injustice and that he knew nothing to be able to escape with a little of his life.

"In his pocket, there is a pen with a camera, he recorded everything that happened here," Wu Liang said very softly his aura was calm and relaxed, almost lazy, while his hand stroked the hair of Meng Qian, who was still sleeping peacefully.

Meng Qian, who looked like a lazy and spoiled cat, rubbed his face on the young master Wu's neck, which almost made the young master's mind go blank for a moment.

Xiao Yao system: The protagonist is showing meng !!

Yu Liang: (...)

Don't be happy! It just causes trouble for me!

Even so, the young master Wu accommodated the masculine beauty better in his embrace, until the protagonist sighed in contentment and began to breathe softly as if nothing was happening around him.

The bodyguards understood their young master well, he was that kind of person with a languid, lazy disposition and he was a very kind person, but very easily deceived, since he had never experienced the world. So it wasn't surprising that he had been duped by this supposed friend.

What was really strange was that the young master Wu seemed as calm as ever, even after being betrayed. However, the bodyguards didn't ask and didn't dare show too much of their thoughts so as not to hurt the feelings of the young master Wu, they simply took the pen from Jiang Bao's possession.

"I ... I ..." Jiang Bao tried to speak, but Wu Liang's emotionless look made him shut up.

"Jiang Chen must be too idle to worry about what I do" Wu Liang commented with a very kind smile on his peach-colored lips, but his fox eyes had an unfriendly look.

When the guards heard this, they felt even more alert and worried, they felt a chill down the spine just to imagine how furious the young brother of the young master Wu would be furious to learn that his great enemy was targeting his innocent little brother.

"I don't know anything. He only asked me to have some pictures or recordings in some embarrassing situations, "Jiang Bao said quickly and with a slightly shaky body.

"Jiang Bao, do you believe what you're saying to me?" Wu Liang said with a dry laugh. He looked at this supposed friend and felt sorry for the original character who had to deal with this type of person as a friend.

"Take him outside, don't hurt him. I already have what I want. In case Jiang Chen asks anything, Jiang Bao, you can tell him to solve any problems with my older brother. Of course, if he wants to, I, Wu Liang, can report him as a pervert ... Even without proof, any words spoken by a minor would still cause a mess "

Wu Liang said each word calmly, he even had a very polite smile on his handsome face, but his tone of words wasn't very polite and seemed more like a veiled threat.

Jiang Bao looked at Wu Liang not recognizing this naive friend of his, did a broken heart makes a person fearless and with an aura of a big BOSS?

Well, Jiang Bao didn't have time to think about it since he was taken by one of the security guards out of the private room and the building.

"Young master, what should we do?" one of the bodyguards asked Wu Liang cautiously. This young master had never acted so decisively and harshly before.

They thought that the young master would at least have a look full of hurt or a face red with anger. However, there was the young master totally lazy sitting on the soft sofa, with his arm holding a beauty.

That was very inspiring!

The hearts of the bodyguards were filled with appreciation and male pride, their boss was so cool!

"Let's go to the apartment, there I will have to talk to Uncle Ya. After all, the Jiang Family is looking for problems with me, they must be trying to hit their grandfather and older brother on the back. We have to warn them to keep an eye on the movements of the Jiang Family, that family of cowardly snakes." Wu Liang said in a very lazy way, but his actions and words were quite shocking.

Wu Liang took the man asleep like a rock, Meng Qian, and took him as a princess. Of course, Meng Qian was heavy, but Wu Liang's muscles weren't just for show.

The bodyguards weren't so shocked that the young master Wu was carrying a man in his arms, they knew that the young master was a good person and was responsible, at least that was how Grandpa Wu raised his grandchildren. They were shocked by the care that Wu Liang had about this person in his arms.

Of course, the bodyguards thought that Wu Liang had done inappropriate things and was now taking the young man with him to take responsibility, they wouldn't imagine that the only one to do inappropriate things was Meng Qian.

When Meng Qian woke up the day was dawn, he looked at the white ceiling in a confused way, he vaguely remembered that the restaurant's ceiling was ivory, not white.

Was he in the hospital?

"Shit! I have no money to pay for the hospital! " Meng Qian thought with much annoyance, he tried to get up only to feel the soft bed and the warm comforter.

He observed around him quickly realizing that he wasn't in a hospital, but was in some luxurious room. His face darkened and he quickly tried to get up, eventually getting a little dizzy from getting up too quickly.

Only then did he notice that he was wearing dark blue pajamas that were too wide for his size, the pajamas were made of fine silk and even had a wolf coat embroidered on his chest. Very comfortable and luxurious, but to Meng Qian, it looked like it was dirty and ugly clothing.

Meng Qian's face was dark to be a shade of red, he was very disgusted, but now wasn't the time to think about what could have happened the night before, he had to find a way out of this room first.

However, before he could think of anything, the TV that was on the corner wall of the room turned on by itself and began to play a rather embarrassing recording, at least Meng Qiao felt himself growing paler as he watched the scenes unfold. on the screen.

"Be nice, young master ... I promise I will make you feel great ..."

This was Meng Qian who appeared to be a thirsty demoness, trying to get a cute little lamb for the meal.

"Big brother, we can't, I'm just a high school student! I'm only 17 this year!"

This was the voice of a young man who seemed to be being bullied, he seemed to be trying to contain Meng Qian, but the other was rubbing himself aggressively against the young man.

"Young master just a little ... I promise it won't be long..." Meng Qian's voice seemed soft and persuasive, the young master's eyes seemed to shine credulously as if he believed in the words of this handsome older brother.

"Just a little ... I'm still a virgin ... So don't go too far... Ah, I don't know what to do ... What are you doing ?!" The young master said, blushing a little, only to be silenced by Meng Qian's hungry kiss.

The rest shouldn't be described, Meng Qian couldn't stand to see the rest of the scene, he was too beautiful and too embarrassing to continue watching. Meng Qian desperately searched for the TV remote control, but didn't find it, he was also looking for where the TV was on to unplug it.

He had a completely pink face and was breathing heavily, whether it was because of fright or shame, it wasn't known what was the reason for his disconcerted appearance, who knows, maybe both.

Meng Qian remembered very vaguely that he broke into a young master's private room and went to look for a cell phone, he even remembered that he had actually opened the shirt of the unconscious young man, but after that, he didn't remember much.

So he had acted like a beast against an innocent 17-year-old high school student?

Not far away Yu Liang was wearing the invisibility card on himself, he had the remote in hand, he had an innocent smile, completely sweeping away any expression that remotely resembled an innocent student's face.

Xiao Yao: This isn't the original video! Or did I have recent memory loss? O_O

Yu Liang: This is still the original video, but I edited it with a special grade A card, just to make it more beautiful. What did you think? [=)]

Xiao Yao: Are you sure you're not one of the scum gongs in this novel? [O_o]

Yu Liang: If I were one of those scum gongs, I would have gone all the way with the weak and sleeping shou, then I would put the blame on this poor fool's head and leave him bruised and dirty to go home alone.

In fact, Yu Liang was not a scum gong, he just made the video spicy so that Meng Qian couldn't escape his responsibilities. The truth was still the same, Meng Qian had entered a High School student's private room and taken advantage of the situation.

Of course, nothing went too far and in the end, no one ended up suffering, but the intention was in the heart of Meng Qian!

Xiao Yao: Sure, whatever you want to host ... \ u.u /

Xiao Yao gave up arguing with this host who had a heart full of scams and was very serious about the mission. She felt a little sorry for the protagonist.

Hello dear readers!

How are you all doing? I hope you are well and healthy!

I am a little better in health and I added another chapter.

Thanks for the comments and support!

Visit my other novels!

Well, as you can see, this character is a person who has a mind full of schematics and planning. I will also light a candle for each shou in the system.


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