
Chapter one: Café Deal gone wrong.

The Dark Agency, an organisation of the underground network of skilled mercenaries called dark agents. They perform all kind of shady tasks, from information broking to offering protection to assassinations, once you can pay for your work you can consider it done.

Formed thirty years ago, you'd like to believe that people have heard about them, but that does not seem to be the case, the Dark Agency is shrouded in so much mystery that even security agencies of international standards haven't been able to get a ping on them.

That leaves you with the question; how do their clients find them?. It's very simple, those who really desire to find the agency don't have to look for it, the agency will find them, pretty creepy right, well that is to say they have their eyes everywhere.

Anyway, the inner workings of the agency is a complex one but let's get the basics down, the rest can come later. The Agency is managed by a board of directors who take the major decisions, those guys are even more mysterious, I mean what's a bad guy without his mystery right?, Then there are the regulators who take care of administrative work, and finally the floor agents also known as the dark agents who complete their missions as they are assigned to them. Due to how their works vary there are various forms of dark agents but let's save that for another time, you'll learn of them eventually anyways, lets get to the main story...

It's around 4 pm after a sunny hot day and the sun is just about to take a hike beyond the horizon,two men sit opposite each other in a café,one casually sipping coffee while the other gobbles down a mountain of ice cream.

"I certainly still can't make heads or tails of what I'm seeing here"

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Well I mean it's not everyday you get to see a dark agent–sorry lemme refrase that, you never get to see a dark agent,more so one that relishes ice cream the way you do, then again, you are secret agent so it's natural that you're good at blending in"

"If you already knew that then why did you bring it up,and let's just say that a lot of things happen in my childhood so I'm making up for it, but that won't do at all"

"What do you mean?"

"The name is Rogue, and you're not allowed to say what I am, under normal circumstances I would've eliminated you already for your mistake but since I'm in a good mood today I'm willing to let it slide just this once, you're not getting a warning next time"... The Rogue who was just smiling and in high spirits a while earlier had just disappeared and left a man with a grim visage on his face accompanied by a faint demonic glow of red in his eyes that were staring piercingly into the soul of his companion.

"C-c'mon, don't fly of the handle for such small mistakes"

"In my line of work, small mistakes are gonna get you killed. I'm done playing around, now hand the package over so I can get the fuck out of this dump"

"Geez, calm down, are all dar– I mean of your guys protocol oriented, chill a little"

"Just hand it over before you piss me of"

"You already look pissed to me, here have it"... He slides a flash drive over the table which disappeares on the opposite end like there was nothing there, normal people wouldn't have been able to follow these movements with their eyes...

"Those are some fast hands"

"Same can be said for you"

"But I pale in comparison to yours"

"The deal is done, your money is already in your account, I hope I don't see you again"...

Rogue gets up to leave but soon realises that there are red dots on his body, he looks around to find the only ten people in the shop aside him and Mike, his dealing companion, pointing guns at him.

"Sit down agent Rogue, the party's not over", Mike said pointing a gun to Rogue's face"

"Hahaha, where did you hide big guns like that, I like it Mike, or should I call you Rowan Smith of the CIA"

"Well I guess I'd expect no less from a dark agent, you know your stuff, but we were a step ahead of you, this is the end of the line for you sinner"

"So what should I say?Amen?"

"Don't give me that crap, I hope you realized that you've been fucked up, so I'll give you two options, come quietly with us and cooperate and you get to live or die right now"

"Hahaha, interesting so you think you have me cornered huh, seems you CIA Agents want a free pass to hell, but don't worry it's good you've come to see the right demon, I'll show you just how frightening an upper rank agent is"

Suddenly the building began to shake violently that the CIA who had their guns pointed at Rogue lost their balance as they tumbled to the ground, and before they could regain their composure, the room had already been enveloped in a smokescreen. Naturally, Rogue was nowhere to be seen.

"Damnit don't let him escape!!"

"Who said I was escaping?", Rogue's voice echoed through the smokescreen, but none of the CIA could pinpoint his location, they had moved to the center of the room and formed a defensive circle around their leader, Rowan Smith.

"Well I must commend you CIA, most agents wouldn't have seen through a petty trap such as this one, but lady luck was not on your side and you ended up messing with me, so I'll play along, let the death hunt begin, here's a hint; find me before I find you"

As the CIA agents focused on finding their target using heat detectors and lasors they had no idea that their target was thinking of more fun ways that one to end their lives. After about a minute of this deadlock, one CIA agent dropped to the ground with a bullet hole in his head, seconds later another was being dragged by the feet screaming into the smokescreen till he was not heard from anymore, the desperate agents fired their guns into the direction of the agent that was pulled in, but they could only hear Rogue's echoing laughter through the gun fire.

"Hahaha, nice reaction, you guys aren't really small fries but you won't hit me with just that, I guess that's two down, now I'm getting warmed up, nine more to go"...

Next chapter