

Being born the youngest is a drag and that is especially horrible if you are born a royal princess with the cursed birthmark that matches the doomed prophecies of their kingdom's legend.

Princess Joie Michiele Selova is a villain born and died tragically of pity and pain of one of my favorite trilogy novel "LE CŒUR ÉPHÉMÈRE" which I happen to finish reading and re-reading for the story was full of fun magic lore and intense scenes.

However due to truck-kun being a son of a truck bitch, hit me like a bowling ball pin while I was picking up a neighbor's kid from his school and to add to the shitty luck I have, I had reincarnated as the seven year old version of the Villainess who's known to be spoiled and rotten to the core.

Well I can't mope here might as well be my own person and be the coolest me I can and escape that shitty fate by telling my fiancé who I am and what he should do to bring end to the doom in the next ten years because I may be a villainess in this world, but dare I say I will take the lead and end them all myself. Now will I ever escape my fate?

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