
the weird man

"Young man, I see that you possess spiritual veins and have quite a talent. This is a rare thing on a low-level planet like yours!"

In a certain corner of the National Park of the capital... sits a white-skinned, sturdy young man who appears to be in his twenties and can be easily noticed from afar because of his black sports suit and his very black hair and beard...

In front of the relaxed young man stands a middle-aged man wearing clothes that are strange to the people in the park, as if he came out of Chinese Taoist stories... He stands looking at the young man in the chair with a gentle smile on his face...

"Uncle... I don't understand what you're saying, I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't want to believe your words are true. So please change the subject and talk about something normal, or let me finish relaxing... This is the only day of the week when I can rest after all that work, study, and training."

The young man sadly lowered his eyes and no longer looked at the man, ignoring him. Perhaps he would leave... but

"Haha, the way you talk makes me not know whether I am being polite or rude... Okay, okay, don't rush to push me away and listen to my words for a while... I would like to ask you a few questions, and I hope you answer them frankly."

 Without raising his eyes, the young man said, "It seems that you will not leave me until you say what you have.. Okay, go ahead and tell me what your questions are."

"Ha ha ha, ok, ok.. Now I am more able to talk.. Well, the first question is... Are you bored in your life and want some fun??"

Raising his eyes to meet the man's smiling face, the young man spoke, "Uncle, I'm not interested in any kind of drugs, and I don't want to get a woman anymore when I'm this poor... Please speak well."


"No, don't worry, that's not what I mean. I don't sell any kind of hallucinogens, I'm not a kidnapper, I'm not a sex trafficker, or anything you can think of. Just answer my questions honestly and you will know in the end what I want."

Looking at the man's serious eyes, the young man spoke

"It's true, I'm very bored and I want to do fun things."

"Ha ha ha, good, good, and I expected, I expected that... So tell me, do you like fighting!?."

Once again, the young man focused on the man's eyes to confirm his statements, and then he answered:

"As a young man who practices martial arts and seeks strength, I naturally yearn to fight...but unfortunately, this world of ours is very peaceful."

The man continued to look at the young man with a satisfied smile on his face and then spoke

"So if I told you that there are more and bigger worlds than your small planet in which people live with supernatural abilities, different and varied training methods, and even other races... places where only the strongest can live well and fights, battles and even wars break out on a daily basis... in fact, every moment there are battles." Speak...Will you love to go and live and fight for your pride, honor and desires!!"

Hearing those words, the young man felt a strong feeling of desire in his heart, spreading throughout his entire body, sensing the enthusiasm from the man's speech...

But he quickly calmed down and spoke.

"You really seem to be spouting nonsense... What worlds, planets, and supernatural abilities are you talking about... Uncle, you talk a lot... Please go and let me rest quietly."

By saying that, the young man's body relaxed on the chair... until he heard the man's response, which did not take long to respond

"Hahaha, well, it's normal for you to look at my words like this. In the end, you people who have never seen superhumans before consider these words to be just imagination...

However, I will not argue with you, and I just want you to answer my question.. Would you want to go and fight for your pride, honor, and desires?? ..or rather...do you dare to go?? "

As soon as the man finished his words, a wide smile formed on his face as he looked in front of him.

Because at that moment when the young man heard his words... he quickly stood opposite the man with defiant features and determined eyes, with a wide smile on his face...

"You speak well, uncle... and you have succeeded in arousing me...

My answer is that I will certainly dare to go to these places and I will dare to fight in them."

Silence prevailed for a few moments, and then the man began to laugh loudly, opening his hands toward the sky

"ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... Good, good, well said, young man... Daring is the mother of emotions, and whoever does not dare has no right to feel proud... Ok, good, good... I have already said that and I will help you achieve your desire..."

While the man was speaking, the wind began to grow stronger and the clouds began to accelerate

As soon as he finished speaking, a small waist bag appeared in the man's hand. Who knows where it came from or how it appeared like this... Then he extended his hand towards the hand of the young man who was unable to move and cut a small wound in his hand and dropped it on the small bag, which in turn absorbed the drops of blood without leaving any traces of them...

"I admire your boldness, boy, and I will send you on your way to pursue the pleasures you desire...

This bag is a dimensional bag, meaning it holds more than it appears. I put a sword, some money, and an instruction booklet in it so you can understand the situation when you go...

Boy, you are lucky because I made it so far and chose to visit your planet and now you will go on your journey towards power... If you fail, this is your fate, and if you succeed and gain power, do not forget that you owe me a favor... hehehe."

While the man was speaking, the wind was getting stronger little by little, the sky was darkening with clouds, and thunder struck that lit up the atmosphere...and when all this happened, the young man was stunned and completely unable to move...not out of fear, but it seemed that he was bound by the force that continued to pull him...

The man's look turned serious and he said to the young man

"Boy... you are going to a very dangerous place, and not just to the battlefield, but it is not devoid of treachery, deception, and human problems... keep your guard high and do not let kindness control you... it is a weak point that if you let it move you, it will drag you to your destruction...

Do not be evil and cruel, no matter what happens, and do not always be kind and compassionate...handle matters carefully..."

After a short silence, the man spoke again

"It's time for you to go... I found a suitable place for you at the right time... Remember the last piece of advice well."

Saying that, the man smiled strongly at the young man and said...

"Dying with dignity is better than living under humiliation.. Be bold and brave."


As soon as he said that, the astonished young man's body began to slowly rise From the ground and as the man's laughter continued, the young man completely disappeared from the place where he was floating and the last thing he heard was the man's laughter...

After a few minutes, the atmosphere calmed down and the clear sky returned to the city... and where the man was, he continued to look at the sky for a while and muttered

"I hope you are a strong seed...take care of yourself."

Then he turned and walked away, and after a few steps he disappeared like a ghost...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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