

The first day in March 2015 was supposed to be the best day of my life, but it turned out to be my worst day ever!

I was 15 and talented, talented enough that I was the first pick when Chelsea FC scouts came to Nigeria to scout players for the Chelsea Development squad.

I can remember that day as if it was yesterday. 

It was a Sunday and I attended the first service just like I always do since I Joined Davridge Academy. 

I headed straight to our training pitch from the church as I had brought my boots with me to church to aid my movement. 

On getting to the training complex I noticed that Coach Benard, the only European on our coaching staff, wasn't on the pitch with the players. I quickly changed into my training kit and started my mandatory 15 laps around the pitch which I accomplished in record time. I quickly joined my teammates for some of our drills. We had an in-house match. I scored a double hat trick. 

At the end of the match, we had our after-game stretches and corrections from all members of the coaching staff. 

Just as the coaches were rounding up, coach Benard appeared from the video room where we usually have team meetings, and he was not alone. He was with two other men a black man and a white man. I still remember his words verbatim said 

"Good evening boys, this is Mr. Higgins and Mr. Keane, they are scouts and are here to select some players for trials abroad in fact they are scouts from English Premier League side Chelsea Football Club,  they've been watching you boys from the video room and they've drawn a shortlist of 7 players, Bryan Okechukwu, Femi Adepoju, Anthony…" It was at that moment I blanked out. Hours later when it finally sunk in that I was going to get the opportunity to play for my darling Chelsea, I started to cry, by then I was already at home, and my parents had called all our relatives home and abroad to tell them the good news. I was overwhelmed and so were my parents. I had never seen them this happy in my whole life. I couldn't believe that I was going to follow in the steps of some of my idols. As a Chelsea fan, I idolized some Chelsea Players like Petr Cech, John Terry, Frank Lampard, Didier Drogba, etc.

After that everything went smoothly and without a hitch. I got my passport and was preparing for my Visa interview. I had given away most of my belongings to friends. 

The day before my interview I couldn't sleep. I counted the ceiling a billion times and checked the Clock a zillion times. When the clock read 5 o'clock I was too tired to leave my bed, but even that couldn't prevent me from jumping into the shower. 

By 6 o'clock I had done everything except eat breakfast, I waited for my parents to wake up and prepare for my interview. When my parents finally came out of their room, it was almost 6:45 am, but nothing could kill my joy. 

After the morning devotion, my dad cleared his throat, a bad sign. He said my mum had something to tell me. 

"Um my son "I had a terrible dream last night" 

My mum had always claimed that God speaks to her through dreams, yes most of her dreams had come to pass, but your dreams are bound to come to pass if you see your highly qualified husband promoted after writing his promotional exams or your son graduating from Primary School two days to his graduation party. 

"I dreamt that you were involved in an air crash on your way to London, so your dad and I had decided to put your traveling plans on hold" 

I turned to check the calendar. It was 31st March, not April 1st, but I still had to ask if it was some sort of April Fool's prank. 

My dad just kept his eyesight fixed on our family portrait on the wall, the one we took in London during Christmas in front of Stamford Bridge. That was fun, but this isn't. 

I turned to my mum, only to realize that my parents had left the living room. 

"This can't be true," I said to myself, I stood up planning on confronting my mum only to be stopped by my dad's voice. 

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, why are you stopping him?" 

"I'm not, God showed…" 

"Oh shut up Mary, I prefer not to hear about your stupid dreams again in this house" 

"Honey I…" 

My dad stood up from whatever he was sitting on, and I ran into my room sobbing as I locked the door and threw myself on my bed.