

They say, nothing good comes easy, but sometimes I wonder why some people get that Good things easily. And sometimes I wonder why Bad things always happen to Good people! I wish I could have a conversation with God to ask him why Good people have to suffer always!

Hi my name is Jennifer, and I'll be writing this story base on true story, some part may be fictional tho, this is my first Book so I hope you bare with my grammatical error, n misplacement of words too(if they be any).


"Help me!! I'm down here! someone save me!!" She shouted as loud as she could but no one seems to hear her, Maybe she wasn't loud enough she thought, She tried calling out again maybe someone might hear her this time but no one did, "I don't want to die" she whispered before passing out!.

She woke up in an unfamiliar place, "am I dead?! is this heaven?!" she asked herself, suddenly the door she never noticed was there swung open which had her heart skipped! "You're awake!! are you okay?! wait lemme get the doctor" the strange man pressed the button beside her bed and in a minute nurses and doctors were inside her room checking on her. Surprised by all that's all going on, she thought again "Are these angels?!" her confusion was written all over her face. After the doctors finished checking her they removed all the machine from bed bowed before leaving her hospital room, the strange man walked towards her "Who are you?!" she asked him, he smiled and replied "I am your savior". "my savior" she thought, then it all dawned on her that she's not dead and she's in the hospital and not heaven!! "But how did she get to the hospital" cos the last she remembered she was at the point of death! as if reading her mind he responded "I brought you to the hospital after I rescused you from those Thugs who almost killed you" he replied with a slight frown on he's face as he remembered the state she was in when he went there. he continued "it's a miracle that you finally woke up, as you've been in come for 6months now" she widened her eyes as she was shocked and surprised and asked "Six months!!" she screamed! Even tho she felt like it was just yesterday when she struggled and begged for Mercy from this heartless men. "Yes it's been six months that you've been lying down there" he sighed and continue "the doctors said you have to be under observation for a week before they can discharge you, do you have family?!" he had to ask because no one looked for her for the past six months that she has been in coma, her face turned pale immediately he asked about her family, as if he had touched a very vital part of her, "I don't" she lied, of course they're not her family again since they rejected her and didn't care to look for her since she went missing before coming to the hospital. As if reading her mind "you don't have to be hard to yourself Darcy, I know everything about you and your relationship with your family" surprised by what he said She asked again "Who are you? and how did you know my name!?", who sent you?!" he smiled again and replied, " you need to rest now Darcy, we have plenty of time to talk, I wouldn't want to stress you much today, but believe me I'm not a bad guy" as if she he's last words finally clarified her curiosity she then asked "can I at least know your name?" he chuckled "My name is Ryan, I thought you will never asked".

Ryan's phone rang and he stepped out to pick up the call, after he finished talking to the person on the phone he returned back to the room with a guy huge and very Tall, "Darcy this is Antonio your personal body guard, he will here incase you need anything, I need to leave now I have something to take care off I'll be back before night" with he's last sentence dropped he stepped out of the room in a hurry, leaving no chance for Darcy to ask any questions. She was curious and also confused, "who is this man, how did he know everything about me?! why do I need a body guard?!" so many questions running through her mind but only Ryan has the answers to her questions. she then turned to her body guard "You can please sit, you shouldn't stand for too long". He obeyed and sat down on the couch in the room facing the door.

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