

No matter what you going through "You are not alone" someone somewhere is watching over you.

The last one week was filled with different surprises for Darcy who was still trying to understand the two brothers and blend into their circle, Ryan with his busy schedule always try to come to Darcy every night when she's asleep and sometimes leaves before she wakes, Jason has always been by her side like the kid bro she never had, making sure he carries out he's brothers order to look after Darcy, of course he had to or his car will be seized by Ryan.

soon it was time for Darcy to be discharged, and even though she didn't say it out she's been wondering where she will go to after been discharged, as she cannot continue accepting help from Ryan as he has done more than enough for her. "You will be discharged by noon today, hope you are ready to go Home?" "Home?!,Do I really have a home to go to?!" the thought kept ringing in her head, even if she had thought about it for a while now, she couldn't find anywhere to go as she doesn't have friends neither family, everyone hated her for one reason or another, plus her sister has contributed greatly to her multiple enemies. She was so deep in her thinking that she didn't realize Ryan has been speaking since, he noticed she was deep in her thoughts then he asked "Darcy are you listening" snapping out of her thoughts she replied "Yes I am" "Hm ok" he said "then let's go" she didn't even noticed her bags had been packed by Antonio and they were waiting for her, "Okay" she replied Ryan helped her down from the bed and then put her down on the Wheelchair "I can walk Ryan" came in her tiny voice, "You don't have to, the doctors warned that you will have to go through the rehabilitation process first" she couldn't argue with him and agreed to use the Wheelchair.

The ride home was quite and long, as his house is far from the hospital after 30mins drive they arrive at he's Mansion Darcy was surprised and amazed at such beautiful sight, the car finally came to a stop in front of the Main entrance to the house and immediately the maids rushed and lined up in front of the house and the guards rushed and opened the door for both Ryan and Darcy, "Wait" Ryan said the Darcy, then he dropped went over to her side and carried on he's arms and head inside Darcy felt shy and buried her face on his arms "welcome master and mistress" the maids and servants all chorused as Ryan made his way into the house, straight to her room then he dropped her on the bed "You should rest the ride was long I'm sure u must be tired" She nodded then he left shutting the door.

Darcy took time to scan through the room and saw how big her room is she felt so happy to finally have a room of her own, cos back at her father's house she was treated like a maid and was asked to stay at the maid quarters so she never had a room if her own. she then tried to stand on her own cos she can't continue allowing Ryan to carry her everything, she was able to stand though her feet were not stable and then she tried to take a few steps she was making progress when the door swung opened she was startled and lost balance before she reach the ground a Strong hand grabbed her waist and she felt her face hitting a hard and broad chest

"You should stay put, I never complained of carrying you Darcy" Ryan complained "I'm sorry I just wanted to...." and her voice tailed off, "I'm sorry I startled you" Ryan apologised "No I'm the one at fault here" Darcy said waving her hands "Hmm, this is your personal maid she will be in charge of taking care of anything you need, I'll be in the study"

"Okay" Darcy replied then he smiled and left "What is your name?" Darcy asked the maid "My name is Cindy" the maid replied calmly "Okay Cindy my name is Darcy, nice to meet you" the maid was surprised as no lady brought in by the master has ever been nice to her, she smiled and replied "Thank you mistress" "I'll go and prepare your bath water for you dinner will be ready in an hour" with that the maid went into the bathroom and Darcy begin to wonder "who is this man? why is he respected so much?! is he a rich man?!" so many questions again! But only Ryan can answer them, though she wants to know all these she still find it hard to approach him and questioned him.

Next chapter