
Chapter 1 - Failed Wedding

It was the day Danny had been waiting for his entire life. The sun shone bright in the sky, casting a golden hue over the bustling streets of the city. Today was his wedding day, and he was filled with an overwhelming sense of excitement. He had spared no expense to ensure that everything was perfect for his beloved Jenny. 

He picked his phone and sent a quick text to Jenny: 

"Hello sweetie 😘, see ya later. Love you 💕"

Jenny's reply came almost immediately, as though she had been waiting for his text. 

"Love you too 💖"

"Today, you're finally going to be mine, Jenny," Danny muttered to himself. 

Last two years, on Valentine's Day, their love story had begun. It had been a chance encounter, a moment that would change his life forever. From that day on, he knew that Jenny was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. This wedding was simply a dream come true.

Some minutes later, Danny finally finished dressing and left the apartment for the church. 

As Danny stepped out onto the bustling streets, he could feel his heart racing with anticipation. The air was filled with the scent of freshly bloomed flowers, and it seemed to him even the day itself was celebrating his romance.

As he made his way to the church, he couldn't help but notice the curious glances of passersby. He knew that today, all eyes would be on him and Jenny. It was a thought that both excited and terrified him.

It had been a long time since he had so much attention on him.

The church was already filled with guests when Danny arrived, their excited chatter filling the air. Danny couldn't help but smile as he greeted these faces that he used to see on the television and shook hands with all these powerful people. 

"Nice meeting you, sir," 

"That business move was awesome. So…you're integrating with Spires?" 

"That was a darn good golf play last Sunday evening, Mr. Charlie," 

Danny made sure to drop a bit of compliment for all these powerful and wealthy people. He wasn't nervous at all, even though all these people are very powerful. Instead, he maintained a very calm and confident demeanor, as though he did this everyday.

As the minutes ticked by, Danny's excitement began to give way to nervousness. He checked his watch repeatedly, willing time to move faster. Where was Jenny? Why was she late?

His mind raced with worry as he tried to come up with explanations for her absence. Maybe she had gotten caught in traffic, or perhaps her dress had torn at the last minute. But deep down, he knew that something was wrong.

The minutes turned into hours, and still, there was no sign of Jenny. The once lively chatter of the guests had turned into murmurs of confusion and concern.

The hours ticked by slowly, each minute feeling like an eternity as Danny eagerly awaited the arrival of his bride. The church was adorned with flowers, the pews filled with her closest friends and family members, most of them people he couldn't afford to offend. Timbre and caliber of guests normal people would usually pay to see.

Everything was set for the perfect wedding, just as Jenny had always dreamed of.

Danny felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he realized that his worst fears were coming true. Jenny wasn't coming. She had left him standing alone at the altar, humiliated and heartbroken.

When clock struck 11:00 am, the guests stood to leave. 

Where was Jenny? She was supposed to be here by now. Anxiety gnawed at Danny's insides as he watched the minutes pass by, each one bringing him closer to despair.

By 12:30 pm, the church was almost totally empty of guests. Danny's heart sank as he realized that his dream wedding was slipping away from him.

The guests made no effort to keep down their disdain as they left. 

"I knew it was a lie," one of the guests said loudly as he left. "How can the heir of the fast rising Moore family get married to a trash like that? I've never even heard of him till I received the invitation card!"

This statement cut Danny's heart, but more is to come. 

"I always knew it was a sham," another said, not bothering to keep his voice down. "I just came to see how she humiliates that dreamer," 

The words were from a popular celebrity, Marilyn Noyt. She was close friends with Jenny and had been flabbergasted when she learnt Jenny planned to marry Danny.

Danny felt like his heart were the vegetables on a chopping board. His mind raced with questions, but he had no answers.

Desperate to find answers, Danny finally remembered to call Jenny. He dialled Jenny's number over and over again, but each time, it went straight to voicemail.

As the sun began to set, Danny found himself alone in the empty church, the silence echoing around him like a mocking reminder of his shattered dreams. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that Jenny had really left him hanging on this all important day.

"Hey, maybe something happened," said Mark, his best friend. He was trying to console him, offering words of comfort and support, but Danny couldn't find solace in his words. 

His heart felt like it had been ripped apart, the pain of betrayal cutting deeper than any physical wound.

With a heavy heart, Danny left the church and wandered aimlessly through the streets. He didn't know where he was going. He just wanted to walk till his mind was clear.

Eventually, he found himself standing outside a dimly lit bar, the sound of laughter and music spilling out onto the street. With a resigned sigh, Danny pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Suddenly, Danny's eyes widened and his heart beat faster. 


His heart lurched at the sight of her, his stomach twisting with anger and betrayal. And then, to make matters worse, he saw the man sitting beside her, his arm draped possessively around her shoulders.

They were dressed in matching Valentine's Day outfits, their laughter filling the air as they leaned in close to each other, their lips meeting in a kiss that felt like a dagger to Danny's heart.

Emotions raging in his heart, Danny reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a small silver box. It was the ring box he had bought some time ago. In it was their would-have-been wedding ring. 

It was a box Danny had always cherished, but at this moment, he was clutching it so tightly the edges dug into his palms.

The couple deepened their kiss, and he clenched his fist harder.

Hello guysss

I'm back! :)

Sorry for the long AWOL. Exams and school and...you know how it is.

Anyway, one of the reasons I stopped updating was a kind reader suggested I could work on the beginning chapters, make them less dragged out. I tried to do that by cutting some paragraphs, but only you guys can say how much I succeeded.

Anyway, another thing that kept me away is that the story is getting contracted by Meganovel, and I was stuck with the technicalities. This means I will soon stop updating here, but you can still follow the story on Meganovel. I will drop my link when it's signed.

Anyway, apologies once again. Wish we can rock and roll the way we used to ;)

TonySagecreators' thoughts