
Treats and Discussion

Upon reaching the entrance gate of the Kamisato estate, Raiden, accompanied by Captain Sara, Lady Miko, and Shinobu, was greeted by the earnest faces of our family's household staff. Their respectful bows conveyed both reverence for the goddess' divine presence and an understanding of the gravity of the impending meeting.

My father, a picture of dignified composure, stepped forward and bowed courteously before addressing, "Welcome to our humble abode, Your Excellency. We are delighted to make your acquaintance."

"Certainly, we're deeply honored by your visit, Lady Raiden. May our residence provide you and the others with comfort and hospitality," My mother added, her voice reverberating with fervor and respect as she welcomed the esteemed guests.

Lastly, my brother and I both silently bowed our heads in greeting the deity, acknowledging her divine presence with solemnity and reverence.

In response, Raiden recognized our courtesy with a nod, her demeanor projecting a mixture of authority and forbearance. Meanwhile, Captain Sara exchanged glances with Lady Miko and Shinobu, calmly assessing the interaction unfolding before them.

"Thank you for having her, everyone. I'm certain Her Excellency appreciated your hospitality," the tengu warrior interjected, acting as the voice of gratitude on behalf of the tolerant deity.

Subsequently, the Kitsune Shrine maiden couldn't help but chuckle animatedly at the formal exchange. "Oh my, how thoughtful. The Kamisato Clan's generosity is truly commendable."

Shinobu, standing slightly apart from the others, remained quiet but offered a respectful bow in acknowledgment of the warm welcome extended to their group.

With the formalities honored, our family led Raiden and her associates into the estate, where the meeting hall awaited the significant discussion that lay ahead.


As we all entered the meticulously prepared hall, the atmosphere was imbued with a sense of anticipation and solemnity. The soft glow of lanterns emitted warm shadows across the tatami floor, creating an ambiance of tranquility and reverence.

My family and I gestured for Raiden and her companions to take their seats on the plush and luxurious cushions arranged around the low, lacquered table at the center of the room.

With a graceful nod, the goddess took her place, her presence commanding attention as she settled into her seat. Lady Miko, Captain Sara, and Shinobu followed suit, setting themselves on both sides of the goddess.

Once everyone was seated, our household servants began serving refreshments, delicately placing trays of warm tea and exquisite pastries on the table before us.

As everyone settled into their seats, our household servants sprung into action, circulating with trays of refreshments. They placed freshly brewed matcha tea before each guest, its earthy aroma wafting through the room, accompanied by an array of delicate sweet treats.

"Oh my, what's this? New delicacies?" Lady Miko exclaimed with pleasure as she observed the assortment of pastries before her.

A hint of curiosity danced in Captain Sara's eyes as she reached for a sweet treat. "You're right, Lady Miko, these look intriguing. Shinobu, have you seen anything like this before?"

"No, Captain Sara," responded Shinobu, her tone carrying a hint of interest. "The shape and texture seem out of this world."

Hearing their comments about the treats, I couldn't help but smile happily. Given that it was I who suggested these delicacies to the servants responsible for their creation, I would be the one to address their curiosity.

"Those were new recipes I came up with a while ago," I explained, eager to share the fruits of my culinary experimentation. "Go ahead, try one."

Their attention turned to me, surprised by my revelation. The explanation sparked a curiosity, prompting them to sample the treats. Each of them, including Raiden, selected one and took a tentative bite, their expressions a mix of surprise and delight.

"Oh my~ So sweet!"

"Indeed, it's so creamy too!"

"This treat is out of this world!"

Three of the esteemed guests voiced their reactions, filling it with a sense of satisfaction and camaraderie. But Raiden's reaction was different. She remained quiet, her hand trembling as she held the treat, her expression darkening.

"It's... It's..." she muttered softly, sending a wave of tension through the room.

Concern etched on Captain Sara's face as she asked, "Your Excellency, are you alright?"

Finally, Raiden turned to her with sparkling eyes, exclaiming, "It's the most delicious thing I've ever tasted!"

I was taken aback, not expecting such a reaction from the stoic goddess. It was surprising to witness Raiden, known for her threatening demeanor, express such childlike pleasure over a sweet treat I'd invented.

The room seemed to hold its breath after the deity's unexpected declaration. Her words cut through the air like a bolt of lightning, leaving us momentarily stunned.

As the gravity of her words sank in, I observed the different reactions around the room. Lady Miko wore a playful smile, while Captain Sara's expression softened with amusement. Even Shinobu, who was usually reserved, couldn't hide her giggle.

Meanwhile, my family exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes widening in disbelief at the unexpected delighted outburst from the usually stoic and terrifying deity.

After a moment, Raiden seemed to realize the breach in her customary composure. A subtle flush colored her cheeks, a rare display of embarrassment from the thunder goddess.

Quickly regaining her composure, Raiden cleared her throat and spoke with a composed and authoritative tone once again. "Apologize for the outburst, I got a bit carried away."

Witnessing her brief lapse in demeanor solely served to humanize the goddess, reminding us mortals that even the most divine beings could be susceptible to the simple pleasures of life.

"Oh my, how rare. Our goddess is enjoying her treats," Lady Miko chimed in, her eyes blinking with amusement as she savored the moment of vulnerability shown by Raiden.

Captain Sara, slightly annoyed by the shrine maiden's remark, shook her head and retorted, "Lady Miko, please refrain from taunting. Honestly, what are these sweets anyway?"

I seized the opportunity to describe each of the pastries in detail. I started with the exquisite matcha-flavored mochi filled with sweet red bean paste, followed by the delicate and fluffy dorayaki pancakes filled with rich cream, and finally, I explained that the sweet Raiden had eaten earlier was a dango, specifically the tricolor variety.

As I described each treat, Raiden's eyes lit up with interest, a hint of excitement replacing her previous mortification. It was a moment of unforeseen connection, bridging the gap between mortal and deity through the shared enjoyment of delicious treats.


After explaining the different sweet treats to the goddess and her companions, a newfound sense of unity seemed to envelop the room. They all nodded in understanding, appreciating the culinary delights laid before them.

"I see now," Raiden remarked, her voice carrying a hint of fascination. "These delicacies hold a unique charm, a testament to the creativity of mortals."

"Indeed, Lady Raiden. It's a delightful experience to indulge in the pleasures of such cuisine," Lady Miko retorted, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she took another treat.

As Raiden and Lady Miko indulged themselves with the sweet treats, Captain Sara cleared her throat, drawing their attention back to the purpose of their visit.

"Your Excellency, Lady Miko, while these delicacies are indeed delightful, we must not forget the reason for our meeting," she interjected, her tone gentle but firm, shifting the focus back to the serious discussion awaiting us.

Raiden and Lady Miko exchanged a glance, recognizing the shift in the conversation. With a nod, the goddess set aside the half-eaten dango, her expression becoming more solemn as she prepared to address the purpose of their visit.

"You're right, let us proceed with the discussion," Raiden proclaimed, her voice commanding attention as her eyes scanned the meeting hall deliberately. "As you all may remember from my recent conversation with the moon goddess, Tsukuyomi, we discussed the ongoing war with the monsters."

The mention of the persistent conflict brought a somber mood to the room, reminding us all of the pressing matters at hand. The deity's words lingered in the air as my parents seemed somewhat concerned over something.

"Your Excellency, what can we do to help with this warfare?" my father inquired earnestly, his voice echoing with determination to assist in any way possible.

Raiden looked at him seriously, taking a moment to think before answering, "Your offer of aid is commendable, Mister Kamisato. As a matter of fact, I will be taking Miko and Sara with me to the frontline to assist me, if you don't mind."

My father's expression shifted, a mixture of consideration and pride evident as he nodded in agreement. "Of course, Your Excellency. They are at your disposal."

Raiden inclined her head in appreciation before continuing, "I understand your clan would be vulnerable without them. Therefore, I will appoint Shinobu to stay behind as a precautionary measure in case something goes wrong."

"My husband and I thank you for your consideration, Lady Raiden," my mother spoke up, her voice filled with gratitude. "We will trust your divine judgment and support whatever decision you make."

Raiden offered a slight nod in response, her forbearing gaze reflecting an appreciation for my parents' understanding. With the groundwork for the serious discussion laid out, the goddess then turned her attention to me, her gaze holding an assertiveness that caused me to brace for the weight of her words.

"Leave the room immediately, all of you, except for this young mortal," she ordered with an unwavering tone, brooking no opposition.

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