
Chapter 18

(Sorry guys for not posting sooner but I haven't been in the mood to post. So for now I might not update everyday and just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not dropping the story just be taking a little break between chapters. There's no need to rush this story and make it worst than what it is lol. Jokes aside I hope you guys understand and I appreciate all the love you guys sent with power stones and commenting. Hope you have a lovely day)

Akino was training on his dual wielding and increasing his reaction time slowly. He likes to train his skills whenever he is not in the dungeon. He also likes to learn new things by reading and studying. He doesn't know why but he enjoys a good book here and there. Other than that, he likes to relax and cook sometimes. He just finished his last dual wielding training and was looking around town for something to do. Despite being in Orario for 6 months now since some time has passed since he first went to the middle floors. He is almost level 3 now. He hasn't been pushing himself as much as he did before but still trying to get stronger.

He made friends with the girls from the Hostess especially Ryuu. She has been by his side whenever she can catching up to lost time. He explained that he doesn't remember much from back then but she didn't care about that and was just content being with him. According to her, his aura is very calming and relaxing to her.

Another thing is that the Loki Familia has been gathering information about him. Since his title is "The Pyre". Also because he is the last moon elf at least according to Riveria. Loki and a few other gods and goddesses express their desire to acquire him into their Familia's. The fact he is in Miach's familia didn't sit well with them. Some like Apollo tried to antagonize Akino to cause an incident but it didn't work. He always disappears outta nowhere and gets away. He is impossible to track down. Miach knew it was only a matter of time before something happens and he wants what is best for his child.

Akino continues to explore the city mindlessly but fully alert at the same time. He is looking for ways to escape for an emergency. Like being chased down. Sure he could hide into his shadows but it's always good to have options available. After a while he went to the dungeon to get some more valis since he is bored out of his mind.

After an hour or two, we find Akino slaughtering a group of hellhounds that thought he was an easy target. how wrong they were. He is now currently on the 16th floor. As he was exploring, he was once again ambushed. He was surrounded by a group of minotaurs. He ready his stance and used Fire Lance to test their durability. It didn't do much to them but it did make them put up their guard. He rushed towards the most injured one and slashed his weapon towards it's neck. The minotaur blocked it with it's sword he probably got from a dead adventurer. He figured this one must be the leader of sorts since he is the only one with a weapon on them.

He jumped back and was still surrounded. He gritted his teeth but relaxed himself. He took a deep breathe and a grin made it to his face. He used Darkness Embrace on both himself and his sword. He rushed towards the one on the right and landed a nasty cut on it. The minotaur roared in pain but before it could retaliate, its throat was slitted. Akino didn't waste anytime and immediately attacked the one next to it and killed it quickly. The leader roared in rage at the others and ordered them to fight. The rest of the minotaurs charged towards Akino who used this chance to his advantage. He threw a bottle of slippery soapy water and watched the minotaurs tripped and fall over each other. He found out that this was a great way to distract and demobilized the enemy if they can't stand.

The minotaurs managed to ram into each other with their horns causing wounds to appear. They tried to get up but before they could they were killed quickly by Akino who didn't waste a second to take them out. One of them managed to land a powerful punch against Akino but Akino just gritted his teeth through the pain and killed the rest of the minotaurs. The leader was scared but was forced to fight due to the dungeon. He swung his sword towards Akino who managed to dodge at the last second and successfully cut off one of the minotaurs arms in return. The leader growled and entered into a stance meant to ram into people. He was gonna charged straight at Akino in a last ditch effort. Akino welcomed the challenge and decided to stay put for now. The leader charged with all it's strength towards Akino and when he was inches away Akino skillfully stepped to the side quickly and slashed the leaders head off at the same time.

The leader couldn't understand how'd it lost but soon turned into ashes. Akino collected the loot and held his ribs and used his magic to heal the damaged ribs. He looked at the stairs to the seventh floor but decided against it. "There's no reason to go towards the 18th floor just yet. Also don't want to encounter the Goliath. I'm not strong enough yet." Akino returned to the surface to finish the day and wants to look into getting a supporter in the future just in case but maybe not. He doesn't want a distraction. He'll think about it more when the time comes.

Word Count 996

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