
First Year-2

After Bell's welcome party by the Xenos, they proceeded to engage in a conversation with Fels where they would help each other.

On behalf of the Xenos they would offer Drops items and lend their help to the guild when necessary, in exchange the guild along with Bell would provide weapons and their help when it comes to finding and protecting the Xenos that are possible.

After the negotiations were completed Bell shakes Lyd's hand.

"See you later, Lyd."

"I look forward to working with you and visit us when you have time."


With a smile Bell says goodbye to his Xenos friends, leaving them with Fels, who for some reason wanted to know more about them.

Leaving the dungeon, the white-haired man notices that it has already gotten dark.

"Time flies when you're with friends"

Thinking about what had happened a few hours ago, Bell opened his eyes and prepared to return to the inn where he was staying to rest.

While walking through one of the many alleys of the city, his ears, which were strengthened by being a level 4, picked up some sounds.

Boom! - Boom!

What seemed like sounds of explosions came from a few kilometers away, thinking it was a fight Bell didn't hesitate to run to the place where those explosions were coming from, if it was some kind of battle that would put innocent people in danger then he couldn't allow it.

"Damn! What's going on there?!"

While Bell was running at full speed, some screams were heard as well as the bangs of metal weapons, jumping on the roofs of some houses to shorten his path and to better see where the site of the confrontation was.

"They are there"

Upon locating the source of those impacts, the first thing he did was look to see if there were any injured people, but when he noticed that there were none, he directed his gaze to where there were 2 people fighting each other.

"They must be adventurers in some kind of dispute."

Bell looked from the roof of a house at what was a man in full armor with a giant sword who had some scars on his face.

He commanded the other individual who seemed to be a beastman who was completely injured while the other subject did not have a scratch to fly with a blow from his fist to the face.

The beastman tried to get up, but his attempts were in vain. He looked exhausted and was covered in cuts and bruises.

As the scarred man approached the beastman, after a few moments he raised his boot ready to finish off his opponent.

At that moment Bell could not continue watching that scene and before his mind could process whether it was good to get involved in a matter that did not concern him, his body moved on its own.

In a flash of speed running towards the men he extended his hand and shouted


A crimson beam crashed between both men, causing an explosion, taking advantage of that brief moment in which they were stunned by the abrupt interruption of a third. The white-haired man stood in front of the scarred man.

"Stop! You haven't seen that you've already won!" Bell shouted. 

The white-haired man unsheathed Hakugen and placed himself in a battle position.

The man in front exuded an aura that only the powerful can possess.

The white-haired man felt afraid when the man narrowed his eyes as if he were signaling to get out of his way, but he still didn't move away.

While the beastman who was on the ground could only see the back of a white-haired youth who was defending him.

"DON'T GET IN MY FIGHT!" The beastman roared indignantly, who had rust-colored eyes and the ears of a wild boar who, for being quite tall, looked like he was only a little older than Bell.


Bell was confused by what Boazman said, he did not expect that kind of reaction, but the young man with rust-colored eyes quickly became unconscious.

Following that, the voice of the man with scars on his face was heard.

"Brat, why are you getting into our fight?"

Taking his gaze away from Boazman and directing it forward, he could feel the armored man looking at him with annoyance while holding a huge sword in his hand.

He was afraid of the man in front of him; His adventurer's instinct told him to get away from there and not face him, but gathering his courage he answered.

"I saw him very wounded... he couldn't continue fighting... No one deserves to be trampled after their defeat!"


The man was surprised by the words of the white-haired young man and even more so after looking at his blue eyes which contained great determination within them.

"How interesting...let's try it a little"

While the scarred man finished thinking, he moved at tremendous speed, kicking Bell in the chest.


Bell went flying, crashing into a wall of a structure surrounding the area where they were.


Coughing, he held his chest with one hand because of the pain he felt at that moment.

"I knew he was strong, but not that strong!...plus he's faster than Miss Aiz!"

Still on his knees recovering from the blow, the scarred man slowly walks towards his direction.

"So weak, is this how you wanted to save that brat? What a joke."

The man mocked with a look of disappointment on his face, thinking that he had overestimated the white-haired man in front of him.

Turning towards the still unconscious Boazman.

  His instinct as a veteran adventurer made him move his sword to defend himself from an attack by the white-haired young man.

"I see that you want to continue fighting... then... show that you are worthy of being devoured."

At what the man said, Bell felt a chill run down his spine but he still prepared to attack with his only Hakugen weapon.

Quickly delivering blows to joints where armor couldn't protect him.

But that man easily deflected each of the blows with his great sword.

Bell was frustrated by not being able to land a blow, but had to quickly lower his head 

a great sword almost cut it off.

Feeling chills as he was a few millimeters away from death, he jumped back to distance himself.


Three shots of crimson fire shot out from his hand towards his opponent.


The man came out of the smoke, moving his sword from above at great speed to cut the white-haired man in half.

Sensing death at that moment, Bell managed to barely get out of the way by rolling to the side, but was met by a kick.



Bell placed a hand on his now broken ribs, but quickly stood up into a fighting stance - just a moment's distraction and he would be finished.

At that moment the man stopped and placed his great sword on his shoulder.

"You're fast, I admit, but I noticed that you lack strength and experience." The man commented causing Bell to be stunned.

  "It's true... I lack that and to make matters worse he is as strong as Asterius and faster than Miss Aiz"

The Scarred Man looked at the Bell still maintaining his will to fight so he decided to give it a chance. 

"How about this...if you give me even one hit I'll leave you and the brat over there alive." The man said, pointing his thumb back to where the unconscious Boazman was.

"Are you playing with me?... No, it seems like you're telling the truth."

"Well so be it." Bell responded resolutely.

Launching towards their opponent, both adventurers began to exchange blows.


As time passed in their combat the armored warrior realized something.

  "This Child! Although he is slight and almost insignificant, he is becoming stronger than before"

Surprised by the boy, the man began to feel an emotion that he only had when he faced the strongest warriors of Orario.


Accelerating his attacks, the man became so excited that he ignored a sound that was forming.


Bell continued to fight and dodge while charging Argonaut using what was called a dual charge.

"28 ,29 ...30"

With a charge of 30 seconds Bell jumped and made a downward blow with Hakugen that was stopped by that man's sword.

Placing his other hand that was glowing white on Hakugen's hilt, he gave a loud shout.


"WHAT The H...?!"


  The man was covered along with Bell in an explosion of white fire.

Bell immediately flies a few meters back, rolling on the ground as a result of the explosion.

The white-haired man found his armor severely damaged and a little singed.


Bell suffered from the pain, but he still looked up at the smoke screen in front of him and a few moments later turned pale as that man was standing without having moved even a little.

While the white-haired man began to despair, the man put his hand towards his cheek where he had a single cut.

"He managed to hurt me with a point-blank attack... how reckless... but"

Directing his gaze to the white-haired young man who was trying to take a fighting stance again.

At this action the man began to laugh.

HAHAHAHAHA! "You've won, boy."

Bell was confused by what that man said. 

"H-like did I win?"

The man points to the wound on his face.

"Look...you managed to hurt me something that not even he over there could."

Pointing his hand where a young Boazman was awake and seeing what had happened.

"You won so I'm going to retire."

Bell fell silent, sitting on the ground, letting out the tension he felt a few moments ago.

"*sigh* so I got it." She said the white-haired man with a smile.

"But before I go."

The frozen Bell looked up again to see the man.

"My name is Zald, what is your name boy?"

For a moment the white-haired man was speechless, he didn't know why that man named Zald was asking him that question.

Then he shook his head to get his thoughts out.

"My name is Bell-Bellial," he quickly corrected himself, still not used to his new name.

"Bellial huh" "Which Family do you belong to? I've never seen you and believe me I would recognize someone with your ability in all the time I've been in Orario."

Faced with that question, Bell could only remain silent without giving an answer. He could not reveal his connection with Uranos because things could get out of control.

After a long silence, Zald sighed.

"So you can't tell me? Well it doesn't matter."

Reaching into his belt, he pulled out a potion and threw it at the white-haired man.

" Catch."

Reacting unconsciously he caught the potion and upon looking at it he realized that it was a major healing potion.

"S-Sir Zald, why?"

Bell asked in disbelief at what that man was doing.

"Take it, you look devastated."

Turning around and placing his sword on his back he proceeded to leave leaving a few words behind.

"Let's meet again another time"

As he watched Zald leave the area, Bell did not know how to feel in that situation where a moment ago he was almost killed.

Coming out of his momentary trance he takes the potion and his wounds began to heal quickly.

Getting up he sheathed his dagger and went to where the Boazman is sitting looking at him carefully.

"Are you okay? Can you get up?"

To the white-haired man's question, young Boazman kept his gaze on those blue eyes and slowly moved his lips.


Young Boazman no longer felt angry that Bell had interfered, he could only feel curious about it.

He had woken up in the middle of the battle and was able to observe how the white-haired man managed to hurt <Gluttony > one of the executives of the <Zeus Family> something that he could not do.

Getting up still hurt and bleeding, but he kept his stoic face to show that those injuries were nothing.

He began to walk in the direction of his headquarters or so he intended because he almost fell, but he was caught by the white-haired man.

"Don't try hard, you're very hurt...let me help you."

Young Boazman wanted to push the white-haired young man away, but in that state he knew he couldn't wait much and he was never a proud person, he only cared about the well-being of his Goddess and nothing else.

He nodded to the young man's proposal while leaning on him.

While they were walking where the Boazman indicated, Bell, wanting to start a conversation, began to speak.

"Um...what's your name? By the way, my name is Bellial.

The young Boazman looked at him for a moment with his typical stoic face. After a moment quite uncomfortable due to the silence, his response was heard.


Bell stopped abruptly, opening his eyes in surprise.

"Ottar the <King >? The strongest adventurer? The captain of the <Freya Family>?"

"Is it really him?...when I look closely it's true, IT'S HIM!"

While Bell was deep in thought Ottar asked

"Why did you stop?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, Bell quickly responded.

"n-nothing let's continue."

Trying to evade the question, something that Ottar obviously did not give importance to as they continued on their way.

After a while they finally arrived at the headquarters of the <Freya Family> Folkvangr.

Some members of the <Freya Family> observed 2 people heading towards the doors they were guarding.

"Stop tell who they are or I'll kill them..."

The guard could not finish his sentence when he realized that the Boazman who was leaning on a white-haired young man was none other than his vice captain Ottar.

Realizing that he was very injured, the guards quickly approached to help him.

Although they looked more annoyed than worried to see him in that state, this was because they were envious of him because he was very loved by their Goddess.

But they knew that if he died for not helping him then Freya would be angry with them.


Without paying the slightest attention to Bell, they took the vice captain towards the door.

"Okay, now Mr. Ottar will be fine, I think it's time to go."

Deciding that it was time to leave, the white-haired man began to walk in the direction of where he was staying, but stopped when he heard some words, although faint, he was able to catch them.


Was what young Ottar said before the doors closed.

A smile appeared on Bell's face and he looked up at the dark sky where there were many stars.

"Today was a long day...I would like to tell you guys about this experience...but I'm alone."

His smile disappeared, forming a small trace of sadness thinking that he was not with his family or friends, but he consoled himself a little knowing that it was for the greater good.

"Time to go home"


Thus the white-haired adventurer prepared to leave so he could take a well-deserved rest.


<Zeus Family> Headquarters

Opening the doors to the main room, Zald was on his way to his room however he was stopped by someone.

"Hey Zald, why are you so late, we couldn't eat your cooking?"

Looking at the person who spoke to him, he responded in a tired tone.

"Always the same... because you don't learn to cook, Maxim."

"Even if I learn, I won't have your talent, it would only ruin them." Maxim answered with a smile.

Zald did not want to continue with that conversation because his captain always did the same thing, ever since he tried his cuisine.

"Good, see you tomorrow."

Wanting to go quickly to his room to avoid talking more with his captain, he began to walk and when he passed by him he was stopped by his grip.

"What happened?"

He turned his gaze to the captain to be met with a look full of seriousness that wasn't there before.

"You didn't answer my question... because you arrived so late, don't tell me you were at the Colosseum."

Zald shook his head and decided to answer their questions.

"Yes, I was there, but I was challenged again by that brat Freya.

"Oh! I see that Ottar doesn't lose his stubbornness, that's why I like him and tell me he's improved"

That was Maxim's question. He wanted to know if that stubborn boy had gotten stronger.

"ah grown up... but still weak he still has a way to go."

This was what Zald said when remembering his fight with the young Boazman.

"Are you sure? That wound? I couldn't even touch you before, don't tell me I caught you off guard."

Maxim pointed his finger at the cut on Zald's cheek.

He put his hand to the cut while he answered calmly.

"It wasn't him...but another adventurer...one I didn't know."


Maxim was a little surprised, he wanted to know who managed to harm him.

"Since she said she didn't know him, she couldn't be from <Hera Familia> or <Poseidon Familia> nor could <Demi-Ymir > be the only one among the children of the Goddess Freya who could fight against Zald."

Intrigued by this adventurous mystery that managed to hurt his companion, I decide to ask.

"Did you ask his name? Tell me what he was like."

Zald was a little excited by his captain's interest, but calmed down as soon as he knew the man's personality.

Resigning himself to his captain's insistence, he responded.

"He told me his name was Bellial and he was a brat no older than Ottar."

"Oh! so a baby hurt you that means he has talent... so tell me what family does he belong to?"

The captain asked curiously.

"He did not tell me"

"It's like that, too bad."

With a bit of disappointment on his face, but at least he got the name of that mysterious adventurer

"Well if that's all I'm going to sleep... I'm tired." Zald said as he advanced towards his room, but then he heard Maxim's voice.

"By the way, tomorrow we have to meet with Zeus to talk about the family alliance to hunt Leviathan."

"So rest these last few days, they may be your last."

After listening to his captain he responded

"Okay, I'll take it easy, see you later."

So, he entered his room with a big smile on his face.

Because he couldn't hide the emotion he felt.

  "so the second of the 3 big missions, this will be exciting"


Taking off his armor, he went to sleep hoping that the days would pass quickly to face the great beast of the seas.


<Freya Family> Headquarters

"Yes, they tore you to pieces and well, who did you fight this time?"

A dwarf who looked nothing like a Dwarf was claiming young Ottar who was covered in bandages.

"<Gluttony >"The Boazman said in a low voice to which the dwarf only raised her hand to her face and sighed with resignation.

"Damn again... I understand that you want to be strong, but charging headlong into someone who can kill you whenever they want is not the right way."

Ottar had his head bowed as he sat on a bed where they tend to the wounded while still listening to Mia.

"*sigh* anyway I brought you this... eat so you'll heal faster"

Mia gave him a tray with plates of food prepared by her. The young man thanked him as he prepared to eat.

"So who was that boy that brought you?"

Ottar answered honestly

"No loss...it was my first encounter with him"

"That doesn't matter...you thanked the boy, right?"


"Well, I can't allow you to be ungrateful, I didn't raise you for that... then I'm leaving, I must attend to Freya.

Without anything more to say, the dwarf left the room.

While Ottar began to remember what happened that night and about the white-haired man.

"Where did that guy come from, from his appearance he looks very weak, but...he is stronger than he looks"

"He could have hurt Zald and... I couldn't"

He clenched his fists because of the helplessness he felt, he would not blame someone else, he would not be angry with the white-haired man, he was furious at his own weakness.

"next time I will not lose, I will become stronger than those two and thus I will be able to return a little of the kindness that the Goddess has given me"


With that resolve engraved in Ottar's heart he would be on his way to becoming stronger.


Getting out of bed, Bell still felt sore from what happened the night before.

As he walked moving his arms to get warm

"I must go to the guild to ask for information... I don't know many of the adventurers in Orario. After seeing young Ottar and Zald, my unease became stronger"

Making a decision Bell put on the clothes he had bought earlier while seeing his heavily damaged armor on the bed.

"I have to get it repaired... it's a shame that Welf can't do it" Bell said, a little discouraged at not having the person he considered his older brother by his side.

Without further ado, he left his room.

On the way to the guild Bell was called by Fels.


Turning his head to an alley Bell found the skeleton wizard and walked at a quick pace to where he was.

"Mr. Fels, what's wrong?"

"Lord Uranos requires your presence, follow me."

Turning his back to the white-haired man, the wizard began to walk while he was followed by the white-haired man.

While Bell thought about why Uranos required his presence, they arrived at a secret entrance that was opened by Fels.

"Bellial, follow this path."

"Mr. Fels, are you not coming?"

"No, Lord Uranos gave me another task." Fels shook his head in denial.

Bell understood that his partner had other obligations so he entered through the secret hallway.

A few minutes later I arrived at the Guild God's chambers.

"Bell Cranel."

Bell bowed as a sign of respect, then moved closer to Uranos.

"Yes sir, may I know why you need me?"

To the question given by Bell, the God responded calmly.

Did you want to talk about some things that may help us in the future?

Bell, understood what the God was referring to.

"It's okay, Lord Uranos."


Nodding, the God proposed that he tell him about his life in Orario before he returned to the past.


After a few hours Bell had finished telling his story, to which the God began to reflect.

"I see... Knossos an entrance to the dungeon, the calamity, The <Ishtar Family>, the Renard..."

"There are certainly many important events we should try not to interfere until the time is right that way we can maintain our advantage"

Bell nodded to what the God had said, while Uranos continued to ask

"By the way, I didn't expect you to fight <Gluttony >"

Tilting his head in doubt, Bell asked.

"¿<Gluttony >?"

"I mean Zald of <Zeus Family>"

"¡¿F-Family Z-Zeus?!"

The boy said stuttering, he didn't know what family that person was affiliated with, much less one of the heroes who completed 2 of the 3 great missions.

"So you didn't know?"

Bell nervously shook his head from left to right.

"I-I didn't know I SWEAR!"

The god could only sigh

"This child is very problematic"

"What's past is past... just try not to do something that antagonizes the stronger Families."

To which Bell quickly responded.

" Yes sir!"

"You may very well retire," the god said calmly.

Bell said goodbye and left through the same passage he entered through.

As he walked he took his head in his hands.

"aaah I almost got in trouble again... I definitely need information so I don't go through that again"

Leaving the secret passage Bell headed to the main entrance of the guild.

Upon arriving, he went to where a consultant was, from whom he asked for information about the Families, the balance of power and the most famous adventurers.

"Take here what you need, but next time don't be noisy."

"I-It's okay."

Embarrassed by his behavior, he took the papers with the information he needed and went to look for a place to sit.

While he was reading, he heard conversations of adventurers, but there was one that caught his attention.

"Guys, did you hear the rumor?"

"What rumor?"

"It seems that there will be an alliance of families to attack the Leviathan.

"¡¡Ooh!! Enserio."

"It must be the Zeus and Hera Family."

"Yes, you are right after the Behemoth it is very likely"

Bell was perplexed because if what he heard was true, it would be when the second of the 3 great missions would be completed.

So he decided to finish reading as quickly as possible to learn more about the current most important families of Orario.