
Shaking The World

--- Bell POV ---

Sometimes, memories of my late grandfather resurface in my mind, and I can't help but recall his words of wisdom.

"Boy, to pick up girls, you must..."

N-No! Not that part...

His stories about heroes and their noble deeds always struck a chord within me. I admired their courage and the way they would come to the rescue of others. It sparked a desire within me to be just as remarkable as those heroes from the tales. And in the journey I've embarked on with the Hestia Familia, led by our divine Goddess Hestia, we've experienced our fair share of triumphs and tribulations.

Finally, we have found a place to call home, and it fills my heart with warmth. This newfound stability is a testament to my unwavering determination to reach the same heights as the one who has captured my heart.

I may not possess exceptional strength or unmatched intellect, but I firmly believe that as long as I hold onto hope and put in the hard work, there will come a day when I can confidently express my feelings to her.

When I become worthy of her love...

However, my thoughts were abruptly interrupted when a mysterious resonance enveloped me. I could sense unfamiliar words entering my mind, solemn promises that left me feeling uneasy. What could the Loki Familia be up to? Is she safe?

Worry gnawed at me, compelling me to make my way toward the Loki Familia Manor to investigate the situation.

"Where are you going, Bell?" Welf called me out, confusion etched across his face. Had he not sensed it?

But his puzzled expression provided confirmation, and I understood.



Familiar voices, belonging to Lili and Makoto, reached my ears, a comforting reminder that I wasn't the only one who heard it.

"We'll discuss everything later! For now, I must make my way to the Loki Familia Manor!"

I couldn't risk exposing my own Familia to the selfishness of my worries, so I quickened my pace, determined to reach my destination before anyone could catch up.


Naturally, it wasn't an occurrence that reached the ears of every individual in the world. Perhaps it was a matter of chance or concealed intentions, but regardless, the outcome remained unchanged.

In a mere flicker of time, swifter than the burning of a single incense stick, those who were unaware of the events were informed by those in the know. Thus, it could be truly said that the entire world became aware of what had transpired.

Of course, in remote villages and far-flung corners of the world, where the identity of the Loki Familia held no significance, such news was dismissed as the capricious antics of a bored deity to deceive mortals. But such skepticism remained confined to these isolated pockets.

Every corner of the globe came to a standstill. From mighty Amazonesses to elusive Elves, from proud Beastkin to countless others, all were acquainted with a single name: Ren Von Seraphis.

Whether through acquired knowledge or the resonance of their very beings, everyone understood that this would mark a monumental turning point for the Loki Familia. The notion of a World Law carried a certain allure, but there were reasons why such acts were seldom ventured into.

To enact a World Law demanded the complete commitment of one's mind, soul, and body. Without wholeheartedly staking these facets of one's existence, to recklessly summon the World as a witness to one's vow was to invite annihilation upon oneself.

Yet, breaking such a law was an even graver transgression. As Ren himself declared in his pledge, should he dare to breach it, the eternal cycle of his reincarnation would cease indefinitely.

A similar fate awaited the Goddess Loki, albeit to a lesser extent, given her true form's absence in the realm of Danmachi. Nevertheless, the binding was profound enough that she would never dare entertain the notion of violating it, for to do so would mean forfeiting her place in this world forever...

--- Freya's POV ---

Gazing upon the countenance of Bell Cranel always provided me with amusement.

Oh, how I longed to claim him as my own, but indulging in such premature gratification would only leave a bitter aftertaste, akin to consuming a morsel before it had been properly cooked.

No, I refuse to be a crude connoisseur. Instead, I shall relish the aroma as it wafts through the air, contemplating the exquisite pleasure that awaits me if I exercise patience and refrain from hastening the feast.

Ahh, the mere thought of it sent delightful tingles coursing through my lower body. How I yearn to savor you now, my precious white rabbit...

I whispered his name, my gaze fixated on the crystalline sphere before me.

However, my reverie was abruptly interrupted.


I could sense the World Laws growing animated, and soon the reason became apparent.

"A young darling swearing a World Law? My, my! How impressive!"

A faint smile graced my lips. It appears Loki has secured quite a formidable ally.

He piqued my interest.

What secrets lie within the depths of his soul, I wonder?

Slowly, I moistened my lips, savoring the anticipation. Who knows, perhaps I shall partake in some delectable appetizers while awaiting the main course to reach perfection...

I summoned Ottar, the destination already imprinted upon his mind, I was relieved that he too sensed what was happening.

Excellent, at least I am spared the trouble of explanation.

"I shall request a taste test from Loki," I murmured with conviction.

Whether she acquiesces willingly or not, once my interest is captivated by someone, they are already ensnared in my grasp...

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