
Early bird steals the worm

In an ally way some were in the great city of new york, a metropolis of magic and adventure, Dante Zelth awoke from having a nightmare, he rubbed his eyes and started to calm down 'I need to do something about these dreams' he thought as he stood up and looked around at his small ally way campsite, an old patched tent leaned against the wall of a building and a fire that had been lit in an old trashcan had formed out in the night, 'yep still a pile of trash' he exclaimed in his mind.

He got dressed out of his loose-fitting shirt and pants and into a pair of grey long pants and a black along with slave shirt with a makeshift hood sowed on to it and comes back his light grey hair revealing his pointy ears, 'time to go make some money' he thought as he went off into the dawn-lit city.

Dante sat out front of the guild, a place where adventurers could register get quests and get money from monster cores from the dunnew, waiting for an adventurer with a particularly big pouch of valis to come out, and it turns out that luck was on his side. A tall elf came out of the guild with a big pouch hanging from his belt, Dante quickly and quietly snuk up on the elf and snatched the pouch and ran.

Dante was crossing main street with the pouch of valis that he had snatched from the Adventurer coming out of the guild and was now making his way to the shopping district when; suddenly the man that he stole the valis from appears in front of him "you know it's not polite to steal from people" he said as he stood in front of Dante " well you should have kept a better hold on your valis, anyway if you want them back that's not going to happen" the man had a curious look at his face "and how is that?" he asked " because your going to have to catch me" he said as he bolted off down the street.

After getting home he sank into his pile of old blankets and sat against the wall hearing the sounds of his hungry stomach "should have stolen some food on the way back" he said " well there's that option and you could have just got a job" Dante quickly opened up the tent flap to see the adventurer crouching " h-how did you find me" Dante asked "well for one your scent is so strong any animal person could have tracked you down even a baby, second I'm a level 2 adventurer with crazy high agility so there was no way to lose me" he smiled as he snatched the pouch behind from Dante "now, who are you?" asked the adventurer "Dante, and you?" "Rikon Cassidy captain of the newly formed Hades familia"

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