
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 112: Let's Go To The Beach

(Morax: POV)

Lying in my bed I watched the sunrise as Ryuu used me as her personal pillow like she usually does when she stays in my room.

Last night we went out and had a huge celebration, since defeating the Amphisbeana allowed Ryuu to reach level five just like she wanted. The others as well. Not only that, but it turns out the rest of us fulfilled the conditions to level up.

So when we are ready we can do so.

It was all-around good news.

As I finished watching the sunrise I felt a pleasant sensation on my rising morning wood.

Looking I saw Ryuu is grinding on me, a smile on her face. But her eyes are still closed.

"Mhm Morax, more. Don't stop. Please teach this naughty elf-maid a lesson." She said.

'Oh, she must be having a sex dream.' I thought.

But seriously, Ryuu is really lewd.

Since we've never done any sort of maid role-play before. Yet she's dreaming about it.

Looks like I know something else we can do in the future.

As I put a smile on my face I enjoyed Ryuu's morning wake-up call.

Even if she didn't realize she was giving me one.


When the time came, and I got my happy ending. I woke Ryuu up and then after we cleaned ourselves we went downstairs and joined the others for breakfast.

Then after we finished eating Athena clapped our hands, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"Alright my lovely children, I have an announcement to make. Since you've all been working so hard I think you deserve a little treat. As such I'm taking us all on a vacation to Melen." She explained.

"Oh, the beach." I said.

"Let's go. I want to have some fun under the sun." William spoke.

"Mhm, just thinking of all those lovely men and women wearing swimsuits. How delicious." Echidna said, drooling a little.

"I think a vacation would be good. We don't want everyone to burn out." Diluc spoke.

"Diluc don't lie. You just want to see Milli in a swimsuit don't you?" Leonmitchelli asked.

"No comment." Diluc responded.

'Mhm, swimsuit Ryuu.' I thought.

That's going to be wonderful.

"Ok, settle down. I know you are all excited, but things aren't going to be that easy. First we need to fill out the necessary forms for the trip from the guild."

"No!" Leonmitchelli shouted. "No, paperwork. No, no, no! I won't." She cried. Getting a slightly crazed look in her eyes as she did so.

Yeah, paperwork is her kyprtonite.

"Ok Leon, just calm down. I will help Athena fill out the forms. So you don't have to worry." I told her.

"Thank you Morax." Leonmitchelli said.

After she did so I put a wry smile on my face.

The meeting ended quickly thereafter.

Then once it did I got dressed and started heading towards the Pantheon with Athena and William. The three of us arrived in no time.

Once we did we went straight up to Rose. Where I gave her a quick kiss.

"Morning Rose." I said.

"Morax. William, and goddess Athena. What can I help you with today?" She asked.

"We need the forms we need to fill out so we can go to Melen." Athena explained.

"Oh, heading to Melen are we?" Rose asked.

"Yep. For vacation." I told her.

"I see." Rose said. "One moment. I will go and retrieve all the necessary forms you need to fill out." She said.

Rose then walked off and returned ten minutes later.

Handing me a stack of forms.

After she did so I leaned in closer to her. "Hey, no need to worry. I'll come see you before we leave and we can spend some quality time together." I whispered to her.

Since I know Rose felt a little down when she heard I would be going on vacation without her. Although her facial expression didn't change. But if I couldn't read my girl then I wouldn't be able to call myself her man.

Simple as that.

Hearing my words Roses' ears and tail wagged slightly.

"By Rose. See you later." I said.

The three of us then left the Pantheon and started making our way home.

Only to run into Demeter, one of Athena's other close friends from heaven as we did so.

"Athena, good morning." She said.

"Oh Demeter, good morning to you as well." She spoke. "How are you doing today?"

"Good." She replied. "Also, tell that white-lion boy of yours thank you for me."

"Eh Gaul, why?" Athena asked.

"Because he made Luniore extremely happy." Demeter explained.

Since Gaul and Luniore started officially dating. And Luniore is basically apart of Demeter's familia. So I can see why she wants to give Gaul thanks.

"Will do." Athena said.

"Thank you." Demeter said.

We then parted ways with her and continued on our way back to the Owl House.

Arriving, Athena and I went straight to my office and started working on filling out all the forms so our familia could go on a vacation to Melen.

Since Orario has strict guidelines about powerful familia within its borders leaving the city.

The higher-ranked and more powerful a familia is, the more stringent the requirements for them to leave Orarios' borders is.

It's a pain to do this, but it's so order within the dungeon city can be maintained.

That's why I'm doing it.

Since I definitely want to see Ryuu in a swimsuit.