

The days passed by relatively quickly for me while I was traveling the road towards Orario.

I had spent the time efficiently if you asked me.

I had been training my abilities while I had been walking.

Trying to propel myself off the ground with small bursts through my feet, or make small balls of compressed fire fly around me ready to strike any targets around me.

I had accidentally burned down a few trees while learning that ability.

Besides that I had gotten a lot better control over my fire, I could now easily shoot waves of flames and just as easily draw them back into me.

On another note I have run into quite a few goblins and a few other monsters on my way to Orario, my bag was starting to fell a bit heavy from all the crystal in it.

On my way I had started to run into a few people along the way, nothing out of the ordinary, just traders from different regions of the world, going to and from Orario.

It didn't take long for me to spot the tower of Babel in the distance, soon not many minutes after that the trees started clearing up.

In front of me was a city of massive proportions, even by modern standards.

It was split into 8 sections, each sections said to be as big as a city, and right in the middle of it stood the tower of babel which was acting as a lid for the dungeon.

As soon as I saw the city I was ecstatic.

'I'm really here, finally.' I thought to myself.

As I looked towards the city I noticed a lot of hubble and bustle at the entrance, the amount of people was almost overwhelming to say the least.

Traders from all over the world, adventurers that was making their way to and from the city, farmers, hunters, and so many others coming to sell their inventory.

As I stood there taking all of this in I got quite a lot of stares, it could have been from the fact that I looked incredibly young to be traveling alone, or maybe that I was more handsome than most, excluding the arrogant elf here and there.

After taking a few minutes I finally decided to start moving again,

you would think it would be quite hard to find the right line to get into, but no, everything was quite structured merchants and people here to sell things had a line for themselves, adventurers also had their own line, and then there was a line for people visiting for the first time.

That was the line I choose.

I didn't have a lot with me since I had eaten all the food I had including the rabbits I got from the goblins, all I had was my satchel filled with small crystal and my water skin hanging by my side.

The line quickly moved forwards, and soon it was my turn as I stepped in front of the guard he finally looked at me and got a little surprised.

'I guess it's not every day that a kid comes here alone' I thought to myself as I looked at the guards surprised face.

The guard took a moment to get himself together.

"Got any identification kid?" he asked in a calm even voice.

"No it's my first time visiting a bigger city Sir." I answered.

"Okay what's your purpose for coming to Orario alone?`" The guard questioned.

"I want to be an adventurer!" I stated with steel in my voice.

"An adventurer, aren't you a little young to be an adventurer, are you sure your parents agreed?" The guard asked a little surprised.

"They're dead sir." I told him solemnly. The guard froze up a little.

"I'm sorry kid. What's your name I'll write you up, so you can get on your way." the guard said on a low tone.

"Eldur Ignis, sir" I replied.

"Well Mr Ignis. I have written you up, and you are good to go. Welcome to Orario." The guard said.

I was quickly let through the gates.

As I stepped into Orario, if was as if I had stepped into a new world, there was noise everywhere, vendors selling their items, people trying to bring the prices down, there was something happening everywhere.

As I stood there in the middle of it all. "Ah, I have no money" I exclaimed to myself.

'I can properly sell the crystal I have at the guild, so I have to find the guild headquarters better known as the pantheon.' I thought to myself.

/// Pantheon guild headquarters


'Haaah I could have said myself I would be close to the dungeon itself.' I sulked to myself as I slapped my forehead.

I had gone around asking for directions to the pantheon, people looked at me as if I was an idiot, that was until a kind old lady selling fruits told me that it was right beside the dungeon.

It was as if a lightbulb had turned on in my head, and the kind old lady gave a light giggle,

"That happens quite a lot with people new in town" she said as she smiled at me.

So here I was in front of then pantheon.

The building itself wasn't anything extraordinary, a building that looked to be around 3 stories tall with some flags hanging on the front of the building.

No, the extraordinary thing was the sheer amount of adventures that made their way in and out of the building, I was surprised by the amount of people but considering that it was around midday I guess it made sense.

The variety between the adventures was immense, some looked like a group of friends in almost casual clothing, some looked like walking tanks, and some straight up looked malicious.

Having had enough of analyzing people, I walked to the opening and took my first steps into the guild.

Hey. I'll add pic of the guild for those interrested in the comments,

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