
Death And Reincarnation

Liam Williams a normal and somewhat depressed guy he doesn't go out much, only for nessary things such as his job and shopping. He doesn't have a lot of friends, neither does he try to make more friends, he has few he called real friends, but even them he rarely has contact with. Some would properly call him a loner, he would agree he spends most of his time reading, trying to live the life he never had but always dreamed of. His brother used to tell him they were born at the wrong time, he agreed he never did fell welcome in this world had always bored him no magic only stories ever gave him the life he wanted.

///Convenience store

Sitting in the back room at work looking at the clock, watching time go by slowly is Liam.

"Haaaah wish time would go by a little fucking faster" Liam groans and shifts in his seat,

"Liam can you come to the front!" Yells his boss Hurriedly from the front of the store

*Great* Thought Liam tiredly, "Yeah I'm coming just a minute!" Liam shouts

Liam goes out to the front, as he opens the door his boss stands there waiting for him

"Liam can you close up shop today" his boss asks him, "I'm in a hurry today so i gotta run" his boss states,

"sure not much to do anyways" Liam answers grunts out.

"Thanks Make sure to lock all the doors when you lock up" his boss says as he's headed to the door,

once he is out the door.

"Great just what I needed to end this shitty week" Liam said as he walked to the counter "lets just hope the rest of this day is slow" Liam adds.

The rest of the day passes quite slowly for Liam, with nothing left to do he closes down the store for the day and starts heading home.

As Liam is heading home he walks by a construction site, a loud noise draws Liams attention, As he looks up he sees something falling towards him,

"What the fuc-" that was all he managed to get out before

-BANG- he is hit hard by something,

*UGGH did something just fall from the fucking sky* Liam thinks to himself as he lies on the ground bleeding out. Unable to speak his thoughts, felling everything around him slowly getting colder.

*So this is how I go i always thought I would die from some weird sickness. This fells kinda shitty I can fell the warmth leaving me* Liams thoughts starts getting all jumbled up the last thing he managed to think to himself was

*well this fucking sucks*

///Unknown place

Everything is dark here no sounds, no touch, no light, no nothing, just emptiness. A never ending void is what it would be described as, in this never ending darkness floats a single soul, a speck of dust some would describe it as, but nonetheless it was something in the never ending void, a single speck so small it should be invisible, but here it was like a light in the dark so easy to see. And See someone or something did.

"Hmm interesting nothing has come here for a long time, lets see what if this is more interesting than the last"


With a sharp wave of its hand, the entity had teleported both himself and the lone soul to another place more friendly for the eyes.

*Where am I* Liam thought to himself. Looking around him, he could see a soft light all around him, looking around he spotted a couple of armchairs in one of the chairs sat a man or at least what Liam thought to be a man based of his stature, but the things was he couldn't make out any facial features.

"Uhm Excuse me could you tell me where we are" Liam asked the entity uncertainly

"HUH, oh your awake, this is my home or at least some of it, I brought you here while you were floating around the void." the entity answered in a calming enchanting voice. Liam was instantly draw in by the voice.

"The void?" Liam asked questionably, "yes the void a place of infinite darkness and where my home has been located for eons" he was answered by the entity "I died how did I end up in the void?" Liam asked in an uncertain voice. "Ahh yes I was wondering that as well, but i don't have answers since I have been cut from the rest of the universe" the entity said grumpily

Thoughts swirled in Liams head, how did he end up here, where was he originally supposed to go? So many questions and no answers, well no use dwelling on useless thoughts

"So what now do I get to live here with you? Or are you gonna throw me in the void again?" Liam asked inquiringly

the entity laughed a genuine laugh, or at least, so it sounded to Liam

"WAHAHA, good question what do you want you could stay for some time I'm sure, but you are but a soul and will dissipate with time unless you have a vessel" the entity answered with an amused tone of voice. "Tell you what small soul I will give you a deal you give me your some of your memories and I give you a new life in a new world of your choosing with powers of your choice"

Liams heart started beating hard (if he had one) was this not what he always wanted a new world where he could finally be free of some of the boredom that threaten his old life.

"Deal. But why i don't understand you seem kind of godly to me, why would you want my memories?" Liam asked looking a little confused, "easy to answer that one. Its quite simple I'm trapped here, I have been for eons, by the so-called high beings or high gods as you would call them and its inhumanely boring you're memories would give me something to look through for a while" the entity answered honestly, "so wanna get to it? You don't really have all the time in the world to chose since you dissipating quite fast, you must have been in the void for a long time" stated the entity

Liam didn't really need a lot of time he had thought about it many times. Danmachi that was the world he wanted no doubt about it. A fantasy world with both the good and bad, as for his powers that was a hard topic, he hated systems, always made people that choose them a slave to them, at least it felt like it, he just wanted to enjoy a new life at his pace strong enough to not fear death around every corner, and he knew just the power for it, a Logia devil fruit the more he thought about the more sense it made to him. Invincible to almost any type of damage, and with the powers of a Logia he could control which element.

Now the hard choice which one there was many, but one seemed to keep popping into his head, the Mera-Mera no mi, or Flame-Flame fruit.

"I have decided. I want to go to Danmachi with the powers of Mera-Mera no mi" Liam said confidently, the entity took a thinking posture. "Hmm quite possible the cost is immense though, turning into an element is quite the feat of magic in that world, it would cost you your memories of the world itself, you'll know that you are in the world of Danmachi but not remember the events of said world only names and faces of people you deem important." the entity said seriously "oh and you're memories of your life including your own name so get a new name once you get there. NOW off you GO!"

"WAIT WHA-!?" was all our protagonist managed so scream out before he was sent on his way.

--------------------------------------Authors thoughts----------------------------------------------------

So I'm new to writing, still trying to get the hang of things, I'll post this chapter to see what people think, let me know what style of writing I should do (third person) or (first person from protags point) so yea this chapter is a bit of a mess with different writing styles so tell me which one suits the best thanks

I'll ad pictures later on when i've found out what our protag should look like and so on, thinking maybe a bit like Portgas D Ace but then again maybe just a bit more random? let me know

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