

Author Note

This is my first publication, hopefully I'll be able to improve from here on out. Enjoy!


Hardship is something that Moriah had learnt from a young age. It was kind of ironic. His namesake was one that pertained to the honorable notion of sacrifice, one chosen by God to do many great things. However, the hardships that forged who he was became a burden that constrained him, and the freedom that he once owned was now a coveted delicacy. His name carried a great weight; the hope for his parents was that he would grow up to become a child that had the capacity for hope. Hoping the suffering they endured to provide for their child would bring about some joy to the world. However, as he grew older the once glamorous youthful hope he so desperately hung onto, became a husk of what it once was. The happiness that his name once gave festered into violent untamed emotions; from hope and happiness into spite and contempt.

The wind was blowing fiercely, and the dark night sky was once again illuminating the night, however, no stars were visible as the dense city air once again flooded the sky. It was a cold night like any other and Moriah had just finished another day of work; being stuck on a desk for 14 soul-sucking hours. Standing in front of his office building he started to contemplate how long his life would continue like this. Feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy buried deep within his heart started to emerge, and the soft, tender heart which he safely hid behind his facade broke. Years of the constant bone-breaking, toxic office environment he worked in left deep seated scars along his heart. With his relationships ending, friends drifting away, and no family left behind, his life truly was meaningless. His gaunt face and sunken eyes were the tell-tale signs of over exhaustion, yet he continued to overwork, not to live but to survive. In such a society that was his only option, until one day he opened his eyes to a new world.

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