
I hate Modules

I know I know... But I still, I did this for the pips out there who have nothing to read, so I hope you would like it.

Now then.. START!


"My second wish, will be what?..." I kept on pondering on what my second wish will be.

"So, a second wish huh..... Could you perhaps, give me a time to think and ponder on my soon to be second wish Goddess?." I ask her, Waiting for confirmation.

She the out of nowhere brighten up as particles of light's moving around and swirling as if like a cocoon, Then.


The swirling light's that covered her are now slowly fading, letting her Godly beautiful 'form' for 'me' to see.

She took a moment before saying. "That~ will be fine~ little one~ take as much time~ to think of your wish~~." She said calmly as if nothing happened.




I then took a moment and snapped my mind out of my stupor, and for staring at her 'form' that I could say is a '11/10'. But `I still prefer Beatrice or even Soifon, sorry Goddess.`

"T-thank yo-u for your patience and U-understanding." I said, almost barely able to let my word's out.

She then chuckled softly and said. "Think~ nothing of it~ little one~ Now then~ take your time~~."

I then took my time just as she said. Thinking of my possible second wish. `So... Hmm.... A wish for more wish?.... No, that would just be turned down, I already know that There's a limitation for a wish.... So.... How about a companion?.... Hmm... Um.. Oh....OHH! Yes! Beatrice!. I could get Her!. I want her NO! I need HER!. she's my wai-` My thoughts were then interrupted by her word's.

"Oh my~ your really invested~ in getting her~~." She said. With a light chuckle.

I then just looked at my side hiding the light blush on my face. "Well... Wish is still a wish so..." I said sarcastically. While giving a little pout.

"Do you~ really wish~ for her~ little one~~?." She asked for confirmation.

"W-Well..I ah..... Hmm.... Um...Y-yes?.....*Sign* No..... It looks like, myself always comes first before anything else." I said while looking down at the floor.

She then Looks at me for a moment and calmly said. "It's alright~ little one~ take as much time~ as you want~~."

I simply Nodded at her patient and understanding nature.

I then Cross my hands and thought of my second wish. `Second wish Huh.... who would have thought that it'll be this hard to think about my last wish.... Then again who would have thought that I'll get myself here thinking about 'wish' and stuff, now then..... Um... how about an absurd amount of Mana? Or return by death?. So I can do things without consequences!..... Yeah right!! Dying is Painful! I'd rather not have it, I'm not some masochist who enjoys pain either, and it only works when I Die. So that's a big No!.

Perhaps.... A Geass from Code geass maybe?... Would it absolutely work though?. I don't even know where I'm going to be reincarnated in the first place.

Then..... Um... how about Disaster from Seven deadly sin?. That Could be doable and it's quite powerfull as well.... Hmm... Maybe Divine dividing from Highschool DxD?. That could also be doable, and cool as well, but I'm 'Not' a Sadist though.

Hmm..... A never aging body/Immortality?... In the long run it would be boringly lonely fast, and when all the living beings on the planet eventually dies, 'assuming that every being on the planet are mortals'. Then the planet becomes a huge prison, and I don't want anything to do with Immortal 'Stuff', just thinking about living that long and keeping your sanity intact is already one 'Hell!' of a job.

Hmm... Um..... Dimensional travel?. Is that even allowed? That's the question tha-.` I was then cut of by her response to my thoughts.

"Sadly No~ that won't~ be allowed~ little one~~." She said softly.

"Mind reading.... I'll never get over that.." I said flatly, with a deadpan face.

She then just lightly chuckled, and prompt me to continue my thoughts about my potential wish.

`Hmm... Um... An Esper powers then? ...*Sign*... Soo many choices but only one could be picked...` I then sat on the floor and closed my eyes, I then kept on pondering with my thoughts on the matter at hand.





(A few minutes later)



I open my eyes and stood up in a calm and relaxed manner.

I then looked at my right side, where the being was floating at. "I've decided on my last wish Goddess." I said calmly along with my calm expression.

She then looked at me, with a light smile for a moment and lightly noded as if saying to go on.

"I would like for my last wish, to be able to ride the wave of 'Fate'." I said with a serious tone as I looked at her, and waited for her answer to come.

She then just looked at me for a few seconds, before saying with a calm knowing tone. "I would~ have asked 'why' you~ choose that kind of wish~ but~~ I will refrain from doing so~ but I will ask~ if you would like to add~ a bit of 'flare'~ on your wish little one~~?."

I then let out a 'Sign' of relief, for letting my wish be granted. `After all she can read my mind, like right now.` I thought knowingly, while I hear her light amused chuckles directed at me.

"Thank you for letting my wish be granted Goddess, and for being patient with me." I said with a light smile.

She just lightly nodded, while prompting me to continue.

"Well, I would like it to have like an active and de-active state to it, and also if you could let me have my natural appearance to be retained, when I get reincarnated, because I don't want to have scar's littered all over my body, and also a bit taller than 5.8 feet, if you could p-please?...." I said with a hint of embarrassment at the end.

She then just lightly chuckles at my little antics, and said with a calm tone. "That~ can be done~ But~ your hair will eventually go~ white over time~ Anything else~ little one~~?."

"Um..... Ah.. Yes! I almost forgot to ask, that if I would be connected to Alaya when I reincarnate somewhere?." I asked with a concerned tone at the thought of being an eternal servant of Alaya, just like Archer.

Seeing my face go pale for a second, She then said in a Calming tone. "There is nothing~ to be concerned about little one~~ just enjoy yourself~~."

"*Sign*.. Thank you again Goddess." I said in a relief tone while lightly smiling at her comforting word's, I then waited for her to speak again.

"Now then~~ For your destination~~ We will let 'Fate'~ decide on where you go~ little one~~." She said calmly, while she let a few particles of light go towards me.

A then looked at the particles of light's that are going towards me...

"So.... This is it then Goddess?." I asked whilst knowing what the answer will be.

She then lightly smile at me like a mother to her child, and said in calm tone. "It is~~ So let yourself enjoy it~ little one~~."

I then let out a genuine smile, at her word's. And before the particles of light envelopes me I said in a bright and cheerful tone. "THANK YOU AGAIN GODDESS!."

And after my last parting word's for the Goddess, she just smiled at my last word's as the light envelopes me, I closed my eyes to let 'Fate' do it's work....





`I feel so light.`



`I hope it's not too much of a Violent world.`



And that's Done!.

I know it took me Soo long to do this again.

So many Modules to do soo.. Yeah..

Anyways keep safe guys and have a nice day/night PS

{Author out}

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