
Chapter 3

Chirp…. Chirp… Chirp….

The sound of the bird in the forest that the dawn has greet the world.

Some of the light begin peeking out from the crack then fall into a person face.

"Urgh!" Waking up in the early morning really not his own cup of tea.

He stand up and begin to move toward the window. Opening it so that it will allow the light enter the room and airing the room.

He stare up toward the scenery of the farm locates outside of the house and remember again that he is in another world.

This kind of phenomenon still cannot be fully accept by him till today.

Rulis came from a modern society that thrive all over the globe and there become less thing that is the unknown to society.

All places in that world is interconnected.

Whenever something happen it will be report, even if most of mass media cannot be trusted the internet is there to show the truth.

It can be said that not many thing can be hide forever in that world.

Looking at the world outside of his window, he able to feel the difference.

The atmosphere, the light and the air as all of it give a fresh feeling.

Unlike the other world, this world can be said that it have more fresh air and the air is still not contaminated by the vehicle of modern world.

That's it. He need to get down to business as usual.

He walk out of his own bedroom.

As he come out from his own room to the living room, he heard the sound of clanking noise.

Upon hearing this, he walk forward and come across Lirine and Lurune readying the food.

As he come close to the food that has been laid out on the table, he able to smell the aroma of the food.

It not as good as the modern world with the availability of herbs, here it is hard to came across as it not a city only a frontier village.

Rulis also at the same time felt a little guilty. He woke up later than even the two daughter.

He stay here for free so the very least he can do is to help them prepare for breakfast.

"Thanks Lurune, Lirine. It good as always"

Even thought it like that, the good thing to say here is not that he sorry but a thank you.

After that the rest of the household gather up at the table and having a breakfast together to get the day start.

The grandfather inspect the tool, the son moving to the center of the village to talk on the festival and while the girl go out to meet their friend.

While Rulis take this time to walk through the forest at the back heading deeper inside with a short knife.

After he enter deeper into the forest the atmosphere of the place change completely from the outside.

Gone the light that shining all day with some manage to penetrate the leaf in this forest.

Lot of growing vegetations fill up the area and moss growing on the tree and also the floor.

He breath the air in this forest and he able to smell the green and the rotten wood.

The smell is more fresh here. Living in modern world he need to go deeper into the jungle experience this, here, he will be able to experience this sensation just entering side skirt.

There is no need to enter deeper for him to be able to feel this fresh air on his own skin.

The sound of bug can be heard throughout the whole forest. Thus it give an indication that it safe here, well except for certain circumstances.

Then he suck in the air and blow it out to released the stress in his own body.

Looking toward the surrounding, he then move toward one of the clearing that can be seen from his position.

Sitting down there, he begin to do the usual thing.


A board like window then appear in front of him that defies the very concept of reality. Unlike an ordinary object, this thing is like a ghost as the board is transparent.

Not only that, there a writing on that very board.


Name: Rulis $$$$

Race : Human

Gender: Male

Strength :F

Endurance :F

Agility :F

Mana :F

Luck : -

NP : -


Class Change

He still cannot believe that there exist this ability. Even wonder that he still living in reality or this all only his own imagination.

The one thing that he tell himself that this only an imagination because of this status window.

It something not in reality and can only be found in the game with also novel.

If he want to say that this is only an imagination, he do not want to acknowledge it.

Rulis do not want to say that the bond he share with the people here is just a figment of imagination. So he can only compromised between the two.

This is a fantasy world.

Another world entirely. He do not goes through time but toward another world. That the only thing that can be acceptable.

Even if reality and by logic show that this is another world entirely, one own consciousnesses will still not be able to accept this notion.

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