

In the middle of a half-assed road, a boy could be seen running as fast as he could, the boy was crying and by how he was running one could tell that he was already tired, not so far from him two figures cloaked in black were following at a very high speed.

it didn't take long before they reached the boy and pinned him on the floor, now without any escape, the boy in muffled screams said.

???: I'm sorry, please forgive me I promise I will never tell anybody about you, so please let me live!

the two figures hearing how a little boy plead didn't even react and in a swift move cut his neck killing him instantly, following that in a quick manner the two of them attached a rock to the leg of the boy and threw the body by a river that was near, leaving the scene.

the corpse of the boy was now traveling at high speeds by the river until reaching a waterfall making the body drop to the lake below, the corpse soon crashed into the bay, but suddenly from above of him, a transparent thing started to float around him, and finally entering the body.

the moment the soul entered the corpse, all the broken limbs started to put themselves in order, the corpse started to spit the blood that was blocking the veins, and regenerated the dead cells, soon the cut in the neck was completely gone showing that the body was now completely healthy.

soon after that, the boy's eyes slowly started to open showing a strange pupil in shape of a cross and a circle, holding his head Akira confused asked himself.

Akira: Where am I?

Akira was confused about the sudden events but soon calmed down, now understanding he was in a new body our protagonist started searching through the memories of the boy, now understanding what happened Akira smirked and said.

Akira: looks like I am in Naruto, but holy shit poor kid killed because of bad luck, I hope you rest in peace.

saying that Akira stood up and took off the rock attached to his leg, then Akira went to the lake and drank a little bit of water, finishing that he used the water as a mirror to look at himself.

the boy had black hair, by misfortune, the boy was taller than normal unfortunately the body of the boy wasn't trained so there were no muscles in it.

(A/N: he looks like a young Yami from black clover)

sighing, Akira stood up and started walking by the forest without a direction, Akira soon stopped in front of a tree, positioning our protagonist made a gesture with his hand hitting it with that and saying in his mind.

"Crimson moon sun wheel!"

the attack left an enormous bang exploding the tree and making a crater of at least a kilometer, but our protagonist wasn't putting attention to that but on the burns of his own hand, sighing Akira said.

Akira: looks like I'll need to train hard, well whatever.

saying that our protagonist disappeared into the woods.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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