
A Miscalculation

Sayuri gave a soft moan of protest as her large pillow rolled out of bed, her eyes narrowly opened as she whined, "Come back to bed…"

Ottar leaned over the bed, planting a light kiss upon the tired kitsune's head, "Freya wants me to push ahead of the Expedition, and deal with Amphisbaena. Nothing I can do Little Fox."

Sayuri furrowed her brows, before giving a long sigh as she sat up rubbing her eyes, "I'll get your equipment ready, and pack your meals… How long?"

Ottar fell into thought for a moment, "Freya wants to breach the Dragon Vase… So a month?"

Sayuri heaved a sigh as she rose from her bed, wearing naught but a thin sheer nightgown that veiled nothing, she scratched her head as she made her way downstairs with a yawn.

Ottar watched her for a moment before slipping into the bathroom, knowing that by the time he finished cleaning himself. Sayuri would have everything ready, and would be back in bed asleep, getting her last few hours of 'beauty sleep' before starting her day before the sun even had time to rise over the walls of Oriaro.

Digging through an Icebox, Sayuri began to gather the prepared ingredients and tiredly began to cook an absolutely massive amount of food with half-closed eyes. Sayuri hadn't even needed to think about the motions she needed to take as she drowsy made Meal Box after Meal Box, tiredly slapping them heavy [Magic Bestowls] filling them with all sorts of imbuements. Before packing them into a large supporter pack as they were wrapped, even throwing nearly half of her mana with a soft, tired chant, "Imbue—Warmth, Protection. Imbue—Preservation…"

Finished cooking 90 meals in record time, Sayuri moved her groggy frame to the store room and began to gather Ottar's equipment after a quick round of imbuements bringing her down to a quarter of her mana, Sayuri neatly stacked them at the bottom of the steps before clambering her way back to bed, wrapping herself in the covers she used an eighth of her mana to cast a [Warmth Imbuement] upon herself, quickly returning her to the blissful land of sleep…

Just as Ottar had stepped out of the bathroom, a white shirt clinging to his form, while he roughly dried his head with a towel. Careful not to wake his Little Fox a second time, Ottar took cautious steps as he made his way down the stairs to find all his equipment nearly stacked and radiating a dense warmth and a faint scent of vanilla, with a large smile adoring his face he moved to start the day…


[12 Hours Later]

Sayuri returned home and immediately she'd her kimono, allowing the air to wash against her thin, short juban as she made her way upstairs. Grabbing a roll of bandages, before pulling the juban from her frame leaving her as nude as the day she —created herself— slowly, Sayuri began to wrap the linen bandages around her chest tightly, forcing her breast size to shrink to half as her [Pliant Flesh] trait made it so as long as it was naturally possible, it was comfortable.

She did much the same for her thighs, waist, and rear to the point that she looked like she had back when she first became an adult… Oh, how she missed her small-medium breasts, and the lack of issues they gave her when settling a kimono across her frame…

Once she was properly wrapped, and had reduced her three sizes by a fair margin she slipped into her tight leather armor that had been tailored to her compressed size, like this she wouldn't have to worry about someone recognizing her from the shape of her silhouette. Pulling an oversized hoodie over her frame, she lifted the hood over her head, and headed back out into the city, grabbing her short spear as she left the house—



Name: Sayuri Shizuka

Titles - Little Fox, Otherworldly Being, Priestess of Beauty & Blessings

Physical Vessel: {Expand}

Race: Kitsune (Humelf)

Class: Priestess - Magic Stat Growth +200%

Level: 1 {Level Up? Y/N}

Stats -

• Strength: S-1196

• Endurance: S-1196

• Dexterity: S-1196

• Agility: S-1196

• Magic: S-1198


She blinked it away once she eyed her stats, ready to enter the dungeon, Sayuri made her way to the Tower of Babel…

Today, Sayuri hoped to bring all her stats to SS rank, and finish exploring the Seventh Floor, having limited herself to entering the dungeon once a week and only advancing through the Dungeon once she had grown to the point that she could accurately target the Floor's monster's Magic Crystals.

She had been wondering whether she was limiting herself too much, but she didn't wish to disrupt her daily life. A sigh slipped her lips as she stepped around a Guild Official, who had mistaken her as Ottar's supporter, and despite the 'King' not being present, the man hadn't tried to stop Sayuri as she made her way into the depths of the Dungeon.

With a deep breath, Sayuri rid her mind of any pointless distractions. Her expression becoming solemn, while her eyes gained a sharpness as she stepped forward with a soft chant, "Imbue—"

Her half manifested mana pooled at the ball of her lead foot, the pool of mana slowly began to grow until, "—Release."

The pooled man burst outward with an explosive force that propelled her forward, giving her the instantaneous boost she needed to get her to the max speed her agility would allow. Instead of running, and gaining that speed, Sayuri burst through the First Floor with minimal 'Mind', Mana, and Stamina usage.

She flowed through the large passageway, swiftly finding the steps down to the second floor without even needing to stop. The heightened perception gained through her Magic Stats, allowed her to keep a hold on her surroundings despite her speed.

Using the Second Floor as a springboard, the moment she stepped out of the descending stairway, Sayuri brandished her spear intent on slaughtering the rest of the way down to the Seventh Floor, where she would resume her exploration.

As she pierced through a Jack Bird, and took its egg to use for breakfast when Ottar returned, Sayuri entertained the thought of increasing the number of dungeon dives until she reached Level 2. As she wished to join Ottar on a few of his deeper descents…

With a slight nod, a budding sensation built in the back of her mind…? Excitement…?

Sayuri was nearly brought to pause if not for her current murderous state, she hadn't even felt the smile that grew on her face as her attacks accurately found Magic Crystal after Magic Crystal… The shattered Magic Crystals weren't worth anything, and it wasn't like Sayuri needed the income so she didn't bother harvesting the ashy remains.

Bursting past a small party of adventurers she ignored the monsters they were facing, and directly made her way to the Third Floor…

While Sayuri overwhelmed the Lower Floors of the Dungeon, with her insanely high stats… Something interesting was happening elsewhere…

Perhaps, it was something that'll give Sayuri a reason to escape the cycle she had trapped herself in…


A youth walked away from the Guild Headquarters with a sheet of paper in hand, on it was the name and location of every Adventuring Familia that was currently open for recruitment. Starting from the top of the list, he quickly made his way to the first Familia listed in high hope, and with a large smile twisting his lips…

His smile weakened slightly as he headed to the second…

The third…






"Imbue—Warmth—Heat—Flame!" Sayuri whipped around as a ball of flame appeared in her casting hand, her main, spear hand freed her weapon from the corpse of a Killer Ant, "Imbue—Protection, Preservation."

The ball of flame expanded outward, coating Sayuri's frame burning away the blood and filth that cling to her form, careful not to allow the flames from the relatively untrained magic to burn her tail. Only recently has she managed to create a flame through [Magic Bestowal], as for the longest time, Sayuri used her magic purely to make her daily life a simple endeavor, and only during the past year or so had she began to explore its uses as an offensive and defensive magic; excluding [Death Imbuement], which was still capable of instantly killing anything as long as she had the mana and 'mind'…

She hadn't managed to shorten the chant yet, but it worked wonderfully to burn the poisonous dust in the air from the occasional Purple Moth. With a swipe of her spear, Sayuri grounded a Creamy, her foot squashing its soft fragile frame as she pivoted bisecting a Killer Ant.

Despite, Ottar's numerous warnings not to allow Killer Ants to swarm, and gather into a horde. Sayuri was confident that she's capable of exploiting the Killer Ants, and the swarms that they bring. Thus, she stood in a large open room that allowed her enough space to incorporate large movements and evasion, in a relatively untraveled section of the Seventh Floor.

Sayuri was intent on using the Killer Ants as an artificial Monster Party, for as long as her 'Mind' held up to the stress she was to put it under. With a coat of flames flickering and sparking off of her lithe frame, Sayuri prepared herself for the slaughter that was about to commence.

Intent on pushing herself to the brink, leaving only enough mana and stamina to guarantee her escape from the deathly depths. With her ears filled and cluttered with the chittering of dozens—hundreds of Killer Ants quickly closing in in the room she had chosen, Sayuri swiftly dealt with any Shooter Frog she could find in the surroundings, before focusing herself ready to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of monsters swarming her way.

"Imbue—Protection, Protection, Preservation."

With a double chant of [Protection Imbuement] and a heavy [Preservation Imbuement] to follow it up, Sayuri wouldn't need to worry about recasting a defensive magic for a while, allowing her to expend more of her focus on the offensive. The thin veil of flames licking her leather armor did well to illuminate her dim surroundings, while also protecting her from the poisonous dust lingering in the air.

Flaring her casting hand, Sayuri gave one final chant before brandishing her spear against the onslaught of monsters, "Imbue—Warmth—Heat—Flame—," she allowed the half-manifested mana to gather, pooling above her palm after a flicker of orange, yellow, then red geometric shapes. Once her eyes laid upon the monsters, she pointed her palm towards one of the connecting passages, "—Release."

The mana snapped into a manifestation, becoming a torrent of flames that consumed the direction she had pointed her palm. Like a wave, the flames filled the passage as she retreated to the other side of the room, clashing with a number of Killer Ants while her magical flames lingered, blocking a connecting passage leaving only three others for Sayuri to focus on until the mana she had imbued into her magic is no longer enough to hold the manifestation.

As if flesh was fluid, her motions a calm stream, she cut through the horde of monsters as if they were the stone beneath her flowing water. With patience and perseverance, Sayuri smoothly flowed from one step to the next, the short spear flashing as every pivot, turn, and twist fueled its momentum. Every movement contributed to the next, as a tune surfaced from the depths of her mind.

Sayuri swiftly dismissed it, not wishing to get distracted while she was in the dungeon, doing something as stupid as she currently was, she stretched her focus to the extreme. Subconsciously allowing her traits to touch upon her body; more than they normally do, as silent whispers informed her when to move, dodge, and block. A blend of traits working together in a manner that seemed to create a flowing dance, one that invited death upon every movement.

Blood drew arcs in the air, reminiscent of the falling petals of autumn, while reddish ash trailed behind drawing vague outlines of the paths Sayuri's spear had taken. Slowly creating a scene that had no place in the dungeon, should the heavy stench of blood and the gory scene be replaced…

Sayuri's sense of time slipped from her perception, as her focus solely fell upon the massacre she was committing. Her flawless skin was stained with blood, while her hoodie was littered with tears and soaked with gore.

The floor slowly became slick, and ash created a thick haze that forced Sayuri to slow. With her momentum dampened, she slowly began to feel herself becoming overwhelmed as the monster's seemed to endlessly flow. The familiar sensation of 'mind' brought the realization that her flame magic had lost its manifestation, and her expression hardened knowing that the numbers were only going to grow.

Tensing her jaw, Sayuri retreated as she pulled a Creamy Wing from a pouch at her waist and crushed it in her palm. Immediately a flash of light engulfed her and she found herself in a random location on the Seventh Floor. With a sharp breath, After quickly scanning the familiar passage, Sayuri immediately began to sprint towards the stairway up to the Sixth Floor, knowing that the horde would disperse once she had left the Seventh.

Unwilling to return to the surface just yet, Sayuri sat down in the stairwell intent on resting long enough to recover a majority of her lost stamina and 'mind'. Dismissing the magic coating her frame, as she sat down. Her mana was still at a comfortable level, though the use of Magic that she has not attained a level of mastery over had strained her 'Mind' more than necessary…

Resting her head against the cold stone wall behind her, Sayuri muttered, "Should I hire workers for the stall, and take a step back to focus—"

Her words came to a stop as she heard a party of Adventurers descending the stairs, rising to her feet and moving closer to the wall, Sayuri positioned her spear in a manner that looked friendly but would also allow her to counter attack should the Adventurers prove to be aggressive.

As they neared she softly spoke, adding a faint accent to her words, "Someone gathered a lot of Killer Ants, be wary."

The female pallum who walked at the head of the party showed a tense smile, "Thanks for the heads up."

Sayuri gave a gentle nod as they passed through, an extra layer of wariness washing over their forms. As they cautiously left the range of Sayuri's sight, she could still hear their steps, but she turned her ears towards her immediate surroundings for a long moment before spreading them once more hoping to continue resting, before heading back out into the Seventh Floor and repeating the process.

With a quick check of her supplies, she found that she still had twelve Creamy Wings, and she wanted to save a handful just in case she found herself caught in a Monster Party, or a Pass Parade. As when crushed, they would transfer whoever had crushed them to a random location on the floor it was used. It wasn't without its dangers, as it could transfer somebody directly into a Pantry, but they were useful in escaping a dangerous situation, even if it meant trading one dangerous situation for another. Interestingly enough, they only worked in the dungeon, and only dropped from the Creamy which spawns on the Lower Floors, allowing even Third Rate Adventurers an easy method to gain them. Keeping the price for the wings relatively low, especially when compared to one's life.

That didnt mean they were cheap, a single one could easily sell for nearly 12,000V, but when even a Third Rate Adventurer can earn upwards of 15,000V- 40,000V a day; depending on party dynamics and skill, Creamy Wings were fairly simple to come across. Though few used them as abundantly as Sayuri…

After a long while, Sayuri felt that she had recovered enough to continue the process, and stepped back into the Seventh Floor, slowly making her way back to the large room she had chosen for her artificial Monster Party. Not wishing to expend any more stamina, or strain her 'Mind' any more than necessary until she arrived at the room.

Every Killer Ant she found immediately had its Magic Crystal shattered as she didn't wish to gather a swarm before she arrived at her chosen location.


Sayuri, plopped down in one of the stairways to the Seventh Floor, sweat drenched her skin underneath her leather armor and streamed down her face in thick beads. Her mind ached as she felt the approach of 'Mind Down', slowly sipping a Mind Potion to soothe the heat building in her head. Sayuri leaned back pressing her torn and blood soaked hoodie against the cool stone of the dungeon.

It was the second time the heat, and pounding ache had begun to build in her head, and a Mind Potion could only stave off the strain for so long, including the fact that Sayuri's periodically rested, had Sayuri feeling faintly lethargic as the building strain on her 'Mind' no matter how many times it was soothed left an ache in her head and a dullness to her mind…

Deciding it would be dangerous to continue to push herself further, Sayuri began her slow ascent to the surface. Making use of the lesser traveled stairways, and passages as due to the lack of adventurers the monsters were normally without weapons, making them easier to deal with; despite their slightly higher numbers.

It didn't help that the average adventurer didn't bother with picking up broken weapons, except those that believe they could have them repaired; after an internal debate whether it was worth the price, which left no small amount of weapons whether they be broken blades, shafts of spears or hammers, makeshift daggers fastened from remains of deceased adventurers and their equipment, or thrown shards of steel…

Evading the venomous spines of an aster near the stairway to the Fifth Floor, Sayuri continued her ascent…

As Sayuri stepped onto the ground floor of the Tower of Babel, seeing the darkness outside she took a breath before heading towards the elevators deciding to pay a visit to Freya, who would most definitely be more than happy to celebrate Sayuri's return from the Dungeon's depths.

Moving through the crowd of Adventurers and Guild Officials, Sayuri slipped through relatively unhindered and entered the elevator. Immediately swiping a card that allowed her passage onto Freya's personal floor; that she apparently pays little under half of her Familia's monthly income to rent, Sayuri silently waited as she was pulled further and further up the Tower.

It wasn't long before the elevator churned to a stop and the doors opened, allowing her to step through and immediately be stopped by a member of Freya's Familia, but the Goddess quickly came running, "SAYURI!"

"Hello Freya," Sayuri lightly waved as she pulled down her hood, earning no small amount of curious gazes thanks to her current blood soaked attire, not something you'd expect from the Priestess of Beauty & Blessings. Freya took Sayuri's hand and pulled her through the group that was beginning to gather, towards Freya's personal residence on the floor.

"Come on! Let's get you cleaned up! Let's have a sleepover! I'm so excited you finally came over!" Freya was practically vibrant with joy as she excitedly brought Sayuri to a large steam filled room, "Ah! Clothes! I almost forgot!"

Freya ran off, her oversized hoodie flaring outward as she hurriedly took off leaving Sayuri alone in the obscenely large artificial onsen…

Shedding her clothes, Sayuri crouched down next to a bucket with a faucet lingering above and a drain below, and began scrubbing the filth from her skin, putting extra focus on her tail as is normal. Before eventually sinking into the absolutely delightful artificial hot spring, deep red Magic Crystals lined the edges of the pool of water, both circulating and warming it as Freya burst into the room…

[Status Updated! Greater Divine Charm Resisted!]

Sayuri couldn't help but stare as Freya scrubbed her skin clean, it was the first time she had seen the Goddess nude, and to say the woman was a voluptuous beauty would be an understatement… With a breath slipping past her lips, Sayuri collected herself, blinking away the Status Update as Freya slowly sank into the water next to her.

A moan of contentment slipped from Freya's lips, and Sayuri blinked away another Status Update, as she closed her eyes enjoying the artificial Onsen. Freya was smiling brightly, as Sayuri began to hum a gentle tune. The Goddess lightly swayed her head, following along with Sayuri's spontaneous humming, as she suppressed the urge to cuddle the Little Fox's tail…

Truly, a difficult temptation to suppress…

Sinking further into the water, Freya began to blow bubbles as Sayuri's eyes slowly opened, "Freya, do you want to join me at my stall tomorrow?"

"Mhm," Freya nodded as she continued to blow bubbles.

"Okay," Sayuri closed her eyes once more, "Thanks for the Gazebo."


"Hey, Freya…?"


"Have you found your Odr yet…?"

Freya's bubble blowing stopped as she slightly rose from the water, "No, but I know he'll appear one day. I just have to wait. I've been learning to cook for when he does…" Her voice momentarily grew quiet, "…You make it look so easy…"

"You can always ask for help, whether it's for cooking, or your Odr—?!"

"Really?!" Freya sandwiched Sayuri's face between her breasts, forcing the Little Fox to blink away nearly a dozen Status Updates, "Thank you! Oh Sayuri, you're the best!"

Somehow… they were softer than Sayuri's…

Perhaps that was subjective, but Sayuri ended up falling asleep atop those 'Divine Mounds'…


"Oh~ Sayuri~"

Freya cooed as she lightly tapped Sayuri's nose, "It's time to wake up~"

Freya gently played with the Little Fox's cheeks, lightly squeezing and squashing them…

Sayuri's eyes fluttered open to find Freya laying next to her in a rabbit onesie, lightly playing with her cheeks. Blinking a few times to clear the Status Updates she was bombarded with, Sayuri slowly sat up, "Sorry, I didn't know I was that tired."

Freya shrugged as she sat up, "It was fun, you look so cute when you're asleep."

"Mhm," Sayuri hummed before taking a deep breath as her eyes settled out the balcony where the sun was slowly beginning to rise over the horizon. Looking back towards Freya, she found the Goddess stretching pulling her onesie tight over her frame… Blinking away another Status Update, Sayuri rose to her feet, finding that she had been dressed in a modest oversized shirt—nightgown…

Freya really had a thing for oversized clothes…

It seemed Freya had already set out their outfits, a pair of matching oversized hoodies, though Freya's had a pair of artificial fox ears and a tail sewn on, Sayuri's had slots for her tail and ears. The hoodie was large enough to reach Sayuri's knees, it was inordinately soft and warm…

The duo, alongside a number of Freya's guards made their way to Sayuri's house where the Goddess helped the Little Fox cooked the meals for the day, and together they loaded the cart and made their way to the former location of Sayuri's stall, now gazebo as Freya had purchased the plot of land behind the Little Fox's stall and had a gazebo built…

Much to Freya's sadness, Sayuri had paid back the full amount… The Goddess had pouted for three days afterwards…

Sayuri spent the time waiting for her customers to wake up by checking over her Status—


Name: Sayuri Shizuka

Titles - Little Fox, Otherworldly Being, Priestess of Beauty & Blessings

Physical Vessel: {Expand}

Race: Kitsune (Humelf)

Class: Priestess - Magic Stat Growth +200%

Level: 1 {Level Up? Y/N}

Stats -

• Strength: SS-1255

• Endurance: SS-1255

• Dexterity: SS-1255

• Agility: SS-1255

• Magic: SS-1257

• Spirit Pleasure (Ignes Lumen) - G

• Hastened Regeneration (Ignes Lumen) - H

• Composure (Ignes Lumen) - H

• Spearmaiden - H

Skills -

• Ignes Lumen

• Vulpes Hasta - When wielding a spear, the user is temporarily able to use the developmental ability Spearmaiden.

• Vulpes Sacerdos - Increases the effects of the user's magic, increases magic duration by a moderate amount based on the length of the chant. (A/N: Shorter = Better)

• Amare Libertas - Limit Off when users Freedom is threatened. The strength of the effects corresponds with the level of the user's perceived amount of Freedom being taken. Has a side effect of boosting users' Affection.

Magic -

• Magic Bestowal

Traits -

• Positive: Soft Skin, Pliant Flesh, Greater Athleticism, Otherworldly Vulpine Dexterity, Adaptive, Adorable Otherworldly Vulpine Ears, Elegant Otherworldly Vulpine Tail, Fast Learner, Magically Gifted, Survivor, Otherworldly Vulpine Priestess' Grace, Otherworldly Vulpine Priestess' Deviant Charm, Otherworldly Natural-Born Chef, Otherworldly Devout Priestess, Otherworldly, Divine Vessel (Sealed), Divine Beauty (Sealed), Productive Time Management, Greater Sexual Stamina, Natural-Born Spearmaiden

• Negative: Insensitive, Infertile, Former Slave, Minor Exhibitionist, Minor Masochist


A faint frown found her face as she internally debated leveling up, but something from the depths of her mind told her to wait until her Stats were maxed before doing so…

That little voice in the depths of her mind won the debate, but Sayuri couldn't help but feel the urge welling inside of her… She had a feeling that everything would change once she leveled up, and the anticipation had begun to grow unbearable.

With a sigh slipping from her lips, as Freya's concerned gaze registered in her mind. A smile reformed once her lips, "Freya, are you hungry?"

The Goddess lightly shook her head as she hid most of her face behind her sleeves, not wishing to affect Sayuri's business with an unintentional {Divine Charm}, and she hadn't ask for a flurry of blessings because she knew Sayuri's 'Mind' was strained, not that the Little Fox would have minded doing so.

As the sun began to rise over the walls of Oriaro, Freya checked to make sure her oversized sweater was tucked under her knees, before leaning against Sayuri, "You're my favorite Fox in Oriaro…"

Sayuri laughed lightly, "Thanks, your my favorite Goddess…"

"Are you still trying to grow a tree from Apollo's spilt ichor?"

Sayuri nodded at Freya's spontaneous question, "Yeah, it's in the perfect spot, and I've been wanting a tree ever since I got rid of my old picket fence for something that provides more privacy. Since Ottar moved in, a lot of people have been lingering outside…

I don't know why, but they like to follow my large boaz around the city…"

Freya shrugged as she sat up, "He's always had a few weird fans, it's odd how most of the crazier ones are guys."

"Yeah…" Sayuri slowly replied as she spotted two hooded figures lingering in the distance, crouched over a small stack of Valis… Her focus soon shifted as Freya leaned against her once more, "Are you cold?"

Freya nodded, the ears on top of her hood flopping with her movement, "You should have just said so Freya, Imbue—Warmth." An orange geometric shape flashed above Sayuri's palm, before an orb of warmth manifested, "Preservation, Protection."

It hung in the air, until Sayuri raised her palm, catching the ball of warmth in her hand before handing it over to Freya, who's hands shot out from her sleeves and snatched the orb with a bright smile. Hugging herself tightly, Freya hummed in delight, her smile only growing, forcing Sayuri to blink away a Status Update.

"Freya, may your true beauty be veiled…"

"Thank you," Freya softly nudged Sayuri, her smile blooming to a new degree now that she didn't have to worry about it inflicting a {Charm}, Freya cared little to hide herself when it didn't make sense to do so.

Sayuri began to hum a soft tune once more, and the day officially began… Only for a bubbling to arise in Sayuri's stomach, and a hint of panic to fill her eyes as she turned to Freya, "Can you watch the stall?! I'll be right back."

"Mhm," Freya hummed an affirmative, as she spotted Sayuri holding her stomach, "I'll be here," the Goddess added with a knowing smile…

Nature calls, when you least expect it…


As the sun reached its peak, Sayuri departed from Freya; who had Goddess duties to take care of and Familia matters to manage, and parked her cart in her yard.

She spent some time watering the numerous gardens that she had planted throughout her lawn, before returning to the place where Apollo's mortal—divine vessel had been killed…

Where a Red Oak sapling stood, its bark having undergone a mutation due to the Divine Ichor staining the soil, giving its bark metallic luster and a reddish gold hue. After sprinkling crushed Mana Crystals around the base of its wiry trunk, Sayuri slowly began to water it with a mixture of Health Potions, Mind Potions, and water. An odd combination that sounded more costly than it truly was, the Health Potion kept the Ichor stained soil from corroding the saplings with its radiant traces of divinity. While the Mind Potions allowed the surrounding mana to better seep into, and nourish its leaves.

It was part of a combination of fertilizers she used that were recommended by Freya that had apparently been put into use by Goddess Hera. Though Sayuri didn't have a steady supply of Ichor to continue saturating the soil, it was the final resting place of a God's mortal–divine vessel; all the ichor that flowed through his body had been spilt on this very soil. Including the fact that Genkai's pure, divine mana had saturated the soil when it recalled the fragment of Apollo's soul, Sayuri expected the sapling to be one of a kind. Truly, the only wonderful thing that came from Apollo's pride, and greed…

Pulling her attention away from the sapling, she washed her gaze over her lawn. A blossom of pride welled in her chest as her eyes drifted from flower to flower, eventually landing on the small pond Ottar had helped her dig and fill. The ring of granite and marble, mixed with a pale mortar that kept the water within, and the lotuses that floated within only served to flourish that blossoming pride.

Then, her gaze fell upon the house… Allen's house…

It was the same as the first day she saw it, an odd mixture of Western and Eastern architecture that seemed to have been perfectly blended together. A true work of art courtesy of the Gobinu Familia, that Sayuri truly considered as Home.

It was a modest two story house, with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large entryway, kitchen, and storeroom. The back of the house had a porch that wrapped halfway around its footprint, while the front of the house opened up into her now complete garden. Finished with a number of small gardens dotting the cobblestone pathway to the door…

The whole property was now lined with a large privacy fence made from wood harvested on the dungeon's 20th floor. It was her first taste of Freedom in this world…

Wiping the light sheen of sweat from her brow, Sayuri adjusted her loose juban ensuring that her breasts were properly contained before making her way back into the house. Intent on taking a bath, then returning to the Dungeon for the rest of the day.

Soon, Sayuri was on her way through the Dungeon City, an oversized hoodie veiling much of her frame and her ear placed flatly against her skull. When she spotted a dirty, white haired youth slowly eating a piece of hard bread. His bright red eyes carried a trace of defeat, while a piece of paper laid at his side.

With a sigh slipping from her lips, Sayuri pulled one of her spare meals out from the pocket of her hoodie and approached the youth, gaining a closer look at the sheet of paper, finding a large number of Familia names crossed out.

Passing the youth the meal box, Sayuri spoke softly, "I wish you luck in your endeavors."

The youth stared at the meal, accepting it with both hands as his eyes brightened, "Thank you!"

Sayuri nodded, her tail flicked as she pivoted…

Unknowing, Sayuri had just bestowed the luckiest being alive, with even more luck…

That day, the youth accidentally fondled a number of woman, and somehow wasn't blamed for any of the instances…

Didn't find a Familia willing to accept him though…

However, from her penthouse in the Tower of Babel, a moaned gasp sounded out, "Odr…?!"

It seems, Freya's habit of stalking the Little Fox had proven to bear unexpected fruit…

Luck…? Luck.


Sayuri frowned as she stepped on the Tenth Floor, having made her way through the Eighth and Ninth Floors fairly quickly, as she hadn't spent the time to explore the extent of the Floors as she had the ones that came prior…

The thick mist dampened her sense of smell and rendered seeing any more than three meters in any direction a fruitless affair. While the constant scuttling of evasive monsters filled her ears, the occasional high pitched screech in the distance left her hearing muted and ringing.

With most of the senses she relied on in the Dungeon dampened, Sayuri's nerves washed through her body as she took every step with due caution. She could feel the ground tremble as dismay heavy steps fell…

Sayuri's eyes widened as her body screamed for her to move, she rapidly backpedaled as a large club cut through the mist impacting the floor producing a gust of wind that cleared a small area of mist. Giving Sayuri a clear view of the large pale monster rearing back its club once more…

Facing the first monster that wasn't comparable to a normal humanoids height, Sayuri found herself momentarily at a loss in how to combat the monster before her before swiftly coming to a conclusion.

"Imbue—Release," Sayuri shot forward, slipping through the legs of the Orc; thankful that she didn't look up, and disgusted that it's member had touched her hair, whipping her spear across the back of its knee.

The monster let out a gutteral groan as it began to collapse, while Sayuri softly chanted, "Imbue—Warmth—Heat—Flam—"

Her chants were cut short, as she had to prematurely release the magic she had been pooling into an explosive wave of heat on the cusp of sparking into a roaring flame, as an Imp leaped out of the mist bearing down at her with a sharpened stone.

Sayuri's spear lashed out, slicing through the pale demon-like goblin's neck sending both its body and head tumbling across the floor as she stepped forward with a quick chant, "Imbue—Release."

The super-heated mist licked at her skin— With the Orc's skin mottled and scorched, kneeling while leaning over its limb leg, Sayuri had a clear line of sight through its legs to its eye. Like a blur, Sayuri tried to ignore the momentary weight that had touched her head as her spear dug deep into the monster's skull.

As it fell limp, rolling forward into the ground with a heavy impact, Sayuri scurried away however before she could collect her breath, an Imp leapt at her from the side while a deafening screech forced her to wince as a faint whine rose from her throat.

It was official… Sayuri hated this floor with the very depth of her being…

Thus, she decided to end her Dungeon Delve early, as she began to chant pouring a large majority of her mana into a singular magic…


Sayuri nearly stumbled as she backpedaled, as the mana exploded into manifestation spewing an absolutely torrential wave of flames of unnatural heat… However, Sayuri had miscalculated, when the wave of flames found the dense mist, an explosion occurred that rocked her body, sending her tumbling off her feet, rattling her bones and completely deafening her ears…

She could feel a scalding warmth leaking from them, as she rolled over and coughed up a small amount of blood. Suppressing a groan her hands fumbled to find a health potion, "Fuck…"

A curse slipped her lips as her hands found only shattered glass, forcing herself to her feet, Sayuri limp-ran towards the stairway to the Ninth floor; that she had kept at her back…

Only to find that she was lost… As she found herself going deeper…

Alone, in the dungeon. The Little Fox was lost, injured, and deafened…


Bell had once again been turned away from a Familia, he dejectedly walked away from the manors gate, staring at the half-empty meal box in his hand. It was a wondrous meal that filled him with hope that a beautiful Goddess would induct him into her Familia…

Sadly, he had been mistaken… Bell heaved a sigh as he crumpled against a large stone wall, his hand washing through his filth ridden white hair as he set the meal box aside. He barely had enough Valis left over from the travel from his village to Oriaro to stay a night in an Inn, let alone fill his stomach with a meaningful meal.

His gaze rose to the clouds overhead, as tears began to pool in his eyes he pulled the meal box into his lap and unwrapped its cloth once more. Intent on at least filling his stomach before continuing his search for a Familia…


"Huh…?" Bell's gaze rose to find a strikingly beautiful woman, wearing naught but an oversized sweater sprinting at him with the widest smile he'd ever seen. He twirled his head looking for anyone else who she may have been calling out to, but it only caused him to miss as the woman leapt, driving her face into his chest as her arms wrapped around him.

"Heeeh?!" Bell sounded out as the meal box he was about to eat was smothered under the woman's frame, her head rose and Bell found himself lost in her silver eyes as she pulled his head into her bosum.

Bell couldn't fathom the reason the buxom, voluptuous lady had decided to do so, and his body went stiff as he was pulled out from between the Divine Mounds, and a pair of lips planted themselves against his own…

As the woman moaned into his mouth, "Odr! I've finally found you! Oh! Odr!"

She pulled him back once more, only to pull him into her breasts once again, as she softly cooed into his ear, "Oh, my beautiful Odr… I-I can feel your breath, your heat… Oh~" She gave a shuddering moan, as her whole body trembled…

Freya straddled the youth, locking her legs around his waist as she freed him from her breasts, staring deep into his eyes, Freya moan-cooed, "Do you want to join my Familia…?~~"

There was hope and expectation in her eyes, yet something else shone the brightest… Something Bell hadn't been able to place, it was a possessive glint that sent a shiver down his spine…

Who needs to pick up girls in the dungeon… When a Goddess throws herself at you…


Luckily… Sayuri had assaulted the Goddess with blessings, so her {Divine Charm} had yet to activate…

Though, when it does…

A formless collective madly giggled

Oho, when it does…


Sayuri laid back against the cold stone wall in the stairway connecting the Tenth Floor to the Eleventh Floor. Blood leaked from her ears, her skin was pale from blood loss, and her leg was bent at an unnatural angle… but she could feel her body mending her wounds, however that only intensified the pain she was slowly succumbing to. It felt as if numerous insects were crawling under her skin, spreading a scalding heat through the depths of her body while her mind pounded as her thoughts raced trying to think of a way out of the situation she threw herself into, a groan slipped from her lips as a crack came from her broken leg as it slowly righted its position…

She didn't even know how she managed to walk on it with the state it had been in, let alone run through the limp and pain that accompanied her vigorous movements. Sayuri could only wait for [Hastened Regeneration] to return her body to a state that she could begin to move without furthering her injuries.

However, she found her gaze drifting down the stairway, deeper into the dungeons depths… A urging silent whisper rising from the depth of her mind, to delve deeper, to grow stronger…

A groan slipped from Sayuri's lips as she adjusted herself, ignoring the silent whispers wishing to bring her to the brink of death. Sayuri closed her eyes, the lack of any noises finding her ears left her with only the silent whispers arising from the depths of her mind, a truly maddening place. It was her raw primal self, one that was wholly enveloped by Sayuri's traits, one that was not free, and didn't wish for freedom…

It only wished for strength, survival, death…

A sigh fell from Sayuri's lips as her eyes opened, she couldn't wait until her ears recovered and the sounds of the world returned to her mind. Yet, the silent whispers continued to urge her to push through the pain, to slaughter her way down to the 18th Floor to wait for Ottar's return… To see the look of surprise on his face upon his realization that this Little Fox was not as weak as he had thought…

Sayuri shook her head, knowing that wasn't how Ottar seen her… He knew she was strong; in a mortal sense, Ottar knew of her magic and the death she could imbue into it. He knew of her ridiculous Mana and 'Mind' reserves that overshadowed many fledgling Adventurers, as he had seen—felt her liberal use of mana in every aspect of her life. He had seen the absolute limits that she was capable of pushing…

Sayuri's gaze rose to the dark passageway's ceiling, time seemed to have slipped her perception, as she stared into the darkness with an uncanny familiarity. Slowly the ambient sounds of the world found her ears once again, despite being terribly muffled and laden with a dull ringing, Sayuri smiled as a wave of relief washed through her mind.

The Little Fox struggled to her feet, still feeling a sharp pain in her leg, but at least it was now manageable, and her instincts told her it wouldn't grow any worse as long as she didn't try to supplement her agility with magic, or land on it roughly…

What forced Sayuri towards the slow and methodical approach, as she went against her better judgment, and delved deeper into the dungeon. Sayuri wanted—needed to level up, 'something' was urging her to… It wasn't the silent whispers that came from the depths of her mind, where her traits ran supreme, no it came from the darkness which clouded its boundary.

The same 'something' that had brought her vague images, fragmented knowledge, and sensations that she needed when she first awoke in this world…

It conveyed that she would survive, that —we— had chosen the traits to secure such a thing… That Sayuri only needed to Level Up, to complete the puzzle —they— had put together…

That Sayuri had nothing to fear, because she was an anomaly that couldn't be understood, an irregularity that couldn't be contained with common knowledge… She wasn't a Fox, but a being far beyond that, far beyond this world—dimension…

Sayuri only needed to complete the puzzle…

Thus, Sayuri delved deeper, limping on to the Eleventh Floor, her expression flat as her lips drew a single line. Her eyes conveyed a reddish tint as she brandished her spear, a sensation welling in her chest washing away the traces of exhaustion in her body and mind.

A final push, that's all it was. As her body ignored the limits her mind had imposed upon it…

Sayuri would experience pain and exhaustion unlike anything she'd ever felt once that sensation welling in her chest began to fade. 'Something' conveyed that much, Sayuri only needed to reach the 19th Floor. The First Safe Zone of the Dungeon, that was all she needed to do…


Sayuri charged into the mist, the pain in her leg no longer registering in her mind as her feet hit the ground with newfound intensity. She didn't need to accurately land her slashed, nor did she need to thrust…

Sayuri only needed to touch the monsters that impeded her, an Orc fell limp as her spear glided across its flesh, there was no pull of mana nor strain of 'Mind' to be felt. Just a light prick in the back of her mind, one all too simple to ignore, "Imbue—Death, Preservation."

Sayuri continued, her body unfeeling, her mind unhindered by the constraints thrust upon it, as she cut down an imp and pushed through the screech of a Bad Bat, Sayuri only needed to make it to the 19th Floor…

A singular pursuit, as she cut down another Orc, its lumbering frame falling behind her with a heavy impact as her spear washed across three Imps, "Imbue—Death, Preservation."

Everytime the magic bestowed upon her spear faded, another chant fell from Sayuri's lips, her tone cold and apathetic… Wholly unfeeling, as she pursued a singular goal…

[Status Updated! Temporary Negative Trait Gained! (Minor Mana Corruption)]

Sayuri didn't even register the window before her eyes, as her spear whipped out drawing a thin line through a Bad Bat's wings, she twisted her waist as a club washed over her body while her spear touched upon the Orc's large arm.

Sayuri hadn't even felt the gust of wind from the near—death blow that washed over her head, nor the numerous traits that grasped her body as she continued.

For the first time… —They— were free, truly free from the confines of the depths, of the void the Little Fox called the depths of her mind…


Ottar heaved Allen's unconscious body over his shoulder, suppressing a groan at the thought of explaining to Freya why the Expedition had to be ended early…

Ottar would have never believed Allen, of all people would refuse an order from the Goddess, his body was broken in all ways imaginable. His spear snapped in half, and his eyes carried a ferocity that didn't belong, but like always the cat-kin fell under Ottar's tyrannical strength.

To think he would not only refuse to return to the surface, but also refuse to join the expedition. All because Ottar had Leveled Up, leaving Allen further behind. Luckily, the Expedition Party had yet to reach the 40th floor, and were probably still working their way through the 30th Floors. Which meant it wouldn't be long before they returned to the surface, where Ottar could leave Allen's punishment to Freya, though the large boaz was saddened knowing that his Goddess' wonderful mood would be crushed by Allen's insubordination. Ottar knew that Freya would be staying a few nights on their couch, snuggling up to Sayuri every chance the Goddess managed to find.

A smile found its way to Ottar's face as he imagined his Little Fox waiting for him to return, the shock and surprise to find him back so soon… Ottar couldn't wait to return to her vanilla scented warmth, to hold her delicate soft frame in his arms once again…

To wake up next to the one he loved…


A growl rose from Sayuri as she batted away a Hellhound with her spear, its blade digging deep into the monster's side despite it falling limp at the faintest of touches, "Imbue—Death, Preservation."

The chant slipped from her tongue hoarsely, as she winced from the unfelt pain, from the unfelt pounding over her head… How far past 'Mind Down' had she pushed herself, Sayuri didn't know, but she could only continue. She couldn't turn back now, not after pushing herself as far as she had…

Her steps were slow and deliberate, a limp caused her left leg to drag, but Sayuri hadn't noticed it. Her focus wholly on her singular pursuit…

Injuries littered her frame, but they were minor compared to what would happen if she stopped. Sayuri could feel it, a darkness clouding the outer edge of her thoughts, one that would claim her mind thrusting her into a deep sleep should her steps come to a halt, should her spear stop moving, should the chants stop rolling off her tongue.

Death would be the only thing that would find her, should Sayuri stop here. She didn't allow such thoughts to linger, as another chant rolled for her lips, "Imbue——Death, Preservation."

She winced at the slow manifestation, it felt weak as it coated her spear, but it still killed upon the faintest touch. She knew it had pulled on her Mana and 'Mind', or what was left of it, despite not feeling the loss nor strain.

Sayuri only needed to continue, not a single doubt sparked in her mind that she would stop here. Sayuri had gone too far only to give up here, Sayuri was chasing after her Freedom.

The deepest of depths in the Dungeon… That's how she'll claim the Freedom she desired, Sayuri understood that now. Only with strength would she be able to—


Sayuri felt herself falling, the darkness clouding the edges of her thoughts encroached upon her vision as she grit her teeth forcing herself to take another step, but her legs felt like slime, incapable of taking any more strength as she planted her spear against the ground to steady herself…

As the darkness crept into her vision, and the world around her began to blur, a green cloaked figure appeared encased in thick winds…

Sayuri collapsed, having pushed her mind, and body way too far.

Ryuu came to a halt as a ragged figure fell face first into the ground in front of her, the figure was drenched in blood and a score of corpses lined their wake. More monsters than she had seen spawn outside of a monster party filled the surroundings, yet now it was deathly calm…

Ryuu cautiously cast her gaze through the surroundings, inching closer to the seemingly unconscious figure wary of a monster party spawning. The dungeon the —never— quiet, and that unnerved the elf.

As she drew closer, Ryuu found singed fur poking out from under the oversized hoodie. Crouching down she peeled back the hood to find two large animalistic ears, rolling the figure over Ryuu' Shaw tightened. The supposedly mortal Priestess, beaten, bloody and surrounded by corpses on the 13th Floor. The Elf had her curiosity, and nearly succumbed to it…

However, pulled the hood back over the woman's head and lifted the Little Fox onto her back. Swiftly moving through the floor, nothing able to touch her as she weaves through the monsters and floors alike…


Bell sat in Freya's throne confusion filling his eyes as the Goddess climbed into his lap after setting up an assortment of snacks around the periphery, a large tray rested on the table with the largest amount of food Bell had ever seen on a single plate. Yet, his mind was pulled away from the food in the surroundings as Freya's weight dominated his thoughts.

The way her plump thighs widened as they laid against his legs, the sensation of her pronounced rear hidden under her oversized sweater molded around the leg she sat upon… The moan—giggle that fled from her throat as his member hardened, pressing against the thigh that laid upon it digging into her divine flesh.

The way her fingers caressed his skin, as she suckled his neck whilst slowly feeding an assortment of food… How the movements of her arms caused the large breasts under the sweater to shift with the fabric, catching his gaze a heated whisper filled his ear, "O—Bell… Do you want to touch them…?"

The youth stiffened, as a heat rose to his face. He didn't even register Freya's hand encasing his own, as it was brought under her sweater and wrapped around a pliant mound. Her nipple pressed against his palm, while the heat of her flesh filled his mind as he subconsciously gave a squeeze.

The Goddess shuddered in his lap, a faint wetness washing over his leg as she crumpled into his body, "More…"

Her moan filled his ears, and he found his fingers sinking into her flesh, her back arched as another shudder ran through Freya's body. She pressed his hand deeper into her breast relishing in the pain—pleasure his forceful grasp brought as she lightly nibbled on his ear.

Her heated breaths, and loud moans filled his mind as his hand kneaded the breast it was pressed against. A pain surfaced from his lower half as it struggled against its fabric prison, the pliant flesh that laid against it conforming to its twitch as Freya slowly began to gyrate her hips.

Bell loosed a grunt as a release washed over his mind, for the briefest of moments his body went limp, only to be pulled by a heated breath filling his ear…

The Goddess shifted in his lap, momentarily pulling away from his body as she pulled the sweater over her head, and the white haired rabbit stiffened as he was met with an unadulterated showcase of Divine Beauty.

He found himself leaning forward taking a nipple between his teeth, as the Goddess shuddered in his grasp once more, his leg growing hotter and wetter with every passing shuddering moan, while his pants grew tighter and tighter…

Freya slipped from his lap, falling to her knees as her head fell into his lap rubbing her cheek against the bulge that built in his pants. As she lifted her head a thin strand-bridge stretched from his pants to her cheek as her eyes slowly began to glaze, before the Goddess ran her tongue against its length.

Bell's mind blanked at the sight, only pulled back into focus as a heavy sniff filled his ears as her hands snaked up his legs, eventually finding the belt wrapped around his waist as she deftly lifted his shirt…

Only for her whole body to stiffen as the orb rested behind the tray of food; on the table flashed to life. When Freya's gaze locked onto the scene projected on its surface she shot to her feet throwing the sweater back over her frame in a hurry as she thumbed the stickiness on her cheek.

Sucking her Odr's semen from her thumb she ran out the door, leaving Bell's mind to slowly catch up on every that had transpired, as his gaze slowly found the orb and the scene it projected…

He couldn't peel his eyes away from the orb as—


Ryuu heaved the Little Fox onto an old table, after carrying the unconscious woman all the way to the Hostess of Fertility's basement. Chole; a dark haired cat-kin stood at her side with a pensive gaze while Anya helped the elf undress the kitsune to dress her wounds.

Though the more fabric they unraveled, the more voluptuous the Little Fox became, until her figure was fully revealed in its entirety. Chloe couldn't help but whistle, understanding that aside from Ottar, they were probably the only people who had seen the Priestess in her full glory.

Ryuu shot her a tempered glare, before muttering a soft apology as she rested her palm against the woman's toned stomach feeling the dense muscles underneath… Tightly closing her eyes, to stop her thoughts from straying the Elf continued with her chant, "…Noah Heal!"

A light engulfed the woman, and the Elf's eyes widened as she felt the Little Fox's box greedily devouring her man, "Potion!"

The elf called out and Anya swiftly uncorked a bright red liquid filled vial, before gently parting the Priestess' lips and slowly pouring the potion through the gaps of her teeth.

The wounds littering the Little Fox's frame were superficial, but they hid the wound deep in her body. Her left leg was terribly swollen, and dyed a sickening mixture of purple, black, and yellow. Chloe wiped the blood from the young woman's skin with a warm, damp rag, "You found her on the 13th Floor…?!"

Ryuu slowly nodded, the majority of her focus forced onto the flow of her mana and her 'Mind' tried to explore the young woman's muscled frame for hidden injuries…

The elf's eyes snapped open as a cough sounded out, a mixture of saliva and potion spewing from the Little Fox's mouth as forced herself to sit up. Anya tried to stop her, but a barely stifled growl caused the cat-kin to shrink back as the Little Fox took in her surroundings.

After a long moment she heaved a sigh, "Sorry…"

Anya, however, couldn't contain her curiosity, and peeked at the woman's back, finding it bare of any blessing. The Priestess sent her a side-long glance, before returning her gaze to the front as Ryuu pulled back her magic fizzled out as her 'mind' choked the flow of mana.

"Ha… Thank you, if you hadn't of been there—"

"You would have died," Ryuu finished for the Priestess with a flat tone. Chloe lightly nudged the Elf with her elbow but the intensity of the elf's glare didn't wane.

"Yeah…" Sayuri blinked a few times before grabbing her head, "I really overdid it… That was worse than raiding a Pantry…"

Anya sucked in a cold breath, while Ryuu's glare hardened. Chloe's eyes gained a glint of curiosity as she narrowed her eyes, while Sayuri closed her cerulean orbs for a long moment before groaning, "I'll pay for the Potion—"

The door blew open, sending splinters everywhere as Chloe seemed to fade into the shadows, Anya back pedaled while Ryuu blocked Sayuri's body…


Freya roared as she shoved a female member of her familia away, snatching a bag from the poor woman's shoulder she flipped it open and began to pull out a ridiculous amount of potions, uncaring for Sayuri attempted protest ls. The Goddess began drowning the Little Fox in no small amount of Valis…

Sayuri coughed as she forced it all down, "Freya!"

The Goddess stiffened, a tremble washing through her body as she turned around, her shoulders shaking as she knelt, "Freya…"

Sayuri called again, this time much softer, "It's okay… you were worried. I shouldn't have yelled…"

Freya sniffed as she rose to her feet, turning her head to face Sayuri as she wiped her tears, "I-I thought—"

"I know, it's okay. I'm okay Freya, I just overestimated my abilities, and was pulled along by dark thoughts… I just need some rest…"

"Mhm…" Freya hummed as she made her way to Sayuri, as Ryuu stepped back, joining Anya and Chloe who stepped out of the darkness.

Freya gestured towards the female she came with, who stepped forward revealing a rabbit onesie, with a small smile twisting her lips, Sayuri hand found Freya's head, "Thank you, could you help me to my feet? I'm still suffering from bottoming out my 'mind'…"

"Mhm," Freya hummed once more as she hooked Sayuri's arm around her neck, helping the Little Fox to her feet while the female Familia member helped the Priestess get dressed.

Sayuri gave a pained moan as she placed weight on her left leg, as Freya immediately pulled Sayuri to her right, as the Goddess' eyes widened, her gaze hardening as she shot the woman she brought a look, "Inform Dian—"

"No, Freya… Just help me home…"

The Goddess looked as if she was about to protest, but eventually shot Ryuu a look, "You saved her?"

The elf nodded, and Freya continued, "One of Astrea's children…? Mhm, I'll have your record cleaned, and have someone sent out to find your Goddess. Think of it as a Reward for saving my best friend from her own stupidity."

Sayuri rolled her eyes, "You don't have to act Freya… You may be the Goddess of one of the strongest Familia's in Oriaro, but you don't have to act…"

Freya pouted as she poked Sayuri's side, causing the Little Fox to groan, "Quiet, or I'll charm you into oblivion…"

Sayuri coughed out a light laugh, as she leaned against the Goddess, "Yeah, and I found your Odr…"

The Goddess beamed, "I know!"



(A/N: Finally 10k words…

Not much to be said other than that the dungeon exploration was sort of rushed, and I felt as if I lost the grasp I had on the characters throughout this chapter.

A more in-depth dive into the dungeon will be coming with either the next chapter, or the one after it.

Feel free to comment/point out where I lost grasp on the characters if you feel the same as I. This chapter was among the most difficult to write due to my focus constantly being pulled away.

I usually try to reread the chapter before to get an idea of what the next shall be, but sadly I didn't have the time, and wanted to get a chapter out before tomorrow. As I'd be returning to work, and will be out of state for a while. Chapter updates will be slower, but I'll try to keep them around 8k-10k words…

Hope you've enjoyed.

Info Dump

•Dungeon Flies: A small completely harmless fly that emits a small amount of dim green light in some floors this may be the only lighting, Only known death was reported to have been due to choking on said Dungeon Flies.

First floor: Cave Scene

•Goblins: a relatively weak short statured humaniod creature with either a flat or long hooked nose, greenish brown tinted skin, and bat like ears they reek like piss and their beady eyes are filled with lust and greed {Goblin Tooth (Uncommon), Elunium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Kobalds: a humanoid creature hardly passing 3 feet in height, patches of fur that range from dark, rusty brown to a rusty black. They smell of damp dogs and stagnant water. Their eyes glow like a bright red spark and they are known for their disease ridden maws, and clawed paws{Drops: Kobald Claw (Uncommon), Kobald Fang (Rare), Elunium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Second Floor: Cave Scene

•Goblins (Check Floor 1)

•Kobalds (Check Floor 1)

•Dungeon Lizard: a large Komodo dragon looking creature, they are known for their toxic saliva and hard scales {Drops: Lizard Scale (Uncommon), Lizard Toxin (Rare), Emperium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Jack Birds: A rare chicken like creature with luscious shiny blue/green/pink/red feathers, bright orange beak, and golden eyes with slit for pupils, known for their immense explosive speed that could rival an Agi based level 4, If caught will lay a golden egg in fear {Drops: Golden Egg (Uncommon), Jack Bird Feathers (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Third Floor: Cave Scene



•Jack Birds: Rare

Fourth Floor: Cave Scene



•Asters: A reddish-pink starfish like creature with a single eye in the middle of its body, A fairly harmless creature unless the gel it releases from its body when threatened which is a powerful neurotoxin enters the bloodstream, Usually these are avoided due to that fact, unless you have connections to the darker side of Oriaro {Drops: Aster Toxin (Rare), Aster Limb (Uncommon), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Fifth Floor: Cave Scene

•Andre: An ant like creature, light green in color, They are known for the strength their mandibles can produce and their hard exoskeletons {Drops: Elunium (Rare), Star Dust (Rare), Worm Peeling (Common), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•War Shadow: A humanoid creature coated in darkness, a singular red eye in the middle of their pillar like head, 2 sharp blade like fingers on each hand, they are known for their stealth as well as their range thanks to the fact that they can extend their fingers {Drops: Brigan (Rare), War Shadow Finger Blade (Rare) Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Frog Shooter: a large frog like creature with a singular eye, Most commonly know for their bullet like tongues which could put a hole in a End based Level 2 Adventurer which is actually a delicately in some parts of Oriaro {Drops: Shooter Tongue (Common), Frog Hide (Uncommon), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Sixth Floor: Cave Scene


•War Shadow

•Frog Shooter

•Ant Eggs: A small bundle of whitish yellow eggs, completely harmless, Usually ignored {Drops: Sticky Mucus (Common), Fragmented Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Seventh Floor: Cave Scene

•Killer Ant: A red ant like creature known for the pheromones they released upon death or fear which attracts other ant like creatures {Drops: Ant Mandible (Common), Elunium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}


•Purple Moth: A moth with large purple wings, once another poisonous creature, the dust that falls from their wings solidifies blood upon entering the nervous system {Drops: Purple Poison (Rare), Purple Moth Wing (Super Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Creamy: A large butterfly which releases a sleeping agent through its wings, while relatively harmless if effected can prove dangerous {Drops: Creamy Wing (Rare), Sleeping Agent (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•War Shadow

•Frog Shooter

•Needle Rabbit: Seemingly harmless rabbit like creatures with a long thin horn reminiscent of a rapier adorned on their head, using explosive speed they stab through adventures with the horn {Needle Rabbit Horn (Uncommon), Needle Rabbit Hide (Uncommon), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)

•Blue Papillo: (Uncommon) a blue elegant butterfly, known as the nuisance due to their ability to heal other monsters on the dungeon with the dust that falls of their wings, not to be mistaken with the poisonous purple moth {Drops: Blue Papillo Wing (Uncommon), Healing Dust (Common), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Eighth Floor: Cave Scene

•Killer Ant



•War Shadow

•Frog Shooter

Ninth Floor: Cave Scene

•Golden Thief Bug:(Super Rare) A large roach like beetle completely covered in a golden shell, Despite their fancy appearances these creatures are extremely dangerous they quickly attack latching onto the body and slowly drill into their body's looking for their Magic Crystal, this creature attacks everything in search of Magic Crystals for its nest which is usually burrowed into dungeon walls {Drops: Oridecon (Common), Elunium (Common), Adamantite (Uncommon), Orichalcum (Uncommon), Mithril (Uncommon), Emperium (Guaranteed), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Killer Ant



•War Shadow

•Frog Shooter

•Blue Papillo

Tenth Floor: Cave Scene

•Orc: A huge pig headed monster that can reach three meters in height usually wearing a old hide at the waist like a skirt, Known for beating people to death with the trees that are littered throughout the floor {Drops: Orc Hide (Common), Cyfar (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Imp: A small demonic creature that kind of resembles a starving grey goblin, usually carrying around large stones sometimes sharped known for sneaking up behind adventures while they are distracted with orcs {Magic Crystal (Guaranteed), Imp Ear (Common)}

•Bad Bat: A large fat bat with pronounced fangs, they 'screech' sound waves capable of disorienting adventures {Magic Crystal (Guaranteed), Bad Bat Wing (Uncommon)}

Eleventh Floor: Cave Scene



•Bad Bat

•Hard Armored: An armadillo like creature with a hard shell but fragile internals, Known for the highest defense in the upper floors {Armored Shell (Common), Great Nature (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)

•Infant Dragon:(Rare) A Young Wyvern standing only 4 feet tall, Usually brightly colored Known for their high body temperature that is capable of scalding the skin upon touching the body {Infant Dragon Scale (Common), Adolescent Dragon Scale (Uncommon), Infant Dragon Claw (Rare), Flame Heart (Rare), Emperium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)

•Silverback: A large gorilla like creature with a majority of white fur but silver down the back {Bristle Fur (Common), Needle Fur (Uncommon), Zircon (Uncommon), Silverback Hide (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)

•Winged Imp: The red winged distant 'cousin' of the Imp, They are known for their mischievous antics such as swooping in to steal weapons, loot, and lives {Winged Imp Brain (Uncommon), Imp Wing (Uncommon), Winged Imp Claw (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)

Twelfth Floor: Cave Scene



•Winged Imp

•Bad Bat


•Hard Armored

Thirteenth Floor: Cave Scene

•Hard Armored

•Hell Hound: A red dog-like creature with looks similar to that of a roid induced doberman caught on fire, Small blood colored eyes, and smell like burnt hair… They are known for hunting in packs and are also capable of crude magic 'Fire Shot' {Hell Hound Fang (Common), Hell Hound Hide(Uncommon), Blaze Heart (Rare), Elunium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Almiraj: Similar to the previously mentioned 'Needle Rabbits' Except with a status comparable to a Level 2, Rather cute stark white rabbits with small light red eyes and a horn adorning their head {Almiraj Horn (Common), Almiraj Fur (Uncommon), Cyfer (Rare), Magic Stone (Guaranteed)}

•Dungeon Worm: A worm with a funnel of teeth, Rare to see as these creatures dig through the middle floors of the dungeon {(Worm Shell (Common), Worm Tooth (Uncommon), Adamantite (Rare), Large Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Freya: {Expand} (RikuKage)

Until Next Time.)

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