
Danmachi- Merchant of Orario

A reincarnated man sells his stock of items. Some nick nacks, other bells and whistles. And a couple of items that could change the world forever. BTW this was originally from Wattpad but this is made with the authors full permission, because I am the author.

Snow_Golem · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Potentially New Item

After Asfi bought the radio thing that Domnus was showing off he had to go into his bag and grab another radio thing. As he was doing this he heard someone walking towards his stand. Grabbing it and whipping around to put to show off to see who was coming to his stand. Seeing that it was Loki coming towards his stand he was annoyed that he quicken his pace for her.

"Why do you look so unhappy to see me?" Loki said coming to the stand.

"I am not selling you the dice I swear" Domnus responded.

"But why?" Loki asked slightly angry that she was found out so fast.

"Because rolling it can do anything, like I said ," Domnus explained, "So are you going to buy something?" Domnus then asked.

"Actually," Loki said with a smile, "I want to try to sell something to you," Loki said while taking out a small shot glass with a small amount of something in it.

"Unless that can turn things to gold, that's too little of anything," Domnus commented on the small liquid in the glass.

"This is a sample," Loki said putting into action a scheme to get the infinity dice.

Why did she want the dice? It was obviously because she was denied it. Her, a goddess denied even a roll of a dice! What an outrageous thing to do.

"Hmm" Domnus said taking the glass from Loki's hand and giving it a sniff.

The smell of alcohol immediately went through his nose. It was extremely strong too, stronger than anything Domnus had ever sipped on.

"Why don't you give it a taste?" Loki asked waiting for Domnus to drink it.

The drink was not any old drink, it was the Soma. It bore the name of the God not just for marketing, but because it was made by Soma himself. The wine was so potent that even a sip can make anyone drunk to their soul. Many adventurers have fallen to the taste after a sip, wanting more and more of the stuff.

It was not easy for Loki to get a small amount of this stuff, but if it helped her get the infinity dice it was all worth it.

"Not for me," Domnus said putting the drink down, "Much too strong,"

"But, the Soma," Loki said looking on as Domnus put it down.

"Soma?" Domnus said, "So you got this drink from another God?" Domnus then asked.

"Yeah!" Loki said frustrated, "And it wasn't easy either," Loki exclaimed.

"Then, how about a deal?" Domnus offered.

"A deal?" Loki said interested.

"The drink looks like something I could sell for a high price," Domnus said, "But if it was hard for you to get I can't imagine how hard it would be for me," Domnus explained.

"Go on" Loki said.

"If you can fill this up with the alcohol," Domnus said while pulling out a medium sized barrel, "Then I will show you three of my best items for you to buy"

"Ok," Loki said not seeing a lie in any of Domnus's words, "However you will have to show me your stock now, then I'll get the wine," Loki said planning on making excuses on getting the wine, and she still gets to buy the dice Win Win!

"Then it's a deal," Domnus said putting out his hand.

"Yes," Loki responded shaking it.

"Well give me a moment," Domnus said turning to his bag and grabbing things from it.

Excited for the dice Loki waited as Domnus put the two items on the table.

"This is an item similar to the dice, but much more controlled" Domnus said pulling out an odd looking card holder, "It's called The Deck of Many Things interesting isn't it?"

"Yes yes" Loki said rushing, "Now what is the best thing?" she asked.

"Now this is a powerful defense," Domnus said while holding up what seemed to be a light blue turtle shell, "When half dead it will completely block twenty five percent of all damage!" Domnus said with a smile, "It goes by the Frozen Turtle Shell,"

"Got it," Loki exclaimed, "And the final one?" Loki said excitedly.

"Yes, hold on a moment," Domnus said putting on gloves.

Domnus the reached in his bag and pulled out a long but this holder for something. Loki noticed is wasn't very dice boxed shaped.

"This," Domnus said taking a stick out of the holder carefully, "Is a volatile little thing," Domnus said putting down on the table carefully.

"It's a stick," Loki said looking at it, "It does glow though," she commented looking at the sticks purple sheen.

"The effect on this one is hard to describe in words," Domnus said picking the stick up in one hand and then putting a mouse onto the stand, "So observe"

As Domnus said that he lightly tapped the mouse on its underside, which caused the mouse to disappear.

"What?" Loki said taking a step back, "What did you do to it?" Loki said pointing at Domnus.

"Wait for a minute," Domnus said putting the stick back in its container.

For a while nothing happened and Loki thought about opening her mouth to complain. That's when the mouse fell onto the stand from the sky with a large boom. The stand didn't have a scratch, the mouse was pulverized by the fall.

"So is the effect of the Knock-back Stick," Domnus said, "If handled right is an amazing weapon, but handle it wrong and you'll be sent," Domnus said.

"Where's the dice?" Loki asked confused on where the item she wanted is.

"I told you I would show you some of my best items that you could buy," Domnus replied, "The dice is and will never be for sale"

"That's not fair!" Loki exclaimed.

"Yes it is," Domnus replied, "You set the terms, and I think you owe me some alcohol."

"Well," Loki said with a smile, "I might just forget about it,"

"Oh woe is me," Domnus said putting a hand on his head, "I guess all I can do is give you what you want," he said dramatically, "Or I could complain to the guild," Domnus said regaining his composure.

"A God doesn't have to listen to the guild," Loki said trying to bluff her way out of it.

"Oh then," Domnus replied, "Then I guess I'll just have to complain about it to all the adventurers" Domnus said stretching his hand out and gesturing to the adventurers walking towards the dungeon, "Starting now," Domnus sssid while pulling out a megaphone.

"What are you," Loki said watching Domnus pull out an unfamiliar thing.

"OH WOE IS ME" Domnus yelled through the megaphone gaining people's attention, "TO GET SCAMMED BY A," Domnus continued before being stoped by Loki.

"Fine," she said, "I'll get you the wine just stop it ok?" Loki said not looking for her image to be hurt so much.

"Well then," Domnus responded putting on a smile, "I hope to see you again soon with my delivery!"

To this Loki stomped away not looking back to Domnus. To say she was extremely annoyed would be an understatement. She felt as if the God of tricksters had been tricked! While nobody knew of it, it still hurt her pride. And she had to do a chore, so it was a Lose Lose in the end.