
Danmachi- Merchant of Orario

A reincarnated man sells his stock of items. Some nick nacks, other bells and whistles. And a couple of items that could change the world forever. BTW this was originally from Wattpad but this is made with the authors full permission, because I am the author.

Snow_Golem · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

An Important Job

Happy with the money that Domnus got from Loki, he didn't really mind that the rest of the day went by in a blur. The person who bought the Peter Pan story book came back asking for a challenge, so Domnus sold them the Art of War. After buying it they immediately began to read it, almost crashing into a few people while doing so.

Bell passed by him, but with the excitement of killing his first few monsters Bell rushed right by him. They had decided on the walk to the dungeon together that they should just meet at the church.

Looking at the clock Domnus noted that it wasn't quite time to go, but he needed to leave a bit earlier because of a very important thing that needs to be done.


Walking down the stairs to drop off his bag before the important thing, Domnus did not see Hestia in the building. Bell was there however, he was looking at the money he made with a smile.

"Hey Bell!" Domnus greeted.

"Hey Domnus, back already?" Bell responded.

"Yeah I got to do something at the guild building," Domnus said taking off his bag, "Just here to drop off my bag," Domnus then took off his bag and turned around.

"See you then I guess!" Bell said while Domnus left.


Walking to the guild Domnus looked around at the different stands. He was thinking how weird it was the that guild controls so much of the city when he noticed someone working at a food cart.

"Hestia!" he couldn't help but exclaim when he saw her working.

"Domnus! What are you doing?" Hestia asked while bagging up food.

"Buying the church so you can't own it," Domnus admitted to Hestia.

"How could I own it?" Hestia said.

"I don't know but you could," Domnus said, "It also stops others from doing it which is a bonus.

"Wait, are you buying it just spite me?" Hestia asked Domnus.

Domnus responded by walking away to go to the guild. Whistling a song about a girl named Mary and her lamb.

Opening the door the guild was bustling with people. Asking a worker he got into the line to buy the old church, when he noticed something.

There was an adventurer slamming his hand on the table yelling a the guild worker about the amount of money he made. The interring thing was that the man looked awfully familiar. He only had one arm, and his missing arm was still bleeding like it was cut about a day ago.

As Domnus looked closer the cut on the arm was in the same place he cut that hooded robber. For a moment Domnus thought about getting out of line and tapping him on the shoulder. Then he realized that there were people lined up behind him and the robber was not on his priority list.


Walking out of the building with the deed to the church in his pocket Domnus began to walk home, the robber had long since left. Domnus then heard the sounds of rhythmic steps. Looking to see what it is Domnus saw many people dressed in black carrying something.

They were all walking around a black plank with a black cloth on it being carried by four of them. All the people dressed in black were looking down without a noise coming from them other than their foot steps. Domnus could see by the indents in the cloth that it was a person under it.

Was it an adventurer or a famous person was unknown to Domnus so he simply walked by giving a silent prayer to the person who died hoping them a good next life.

After a time Domnus finally got to the front door of the church. Pushing it open the door almost fell off its hinges. Putting it back into place Domnus decided to fix it at a later date. Domnus then opened up the trapdoor into and walked into the, no, his rooms.

As he got to the floor he saw a very excited Bell and Hestia talking about Bell's first dungeon run. Apparently they had already checked Bell's new status.

"Oh, you got your status checked?" Domnus said butting into the situation.

"Yes!" Bell said switching his eyes from Hestia to Domnus. Hestia was slightly bummed when Bell did that, but was it because she likes the attention or is it because she likes Bell was unknown to Domnus.

"Well, can I see it?" Domnus asked putting his hand out.

"Well, we didn't have any paper so goddess Hestia is just telling me," Bell answered.

"So?" Domnus said looking to Hestia.

"His agility went up by one," Hestia said with a smile on her face.

Thinking about it Domnus realized that Bell's agility going up by one is very not impressive. Domnus had heard people walking out of the dungeon after being in there for thirty minutes hope that some of their stats go up by at least ten.

Other adventures came back into the dungeon unhappy that one of their stats has only gone up by ten points. Domnus was not aware that a stat could go up by such a small amount, no less only one go up by that little.

Yet Bell looked so happy about his new status. He was visibly vibrating from the pure happiness he felt. Bell was twirling around his fingers trying to see how much faster he could do it.

Hestia was as well happy. While she most likely knew how absolutely small of an improvement that Bell made she was still happy by just being near her new familia.

With all of this going on, Domnus couldn't help but put on a smile himself.

"Thank you so much, goddess Hestia and Domnus" Bell said to both of them.

"I didn't to much," Domnus admitted scratching the back of his head.

"Aww thank you," Hestia said to Bell, "And you can just call me Hestia," she said to Bell before turning to Domnus, "This doesn't include you"

"Got it shorty," Domnus said in response,

"Nope" replied Hestia without a moments notice.

"Ok tiny,"

"That doesn't work either."

"Working on it vertically ungifted,"