

January past by, she did meet with Andre and say her goodbyes. They kissed and hugs for the last times and that was it. It was a beautiful breakup because she finally got closure with Andre. They cried together and tells stories. Andre cried and asked her questions of why but he also knew that this time is the end of their story and it's time to move on. So he let her go.

After a while, she then went on with her life of watching Netflix and eating in front of the TV, pretty standard, boring, and lonely.

Then February 20th, 2020 came.

She opened her Instagram and got one DM request from a guy named Ivan Dimitri. "Hmm.." she thought. Very interesting. Because she's been feeling lonely for some time now, having this DM from strangers is like a hallelujah for her.

Ivan: "Hello."

She didn't reply for about three hours because she was busy at that time taking care of her boss flight ticket for a refund but after much thought, she finally replied to him.


He then replied, "Hey, nice to meet you here. Am Ivan Dimitri by name."

"Hi, Ivan, nice to meet you too. How do you find me?"

"Suggestion list."

She thought it's a bit weird to find her on an Instagram suggestion list but she just replied, "Ah, I see."

He quickly replied, "Oh yes, so tell me what's your name?"

"My name is Anya, but you can call me A."

"So tell me, Anya, where are you from? Am Russian but I live in the States. Georgia to be precise."

"Ahh I see, I'm from Indonesia. Have you ever been to Indonesia?"

"I have not been there but I would love to."

"If you come here, just let me know, I'll take you around :)" - She was just being nice to him.

"If you don't mind, could you tell me more about Indonesia?"

She then replied, "Sure... do you know Bali? Bali is part of Indonesia. I live in Jakarta, which is the capital city of Indonesia. Very crowded here for traffic-wise but the people are nice."

He quickly replied, "Wow, that's good to know. Are you married?"

She laughs.

"Nope. I'm single. :) I just recently broke up with my ex of sixteen years. :) Are you married?"

He replied, "Wow, you dated him for 16 years?! Nope, am not."

She replied, "Yeah, it's a long story... haha"

"Everybody has stories to tell.. I also have past experiences..."

She replied this in a quick way, "Well.. tell me about yours :) I dated my ex since I was in Junior High, we still best friends :) He was the only one like I never dated anyone else but him but I'm moving on."

He replied, "I have been in a serious relationship for over 7 years with my ex. It's really sad how things turned out. Still like a dream to me."

She replied with encouragement, "Aww... I see it's really hard moving on but we have to try right? :) What happened if I may ask?"

"I lost her in a moto accident a year ago... Ever since then I have not been in any relationship, I just concentrate more at work."

She thought this is such a sad story, "Oh no, I'm so sorry :("

He then continues, "Never the less, I have tried to move on and also have an open mindset towards life."

By this time, she felt she finally comfortable to tell her stories to him.

"That's good :) For me, it's because we have been together for so long it has become a habit and we always fight and I need someone who can lead me and made me better but he didn't lead me and made me better so I found my self being in the driver's seat all the time without him taking the leadership for me... and also, we have reached to the point of I can't give him what he wanted and he can't give me what I wanted anymore, that's why we broke up... but we are still best friends."

He then replied, "I see, so, tell me what exactly do you want from a man?"

This question makes her think for a while, "Hmm... I need him to support me, lead me, understand me, a good lover, a gentleman, and just be there for me when I need him the most :). How about you? What do you want from a girl?"

He replied, "I really want somebody that understands me, loves me, and trust me. To me, it's trust, love, and understanding that matters in any relationship."

She was confused about what to reply to him because this stranger talking to her in her DM gotten really deep with her, without her thinking, she just then replied, "Same."

He then continues, "And that's what I look out for in a woman."

She then double-tapped the chat bubble so she could like the chat.

Their conversation is getting interesting where she could share things with him and so does he. After a short while, their conversation continues.

"What do you do for work?" She asked.

"I'm a self-employed business manager...... I deal with all aspect of loans and investments." He replied.

"I see... that's really cool :)"

He then continues, "The nature of my job takes me to a different part of the globe because I have got to attend and represent in different conferences and summit."

She replied, "It's awesome to travel the world for work. :)"

He then asked, "So tell me what do you do...."

She was hungry by this time and because the ticket refund was in the mall, she decided to order some food. She sat down in one of the pizzeria cafes in that mall and order some pasta to dine in and some pizza to take home.

She then replied to him, "My work is a hospitality tour manager for the artist. I work in an entertainment company :) I'm also a PA to my boss. He's the owner of the company. I got to travel with celebrities. :)"

He then replied, "I see... You're having fun while working. That's cool, I love that too."

"Yeah... it's my dream job :D, May I ask how old are you?"

Her food is finally ready but this time he didn't reply straight away. She begins to wonder maybe she was too upfront in asking him about age. Especially for caucasian. But after a while, he replied, "I will be 43 this year..."

She was shocked and think this is too old for her but she still continues to text him, "Whoa cool... I'll be 31 this year....:)"

He then replied, "Wow that's nice... You really seem to be an interesting person. If you don't mind, can I have your digits so I can call or even chat you up on WhatsApp."

She thought Wow ok... this would be really interesting, without hesitation, she gave him her phone number and asked about his phone number.

"What's yours?"

He then quickly replied, "Would chat you up on WhatsApp."

"Ok.... See you there..."

She finished her food and she was excited to get his Whatsapp.

She went home from the mall and looking up to her phone, but nothing yet from him. So she kept waiting and waiting until 10.30 PM. While waiting for his text, she kept wondering who is this person, what does he want, and why he chooses her?

"Ping" Her phone vibrates.

"It's him." She smiles and opens up her phone.

They texted each other until midnight. She laughs and smiles continuously. She thought that he was a nice person and she can connect with him.

The night went on and she went to bed happy and fulfilled because for the first time ever she didn't feel alone.

Next chapter