

"They took me in when I was seven years old, I spent most of my life in the orphanage and on the streets, I am grateful, though the one thing that scares me the most is the one that was nicest to me, the elder brother, he was nice and scary at the same time," she thought as she began eating her dinner.

"It's awfully silent in here," he said and she looked at him.

"What are you going to do after the graduation? this is your last term, you guys are still on your final exams and projects right?" Arion asked.

"Yeah I wanted to know that too, are you going to take royal responsibilities?" Mika asked.

"I don't think I have the right to do any of that," she responded and the siblings looked at each other.

"That little girl who used to run around causing trouble when she was little just disappeared huh?" Mika asked with a smile.

"People have to grow," she responded.

"Don't worry about things too much, everything we have right to, so do you, we are all the king and queen's children, the throne is equally yours as it is ours," Sylas said as he walked in with a smile then sat down.

"You know among all of us our eldest brother understood you best though I am not sure if he still does, you would always follow him around," Sylas said then reached forward and patted her on the head.

"Thank you guys, thanks for letting me have a home," she replied.

"You are welcome," Sylas said as he took his food.

Sylas was tall, fair, had brown hair and blue eyes with a muscular body and slim face while Arion had raven black hair, brown shimmering eyes, a slim face, and fair skin.

"Mom and dad will be back soon, they are looking forward to your graduation, you have come a long way, don't turn back now," Sylas said.

"I won't, I only intend to move forward," she replied with a smile.

"Well I am done here, I will be heading to bed now, good night kids," Sylas said as he got up and Lyra grabbed onto his arm.

"What is it Lyra?" he asked as he peeked at her.

"Will your.... will your brother be coming home?" she asked and he smiled brightly at how her voice shuddered just by asking about him.

"He will be surprised to see how much you have grown," he responded then left and Arion grabbed onto her hand and she looked at him sternly.

"What is it Arion?" she asked.

"You are scary at times you do know that right?" he asked.

"A girl has to defend her honor, being scary is a good thing," Mira said.

"You are right, what is it Arion?" she asked.

"Will you like to come to my show?" he asked and she sighed.

"Don't touch me, you are being clingy and yes I will, I heard your song is a hit," she responded.

"Yeah, being a royal plus a singer, my dream came through, in a way," he said and she smiled.

"I promise I will be there, even though I don't like being in a crowd," she replied as she got up and he hugged her tightly causing her eyes to widen and Mira smiled upon seeing how they were getting along for when Lyra first came into their lives it was hard.

"Uh... Arion..." she called out and he raised off of her.

"Sorry, I am just glad you agree to come despite not liking something, thank you and good night," he said.

"Good night guys," she replied as she walked away and a frown appeared on her face as she went to her room then locked the door, and sat on the bed.

"When I first arrived here, I sat in a corner of the guest room, it was dark, the king and queen tried to help me but I didn't want them to touch me, I cried until I fell asleep, that's when I first met their brother and he forcefully took me out of the room but without hurting me, I was glad he did, I still am, he helped me get back to being a normal kid but that is in the past."

"He was scary when he was nice and even scarier when he was serious, I am grateful to them, things have changed and so have I, I am no longer that scared little girl, I hope I can be the sister they need," she said as she yawned then lay back on the bed and a little while after she fell asleep.

The next morning when the princess was in a deep sleep, a loud screeching sound echoed throughout the castle and she flung up in a flight.

"It's only 6 am, what the hell was that?" she wondered as she got out of bed, grabbed her robe, put it on, and exited the room.

'What's going on, guys?" Mira sighed as she came out with her nightdress and stretched off as she wiped her eyes and saw Arion in the hallway with a microphone in his hand, at the same time Lyra came and then sighed.

"I see," Lyra said, and Arion gave a nervous smile.

"Good morning guys," he said.

"Do you mind?" Sylas asked as he came out and they looked at him.

"Can someone sleep in peace these days?" Mira asked.

'It was an honest mistake, I was just testing out the microphone, you know I have to practice a lot," Arion responded.

"I am going back to sleep, I am really tired today, no more noise please," Sylas said.

"It's fine Arion, I am going back to bed too, I suggest you don't make the honest mistake twice though," Lyra said with a smile and he swallowed.

"Scary," he thought as Lyra and the others went back to their room.

"My surprise will be good for you guys, it's been years," Arion thought as he went to his room.

"I wonder if I can even go back to sleep," Lyra wondered as she got back onto her bed and turned the air conditioner off for it was quite cold.

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