

I collapsed onto my desk chair in exhaustion and groaned. Another bust. We had gotten a tip about a drug deal going on in the south side of the city but Death Arms said that wasn't for us to deal with.

It's hard enough being a new hero, but it's even harder when you haven't even gotten a chance to catch a single villain or even save a civilian.

I keep being undermined by other heroes at meetings. I am so sick of it. Getting a job as a hero was hard enough and now I get no respect. I tried to get a job at All Mights, Endeavor, and Jeanists agencies but they all rejected me. The only hero that accepted my application was Death Arms. He's not the most popular hero but at least he's a real pro hero. Well, sort of.

I leaned back in my chair and looked out the window. The city was dark enough that I could see a few stars which was a pretty rare occurrence.

My office was on the level below Death Arms. It was small. And I mean small. There was only enough room for my desk and a small couch across from it. Death arms could barely fit his arms in here.

My job at this agency consisted of lots of paperwork and accompanying Death Arms to construction sites. Nothing too glamorous.

A knock came at my door.

"What?" I growled.

The door opened and a head popped in. "shouldn't you be going home?" Max asked. Max had come to Japan from America about six months ago. His parents kicked him out as soon as he turned eighteen. So to piss them off more, he moved to another country. I guess you could say we have become friends over the past six months.

I waved him off. "I will soon."

A look of concern flashed across his features. "You shouldn't work so much Y/N."

"It's Voltage while I am at work." I corrected.

"Oh whatever. But really, you need more rest."

"I can rest when I die." I commented.

"Y/N," He started.

I held up a hand. "I will go home in a few minutes."

"Good. I will see you later Y/N!"

"Voltage!" I yelled.

Max had already shut the door.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I pulled out my phone and checked it. No messages. I guess it is three in the morning though.

I stood up and left my small office. Walked down the short hallway to the elevator and hit the button for ground level.

I walked out of the building and headed to my apartment. I lived about a twenty minute walk from my work. I have been living in that apartment since I was eighteen. My mother was hesitant for me to move to a different city. She still lives in our childhood house. She and my father bought it together when they got married and my mother won't move somewhere else. I think it's because it helps her feel like my father is still here.

My father was a pro hero named Levin. I was fifteen when he died. He was trying to get people out of a burning building and it ended up collapsing with him inside.

My mother was so upset when I decided I wanted to be a hero like my father. She was even more upset when my younger brother Denki wanted to be one too. Our fathers quirk ended up passing to both of us.

Denki is currently training at UA to become a pro hero. He's only sixteen but he's doing really well.

"Hey sexy." A voice brought me out of my thoughts.

Two men were walking toward me. I stopped walking.

"Wanna have a good time with us?" The shorter one said.

"No." I said firmly.

They stopped right in front of me. "Come on, it will be fun." The taller one said.

"I will let you suck my cock." The shorter one said as he smirked.

"No." I repeated, sparks of lightning pushed against my fingertips, begging to be unleashed.

They took another step toward me and were about to take another one when someone spoke. "She's not interested."

The men's heads whipped to the side.

Another man stepped out from the shadows. "The lady doesn't want either of you and I don't blame her." The stranger had all black on, including a hoodie with the hood up so I couldn't see his face. He towered over the other men.

"Hey man, we aint bothering anyone." The taller one said.

"You are bothering her which means you're bothering me." The stranger said with lethal calmness.

"So go away." The shorter one said.

The stranger walked over so he was standing next to me. He put a gentle hand on my arm and pushed me back so I was behind him. He raised his hand and partially pulled his hood back. I couldn't see what the man looked like but I did see the other mens reactions.

Their eyes grew wide. One of them let out a squeak. They quickly turned and sprinted away.

Once they were gone the stranger put his hood back in place and turned to me. Shadows casted over his face so all I could make out was striking blue eyes. They seemed to glow in the darkness of his hood. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice was deep.

Anger suddenly rose in me. "I had it handled." I put my hands on my hips.

"Uh huh." He said sarcastically.

"I did. I am a hero with a quirk. I can protect myself just fine. I dont need some bum on the street to intervene."

"You have a strange way of thanking me, princess."

"Do not call me that!" I said irritated.

"I will call you what I want to." He said harshly. "What agency are you even under?"

"I work for Death Arms."

The stranger laughed. "You're even more scary now."

I unleashed my lightning and let it dance over my hands and arms. His laughing ceased and I smirked. "That's what I thought."

"Okay, I shouldn't have laughed."

I stopped my lightning and walked past the stranger.

He followed me. "Aren't you going to ask how I scared those guys away?"

I stopped walking and turned to him. "No, because I don't care. Now leave me alone."

"Fine." He turned on his heel and stormed off.

For the rest of the walk home, all I could think about was how angry I was at myself for not using my quirk on those two. That other man shouldn't have had to step in.

I pulled open my apartment door, surprised to find the lights on. I heard giggling from Mei's room. Mei has been my best friend since middle school. We got this apartment together because rent is high so this way the bill is split in half.

"Mei?" I called out.

The giggling ceased and quickly the door was yanked open. Mei popped her head out the door. "Uh hey Y/N." Her shoulder length black hair was messy.

I raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you?" She shot back.

I heard murmurs of someone else's voice.

"Who's in there?"

"I met someone at the bar tonight. I will fill you in later."

Ah so that's why she won't come out of the room. She's naked. I grinned at her. "Have fun."

She blew me a kiss before shutting the door.

I walked down the hall to the right and went into the bathroom that was connected to my room and showered. I changed into pajamas and went to bed.

Right before I fell asleep, my mind wandered to that stranger. Who was he? And more importantly, why did his face make those other men run?

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