

Evening shadows played on the pavement. While the breeze shifted, tree branches danced overhead. Only distant footsteps could be heard on the quiet street. The sound halted. A pool of light encased a girl's shadow. She was standing alone, waiting. A desperate shout called out to her from behind. The girl turned, a small face with golden eyes and chestnut skin. Calm features turned to horror as she looked up. The light went out. A scream. Then silence.

'A new day, a new year' Lyla thought to herself as she stretched her arms up over her head, groggily grasping for her phone on her bedside table. 'Thunk!' It fell on the carpeted floor. With a sigh she sat up slowly and got out of bed, bending down to retrieve her phone.

It was the beginning of her senior year of high school and she was less than thrilled about it. She stood up after checking the time. It was 7AM so she had about half an hour to get dressed and get ready for school in time to catch the bus. She whipped her hair up into a messy bun and started getting ready for a new day.

The bus stop was right across from her school campus and she could already tell that it was going to be a long day. She saw the bustling school campus filled with teenage agnst and hormones--busy as ever on the first day of school. 'Just one more year and I'll be out of here' she told herself. 'Bam!' She was almost knocked off balance.

"Lyla! How have you been?! Are you excited for the new school year?"

None other than her exhaustingly positive childhood friend. Joan was always so loud and outgoing.

Trying to shake her off, to no avail, she replied with a curt "No."

"Awwwe come on Lyla! I know your at least a little bit excited. If not for the new school year then for it finally being our last year of high school!" She beamed. Not waiting for a reply, she dragged me inside and we went to our first class.

Every class was the same, introductions and run-throughs of how the year will commence. Some teachers initiated ice breaker games, while some lectured us about our last year of high school and how we should make the most of it with the "back in my day" talk of reminiscence. It was all very cliché, but at least I did not have to do anything.

I was tired. My eyes started to droop and it was still a long while until this last class ended. The teacher gave us free time for the last half of class, so students were chatting, playing games, or goofing off. I looked out the window, watching the clouds pass by. Slowly forming and unforming they made wispy paths that disappeared and reamerged. It was a little after 2PM and the day was hot, with trade winds passing through. It was nice weather to go to the beach, I thought. I crossed my arms on my desk and put my head down. Soon I drifted off to sleep.


It was dark and cold. "Hello?" I heard my voice echo repeating my words like a broken record. A hallway appeared and I started walking forward. What seemd like hours had passed and I found myself in the same place. I stopped.

Turning to the left I reached out my hand and found that my way was not blocked. I walked forward again, but still got nowhere. Finally I decided to sit down and just when I was about to, the ground gave way.

Suddenly I was falling. Falling fast. My heart was drumming in my ears I was screaming but no sound came out of my mouth. Helplessly falling. Down & down. Suddenly the space lit aflame. A raging fire surrounded me it was getting hotter and brighter. It was like looking at the sun. I squeezed my eyes shut and woke up with a jolt.

"-la...Lyla? Wake up, it's the end of class already" I lifted my head and saw Channa looking down at me with a little concern.

"Are you okay? You don't look too good. Maybe we should go to the nurses office first."

"I'm fine, let's go." I push my chair out, grab my bag and stood to leave. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tall man grinning at me. I immediately look over. He was gone. I massage my temple with my fingers. 'I must have not had enough sleep last night.'

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