
Prologue Part 4 - My Hero Backstory

"Say, I've been wanting to take a look around the place. That way I'll find where everyone else is, too," Izuku said. "The thing is… I don't really know my way around here. Like, at all."

Melissa contemplated this. "I see. I mean, I've already explored part of the building by myself. I can help be your guide if you want me to."

Izuku didn't notice, but he started freezing up again, before he got control over himself. "O-Oh, you'd do that for me? Thanks, Melissa! But like, should we go check if Rantaro is okay with this-"

"As long as you two aren't looking for trouble, it's fine by me, Midoriya."

Izuku let out a high-pitched screeched, jumping back, caught completely by surprise. Rantaro was standing right behind him, listening to their conversation. He still had the same calm demeanor on his face.

"Don't ever sneak up on me like that!"

Rantaro couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you jump. Again. You and Melissa can go look around if you want. Just make sure you stick together and come back to the gym when you're done, alright? We gotta keep a headcount of everyone here so no one goes missing."

"You can count on us, Rantaro! Will do!", said Melissa enthusiastically, giving Rantaro's hand a firm handshake.

"Good. Happy hunting."

*Approximately ten minutes later, in the hallways of the academy...*

Melissa led the way as Izuku followed behind her. Izuku noticed how clean and tidy the hallways were in comparison to the actual classrooms. The gymnasium was also noticeably clean, yet the classrooms still bugged him. But it wasn't something he gave much thought to.

"So, I take it you're a major fan of All Might, correct? And my father?", Melissa asked, trying to resume their conversation.

"I'm more of an All Might geek, personally. He's been my idol ever since I was a little kid. He's what motivates me to become a hero one day." Izuku knew that other people could guess that pretty easily. One look at his bedroom and all the All Might merchandise in there was enough to give that away.

"Yeah, I definitely got that sense from you," Melissa said. "Have you ever gotten to meet him before?"

Izuku thought about how to respond to her question. I don't think there's too much hurt in telling her we've met, but I need to be careful about how I phrase it. I can't give away All Might's secret. "About that… I've actually been training with him for the past several months."

He noticed the surprised look Melissa gave him once he said that. "Really? You're the one All Might's been training? Huh! He never mentioned your name in any of his letters to me!"

"To be fair, he's mainly helped me get into physical shape. You know, gain some muscle before the exam. He said I needed the strength in order to use my quirk properly - WAIT, did you say letters?!", Izuku asked.

"He wrote that he was busy training someone to get into UA high. He never wrote down your name, but he mentioned that he saw a lot of potential in him to grow and develop as a hero. I never would've guessed he was talking about you," Melissa said, intrigued.

"He said all that about me? Wow..."

"You sure are lucky to have your own idol as your mentor, Izuku. But, if you don't mind me asking... how did you manage to get him to do that for you? I assume he'd be off keeping the streets clean of super-villains instead of training the next generation of heroes." Melissa knew it was hard to impress a hero as epic as All Might, so she needed to know more to understand.

"Let's just say that it's quite the story…", Izuku said nervously.

"Go ahead. I've got time. I would be more than interested to hear it," she said eagerly, with a bright smile. Oh no, I can't say no to a face like that, the boy thought.

"Well, it all started one day when he saved me from a sludge-type villain. I felt so…". Izuku tried to find the right words to describe the experience. "...weak and defenseless. For a second there, I thought I was a goner until I saw All Might show up and rescue me. So, as you could imagine, me being a major All Might fan, completely fan-boyed over it. Like, you would not believe how hard."

"I wouldn't blame you for it. There are many people out there who look up to All Might the same way you do, Izuku," Melissa told him.

"Ah, thanks. Anyway, he was about to leave, but I hitched along on his legs while he tried to fly away. I couldn't help it!", Izuku stammered. "I was meeting my idol, my inspiration to become a hero in the first place, the symbol of peace!! Of course, then he set me down on top of a rooftop before I asked him… if I could become a hero… like him one day." Of course, Izuku didn't mention the part about him being quirk-less at the time. That was something Melissa didn't need to know about, even if it did make it all the more meaningful.

"Really? What did he say?", she asked.

Then All Might short-circuited and turned into someone I didn't recognize, and told me about his injury, but I better leave that out. "… Then… something really weird happened, I don't want to bring that part up, but he told me that being a pro hero wasn't something I could become… if I didn't have a strong enough quirk." In reality, Izuku knew All Might said he couldn't become a hero unless he HAD a quirk.

"Do you have a strong quirk? You said your quirk's a power type, right?"

"Yes, but we'll get to that later," Izuku responded. "All Might told me I should try to set myself with more realistic expectations, and to be honest, I probably wouldn't have gotten much further had… Look, remember that sludge villain I mentioned before? Turns out that while All Might and I were flying, he was able to get away. And not only that, but that sludge started attacking innocents… and captured Kacchan…"

Izuku remembered that day like it was yesterday. Melissa could tell that Izuku's tone became much more somber and emotional.

"When I saw the fire and the destruction, I felt like I couldn't do anything. I wanted to let the real heroes handle it. But the moment I saw Kacchan being overpowered by that… m-monster, something snapped. I-I don't know what got into me, but I just started running into the chaos. All I could think was, 'I have to save Kacchan, no matter what!' I couldn't stop, I kept going! I don't know why I did what I did… maybe it was the look on his face… I just couldn't stand there and watch him die!" A small tear ran down across his cheek at that last part.

"You really ran in there to save him? Against a villain? Whoever this Kacchan is, he must mean a lot to you if you're willing to risk your life for him like that," Melissa told him. She placed her hand on Izuku's shoulder to comfort him.

"Yes, he does. He's my best friend. I probably would've gotten killed if All Might hadn't shown up to save me. He said that when he saw how I was willing to risk my life to save him, even against a far superior foe… he said I the heart of a true hero. Of course, he also lectured me about how stupid it was to run headfirst into a situation I couldn't possibly win, but still. Then he told me, 'Young Man… you too, can become a hero.'"

"All Might said all of that?", she said, surprised. "You really must have impressed him, then. So, what exactly did he teach you-"

"Excuse me, you two, you wouldn't happen to be humans, would you?"

Both of them were completely caught off by the random stranger standing in front of them who asked this question. Gazing at the stranger's outfit, it was clear that they weren't any ordinary individual, either. The boy appeared to be around Izuku's age, donning a fine dark green leather-like trench coat, and a bronze-coated belt around his waist. There was some form of written words across the belt, yet Izuku couldn't read it. Must be from a different alphabet, he thought.

The boy's most notable feature was his lengthy blonde hair, that went slightly beyond his shoulders, even longer than Melissa's. His ocean-blue eyes seemed unnatural, and his ears were slightly larger than usual, and to top it off, pointy. He looks like a cosplayer I would probably see at a fantasy world convention, Izuku thought.

"Uh…yes, we're human… why do you ask?", Melissa spoke. Neither of them were sure why this boy was asking such a weird question. "Say, I saw you with the others before. Yet you didn't talk to many of us. I never even got your name."

"I was merely curious, Madame. I've only been awake for a short time now. It seems the majority of the individuals here are from the human race, excluding the skeleton man. Strange, isn't it? It appears as if I'm the only Elf amongst you all."

"A-An elf? What are you talking about?", Izuku asked, taken aback. I mean, that might explain his question, he thought.

"I'm a descendant of Elvish blood," the stranger told them. "Neither of you have ever heard of Elves? Really? Where do you come from, anyway? I'm sure you must've heard about my kind somewhere."

"Yeah… in fairy tales and around Christmas time. I'm from Japan," Izuku told him.

"And I'm from I-Island," said Melissa.

"What, you're from THE I-Island-?!", Izuku shrieked before stopping himself. I-Island?! That place is legendary! It's where the brightest individuals of the world go to study quirk research, and develop all kinds of hero technology! Plus, there's basically no crime there at all, due to all the tech advancements and other heroes stationed there.

The elven-boy continued. "I've never heard of either of those kingdoms. Where are your kingdoms located? Near the city of Duork? Hichodrum? Amorgon? Devirsk? I know those are some of the human villages."

Melissa didn't know what to think of him. "I don't know what any of those places are. And no, we're not from any kingdoms."

"Remarkable," the elf boy said with odd enthusiasm. "It seems as if we all come from various backgrounds and various origins. Everyone I've spoken to acts like I've gone mad. Even the skeleton man and the blue-haired lady seemed to be confused with me. And every time they try to explain their origins to me, it sounds like they're from completely different worlds."

"Yeah, uh... you don't mind if we get to introductions first, right? I'm Izuku Midoriya. And you are?"

"Oh, of course! How could I have been so rude?", the elf said. "I go by the name A'Lokuth Etherson, humble inhabitant of the Echel Islands!" He turned to Melissa, in a much more chivalrous manner. "And who might you be, my fair lady?"

"I'm Melissa Shield. Pleasure to meet you, A'Lokuth."

"Are you sure you're not an Elvish girl? Because you look as enchanting as the glamorous Elvish girls back from my village."

Melissa couldn't help but blush at the boy's compliment. "Oh, thank you!"

"What kind of elf are you?", Izuku asked. "I can already tell you're not a Christmas elf, so I'm guessing you must be more of a fantasy world-type elf then, right?"

A'Lokuth was confused. "I'm an Elf. The Elves were the first of the races to settle Emoralis, followed by humans, of course."

"Yup. Definitely sounds like fantasy to me," Melissa whispered into Izuku's ear.

-------------------- CHARACTER BIO: A'Lokuth Etherson ---------------------

DISCLAIMER: This is an original character I came up with for this story, NOT an already existing character of a popular form of media. So there won't be any results for this guy if you're looking him up.

A peaceful and intellectual individual, A'Lokuth Etherson is hopeful and lighthearted. Born in the city of E'Easeon in the Elvish Kingdom of the Echel Islands, he is very versed in the arts of Elvish culture and architecture. He has rarely ever seen humans (only when they came in from trading boats to trade for goods) outside of the ones he's witnessing now. He enjoys reading as well as practicing archery, and has very quick reflexes and good hearing. Unlike many of the other Elves, A'Lokuth doesn't harbor any prejudice towards the human or orc races, and takes great interest in researching their cultures and ways of life. He hopes to one day become a member of the great army of the Echel Islands. Of course, like Izuku, he tends to put a lot of passion into his studies, and may even ramble on about it without noticing.

Age: 15

D.O.B.: 772

Height: 5'9" (175cm)

Hair Color: Dark Blonde

Likes: Nature, Literature, Archery

Dislikes: Deforestation


"Do you mind if I decide to speak with you later on?", A'Lokuth told them eagerly. "I've never gotten to speak to a human before, but I'm interested in learning more about you. I've heard so many stories about humans from my parents. How different your kind is from mine, and how unique it is as well."

"S-Sure, Izuku and I wouldn't mind that at all," Melissa told him.

"For that, I thank thee kindly, Madame. Till we cross paths again," the elf boy said, bowing before walking away to continue roaming the halls. Izuku and Melissa continued walking together.

"Well… he seems unique, doesn't he?", Izuku told her. I mean, A'Lokuth seems like a well-intentioned guy, and he doesn't seem to be malicious. And he's polite, which is more than I can say for some people here, he thought.

"He sure is. He seems like a friendly guy to me," said Melissa.

"Yeah. Although I'm still not sure where he comes from," Izuku told her.

"I'll guess we're going to have to find that out later. Oh, hey, look over there!", Melissa said, pointing down the hall.

Izuku looked where she was pointing at. Two people were leaning their backs against the wall, not really paying attention to either of them. They seemed to be hanging around here away from everyone else. I haven't seem either of them before, he thought. The girl seemed to notice them first, while the other man stayed silent.

"There, Izuku. You see that girl over there? Let me introduce you to her," Melissa told him, grabbing his hand and dragging him along. Izuku didn't try to break free of her grasp, mostly because her hands felt so firm, yet so smooth to the touch.

"W-Wait, who is she, anyway?" Izuku got a good look at the girl in question. She looked like a fair skinned young adult around average height. Both her cheeks had small freckles, her green eyes gave off a slight shiny glare, and her bob shoulder-length hair was dark red and messy. She was wearing an aquamarine and light green colored tracksuit, with two horizontal yellow stripes around the middle, and a purple skirt to go along with it. Based on her expression, it seemed like she was not in the mood for talking right now.

"Sup, Mel? Who's your friend? Haven't seen him with the others," the woman asked.

"Hi there, Kim. This right here is Izuku," Melissa told her, letting go of his hand. Izuku tried his best to act natural.

"Uh, h-hi. Nice to meet you."

"Wish I could say the same, broccoli boy. My name's Kim. Kim Pine."

------------------ CHARACTER BIO: KIMBERLY PINE ----------------------

A sarcastic, mischievous and rebellious individual, Kimberly Pine has a minor inferiority complex and tends to be a misanthrope. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, making very snarky comments and (occasionally dark) humor at times. She tends to drink beer and plays video games in her free time, and performs as the drummer for Stephen Still's and Scott's band, Sex Bob-Omb, regularly. Kim has a strong dislike for most people, especially her former roommates, but she can tolerate anyone she relates to. She doesn't always consider how other people feel, and can be selfish at times. She's perceptive of others emotions and motives, as well as observant of seemingly unimportant details. Despite her flaws, she is a devoted and good friend when you need her.

Age: 23

D.O.B: October 27

Height: 5'5" (165cm)

Likes: Drumline, Rock Music, Retro Gaming

Dislikes: Being called "Kimberly"


"Don't mind her attitude, Izuku. She doesn't seem like the interactive type to me," Melissa whispered to Izuku.

"You got that right," Kim said, sighing. She glanced over at Izuku for a moment. "So, you're Izuku… say, you two look like you're still in high school. You look young enough for that."

"I mean, that's true. I'm barely a freshman in high-"

"Isn't this just perfect?", Kim snarled. "I'm stuck babysitting a bunch of high schoolers in God knows where with no one I recognize."

"Y-You don't look too much older than us yourself, you know," Izuku told her, trying to find some way to make a comeback. Kim only looked at him with spite.

"I'm not a fucking kid, broccoli. I'm an adult now," she snapped. "I've got a job, I can drive, I can legally drink. Got anything like that yet, kid?"

"Well… no-"

"That's what I thought," Kim told him, calming down and taking a deep breath. "Melissa, you wouldn't happen to know if there's a band room around here, would you? Or even better, a drum set?"

"I think you should go ask Rantaro about that", Melissa told her. "He seems to be focused on outlining every square inch of this place. He'd probably know more about it than me."

Kim gave her a warm smirk. "Thanks for the tip, Mel. I need to do something to get my mind off of this hangover."

"If you don't mind me asking, who's the other guy?" Izuku asked them. Not once did it appear that they even noticed the other man right next to her. In fact, he was silent the entire time. He just stood there watching them. "He's not a talker, I'm assuming?"

The man looked Midoriya in the eye with a deadpan expression and said nothing. The tall stranger didn't show much emotion. His somewhat muscular build came along with his dark brown 5 o'clock shadow haircut. He looked like he hadn't shaved in days. He wore a black leather bomber jacket with a matching black T-shirt underneath, a pair of green cargo pants, and blue sneakers. And then there was that strange scar near his neck... The emotionless look on his face reminded Izuku of Ayano's, except something felt... much different with him.

"Yep. The big guy here doesn't talk much. Good, honestly. I can tolerate that," Kim said.

The man started making several hand signals to Izuku. The boy couldn't tell what he was trying to do. "I'm sorry, what are you doing?"

Melissa looked at the man's hand signals intently before answering. "It looks like he's trying to talk to you, Izuku. He's using sign language."

"Wait, you know sign language? That means... you can understand him?", Deku asked her. Sign language, huh? I didn't even think about that.

"Yes. I'm a little rusty, but I think I can help translate it to you," she told him. The man signaled again as Melissa kept watch.

"Let's see... he's saying that, his name is...". The man finger-spelled his name for her. "His name is Claude." He started making more hand signs.

"What's he saying now?", Izuku asked.

Melissa replied, "He's saying that he doesn't want to get involved in any trouble with anyone."

------------------------- CHARACTER BIO: CLAUDE ------------------------------

A calm and serious man who appears almost emotionless in every situation he's in, Claude is a silent criminal with unknown origins. The only known thing about his early past was that he was a street racer participating in an illegal racing ring down in San Fierro. It's rumored that he once could speak, but now, he only communicates through sign language. Claude is often taciturn and doesn't speak directly, letting his actions and his behavior usually speak for himself. He's an experienced gun for hire who's out for himself, working for the highest bidder that Liberty City has to offer. Because he never reveals much about himself, it's unclear if he has any true loyalty, empathy or respect to anyone. To add on to all of this, Claude possesses a somewhat childish sense of humor.

Age: 33

D.O.B: September 30

Height: 6'2" (188cm)

Likes: Mimicking others

Dislikes: Mistreatment, Traitors


Claude gave a slight smirk towards Izuku and Melissa. He continued giving hand signals.

"Now he's saying that we should watch over our backs. Look out for yourselves, kids," Melissa translated. Claude nodded in approval before crossing his arms together.

"Well, thanks for checking in on us, Mel. Let me know if you're available to talk later, k'ay?", Kim asked.

"Sure thing! Just let me get Izuku introduced to everyone here first and I'll see what I can do," she told Kim, before taking Izuku and walking away from the two of them.

"Don't take it too hard, Izuku. I think Kim's stressed out about this situation. I can't really blame her for that," Melissa told him. "You know, waking up somewhere with people you don't even know? I'd be kranky, too."

"She wouldn't be the first person I've met who's felt that way," Izuku replied, thinking immediately of Nathan.

"Exactly! Just give her some time! I'm sure once we get used to this, we'll all calm down!"

To be continued...

For those of you who don't know, Kim Pine is a character from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and Claude is the silent protagonist from GTA III.

Christopher_Lehnercreators' thoughts
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