

The vortex stadium roared with cheers of joy as my dance crew ran around on stage hugging each other. I watched with a smile on my face before my gaze fell onto the dancing curly haired man that id grown to love all these years. We had just won the impossible, but if there's anything I've learned after being in this crew its that anything can happen as long as you put your mind to it. Your probably confused right? Well why don't I start from the beginning. The very beginning.


Mr. Collins: "Congratulations miss Bonnie Mitchell, you have been accepted to attend Maryland's School of the Arts. We are very excited to have you and can't wait to see you tomorrow. Please be sure to come to the front office so we can give you your schedule and Welcome to MSA."

•°•°•Call has ended°•°•°•

"Ohmygod!Ohmygod!Ohmygod!" I shouted as I jumped up and down excitedly. My dad came in from the kitchen.

"You got in!?" He questioned with a huge hopeful smile on his face. I squealed.

"Yes!!" I jumped on my dad giving him a big hug. He hugged me back and put me back on the ground.

"I knew you would kiddo. Im so proud of yo-." Before he could finish his statement his phone started ringing. He looked at it and walked out of the room to answer the phone call. It was most likely his work calling. He's been working a lot lately now that his job was running out of employees. You see its been really tough on us ever since my mom died a couple years ago. When I was thirteen me and my mom got in a car crash. I had lost a lot of my memories and my mother died a few hours later. I don't remember much about her, but I have videos and pictures of some moments with us. I vowed to never take anything for granted that day and find beauty in even the bad times. This is where my love for photography comes into play. I almost always have my camera with me. Taking pictures and videos of anything that catches my eye. Its actually the reason I'm getting into MSA. Well that and my talent with the violin.

"Hey sorry kiddo, but I have to go to work. I know you can handle the house by yourself until I get home, remember don't let any strangers in. If I'm not home before you go to bed I will be when you wake up for school." I nodded following him to the door.

"Of course dad, I love you." I said with a fake smile on my face. He smiled back and messed up my hair.

"Love you too sweetie. Bye." And with that he was off to work again. I sighed and sat on the couch turning on the TV.

"This video was posted on the internet just a couple hours ago as it was taken today. It depicts the most recent wave of public disturbances plaguing the streets of Baltimore. The notorious 41O has claimed responsibly for this mornings attack. That has caused both the police and government to shut down the central train station." The news lady rambled on and on about the 41O before I finally just turned off the TV and went upstairs to my room. The 41O was a dangerous dance crew that ran the streets causing trouble wherever they turned. Even if their motives were bad I won't lie and say their dance skills were too. I loved watching people dance and secretly loved doing it myself. It made me feel free, but I wouldn't admit that to anyone. Not even my own father knows about this. I wish I was confident enough to dance in front of people, but Id be too embarrassed. I laid on my bed and slowly lost myself in sleep as I thought of what it would be like to hear people cheering for me as I danced.

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