
Chapter 243: All Meat Treat

My mom said to aunty Paula who seemed to have a puckered face at the moment as she held her goods fight so that Cynthia will not help her.

"Mommy na. I said that I am sorry. Please."

Cynthia pleaded and her mom later permitted her to come to carry some from her and we all went inside.

"See your life, this rubbish station was what you were watching toll you slept off."

Aunty Paula said as we got inside, Cynthia had actually stationed the television on the station that was at the moment showing this tv. A program called BUTCH, where plastic surgeries were done. It actually appeared that aunty paila hated the station just like I did, but mom and Cynthia seemed to like it, I don't but they somehow found it interesting, a program where you will watch someone's fresh turn open like a chicken and stitched back like on clothing material. Well, another man's food they say is another man's poison.

"What is wrong with the station? They are showing BUTCH, you too don't like the station? Youbareissing o."

Mom asked aunty Paula.

"Like it you said? Why should I like it? What is even there to like? What is the moral lesson to be learned in this program? Seeing how humans is been butchered like one meat, so that is what you like."

Aunty Paula asked. Making a face of a person who was disgusted by something, for a fact the program is indeed disturbing, I really find it offensive.

"Must everything be based on moral conduct? See this old lady."

Mom said hilariously and we all burst into laughter. The goods were stickers in the kitchen, and mom and aunty Paula said that they must have their shower before they can start with the cooking, so mom asked aunty Paula to go and make use of her bathroom while she makes use of mine, but before the resulted in the decision, mom and her friend had assigned to us so works in the kitchen, they said we should go on with the blending of the tomato, after which we will boil it to dry the juice. We were also able the steam the meat with onion, seasonings, and spice. 

So, by the time they both went to shower, we both resigned to the kitchen with our sex-dirty bodies, to do some kitchen work. We should have taken our bath after the sex before allowing the sleep to sweep us away, but that was already thing of the past, and it wasn't like I had the strength for a bath at that moment, and I also was not sure that Cynthia also had any strength after the rough usage. We literally used up our strength, and the cum was enormous, no wonder we felt drained, she couldn't even clean herself up, I had to do the cleaning for her, that was how weak she was.

So, we got into the kitchen and shared the work, Cynthia will do the steaming of meat while I blend the tomatoes. We actually executed our task fast, but we were yet to be done when aunty Paula and mom comes out of the bathroom. Aunty Paula was the first to finish with the bathing and she went into the kitchen to take over while mom came out with her suspension again, she called me aside and asked me why my room smelled of too much perfume, and why I was wearing perfume.

"Are you going anywhere? And it was not even that you have taken your bath today, tell me? Did anything unhealthy go on this house in our absence?"

Mom asked looking at me deep in my eyes, I definitely knew where her mind was going, but I chose not to accede to any accusation, I had to stand firm and defend whatever lie that I was going to establish.

"So mom, is it now wrong to apply perfume? No, tell me mom, is it wrong? Yeah, I did, I wore perfume on myself, and I was in the room when I did it, that was the reason why the room was scenting that nice. And yeah, I did it to impress Cynthia."

So I said. And she looked at me with a cute smile.

"Hmm... My boy is really growing, but you would have to bathe first na, it's not about the perfume or cone, I am not sure she really cares about that. I think that all girls love a neet man, I know that because I am a girl like her."

Mom said. Mom likes to refer to herself as a girl, I think she is often forgetting that she has a handsome son called Damien who will soon come into the stage where he will be counted as an adult, I was almost twenty at the moment, at least that is what I love to tell myself, and soon he will leave the teenage stage. I believe that she should be referred to as a lady and not a girl any longer,  but I believe or think that she says that judging from her sweet young looks, or maybe she just loves calling herself that for no reason. 

So I managed to deceive my mom from the true reason why I wore perfume, I rather convinced her that I did it to impress Cynthia. She somehow found that sweet or cute, I bet she truly like us to end up together. I bet if it was to be before now, that is during the old day, mom and aunty pails would have sat down in a place and made a decision for us and get us betrothed. Well, I wished we were at that age so that mom and aunty Paula will get us betrothed.

Mom also went to the kitchen to join her friend but before she did, she asked me to go to the bath and get myself washed and I also think that I do need that too. 

"My sea, Damian will show you my bathroom, you can take your bath there."

Mom said to Cynthia before she left.

"Will you like to shower now? Because I will be bathing now."

So I said to her.

"Yes oo, I need to thoroughly be all those mixed juice in me."

So she said. And I took her to mom's room and showed her the bathroom where we had a little kiss before I left her there and went into my own room for a shower.

"Please go away, you don't have regards, this is your mom's room, you are kissing and pressing breast in your mother's room."

 Cynthia said, when she pronounced the word "breast", she made it sound like she said "bwess". At this juncture, I quickly left Cynthia in the room and went into my room to also wash myself.

It is quite apparent that she won't have something to change to, since she never had a plan for this. But her mom already called her to help them get something to change to when hi is coming with fake dad, but if they had no plans of coming any soon, they are any coming when they are called that the meal is ready. So, mom had to ask me to give her my joggers and a Polo shirt which I did with all pleasure, I gave her the clothes with all pleasure, I was seriously happy to know that she was going to be in my clothing, so I had to go and look for a very big short of min and the joggers for her to wear, I took it into mom's room and placed it on the bed where she will see it once she is out.

"I am here, can I come in?"

So I said to her while she was in the bathroom.

"Ooh! This mad boy, will you get out before someone comes and catch you here."

She said and I bled out a burst of laughter and I left her to the shower, it was after I had kept the clothes that I went into the bathroom to shower. Though I went into the bathroom after her, I still finished before her, well, I do not blame her, she got a lot of places the wash and clean, while I have lesser places.

So we were in the sitting room, aunty Paula and I watching African Magic on the cable when Cynthia came out warring my clothes. Incredibly, she rocked the shirt well, it really looked nice on her, though the shirt was obviously large on her, it still suits her. Yeah, the sizeableness of the shirt was the concept, a perfect boyfriend shirt, she love it, it was visibly obvious how much she love it, she even told me later that she will like to keep the shirt.

"Look at you, you look good on his shirt oo, what do they call this kind of cloth?"

Aunty Paula said and ended with a question

"Boyfriend shirt Mommy."

Cynthia said/with a little shyness.

"Aha! Boyfriend shirt. So your boyfriend gave you his shirt?"

Mom asked, she was actually trying to be funny.


Paula asked trying to pretend to be angry, while the true feeling which is laughter and excitement tried to force itself out.

"My there, the clothe is nice on you, don't mind me, ok, let me go and meet my friend in the kitchen, w will soon be done in a jiffy."

Aunty Paula said as she went back into the kitchen, all the while, the entire house had been all along smelling of meats, I wondered what they were cooking in there, almost like it was an all-meat something, well, whatever it was that they were preparing, I and Cynthia were truly anticipating for, it was more like we already know that it was going to be delicious. Just like a dog, I was even salivating.

Well not long after aunty Paula went and remained inside the kitchen, fake dad and Me. Bright came beeping at the gate and we walked to the gate to go and help them open, but that was after mom had called and informed me that it was fake dad that Wes outside. But before then, Cynthia and I were already on a little chit-chat.

"Baby I love you, thanks for the clothes,"

Cynthia said with a smile.

"Awwn... I love you too baby."

I responded in the same manner that she said hers.

"And let it be recorded that I am not giving you this shirt back, I live it honey, I'll be keeping it."

She pleaded but with pride.

"Really? Ahh! Are you really sure it is possible?"

I asked with a shock, for a fact, that shirt was one of my best, I love it, and I don't know if we can still play, I meant another match. 

"Yes oo, I am bloody serious."

Cynthia said, she really was serious about it, that was actually a shirt that I have not used up to twice, but who was I to say no the Cynthia, not after she had pleaded.

"It's ok dear, you can keep it."

So I said to her, though it was not easy to say, it was definitely what I was supposed to do, it is Cynthia after all, nothing could ever be too much for her.

"Awwn... Thanks dear, that's why I love you, I love you so much... Hmm... Which I could kiss you now, too bad I can't, if I do kiss you now, we might be caught, you know mom and you mother are just there in the kitchen and it will not cost a thing for them to just berge in like that without any announcement, and we could be in trouble if we were caught you know."

Cynthia said. Really I would have needed the kiss, I think that I deserve the kiss after I have sacrificed my most beautiful shirt. But too bad I got only a kiss wish and a promise.

"Don't worry, I promise you a hot kiss later."

She said looking so excited to know that I have given her the shirt finally.