

Sana_Shirin · Music & Bands
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11 Chs


Rest of the dinner goes in silence.

I clear my throat to break the awkward silence

''soooo how long am I going to stay here?''

namjoon chokes on his food.

jin hands him the water and Jungkook pats his back.

''we'll talk about it later! you should go get some sleep.''

jin says smiling weakly

everyone gets up and im left alone on the dining.

jin gets to washing the dishes.

Tae,jimin and kookie go in the room at the corner which I assume is their room.

I look around as I neve got the chance to do .

there are 5 rooms.

The living room is huge with a huge curve tv .

''I feel so nice , mom I feel no nice''

I hear someone sing and play the piano

whoever it is their voice is beautiful

Its coming from one of rooms

wow do they sing?

do they know how to play an instrument?

my feet carry me to the room where the melodious music comes from.

I reach the door handle twisting it and open

Theres a piano at the corner of the room by the window

and the one playing is yoongi

his eyes are closed as he sings

''without you im nothing''

He looks different.

he's not blunt like he always is.

I see feelings

did he write the song?

what else do I not know about these guys?


ah the mean yoongi is back

'' did you write the song?''

he looks down at the piano

his face not showing any signs of feelings

did I ask too much?


he says and sighs

he did?

''Now get out''

I obey him for the first time and leave.

why is he this way?

did something happen?


was there a girl in his life?

I ignore the burning feeling in my chest and go back to my room.

I need to know the real yoongi.