
New era

Hello, the story will now be explained from Jason's perspective, so this is why there is a time skip from when Bruce defeated Padora to now. Additionally, when you think of my characters, think strongly of an anime character, because I relate them a lot to anime.




I remembered not much of the fight at school, for my memories were still blurry. All I could feel was that at one point, I fell in complete darkness and an overwhelming shining sphere in the dark was attracting me as if it was a black hole of light. I tried as hard as I could to stop it from sucking me inside of it, but the attraction was too strong, and once I got too close to it, a large silence followed.

When I regained consciousness, I slowly tried to reopen my eyelids and a ray of light came to slap me in the face forcing me to place my hand in front of my face. My vision was blurry ad unclear for a moment, and I tried to turn my head left and right to try and see the things around me. When I looked left, I saw two big shadows next to each other.

Eventually, my vision became clearer, and I came to figure that the two shadows were humans, Mitsuki and Tyler.

"Jason, you're finally awake!" Mitsuki shouted out.

I tried with all my strength to lift my head, but midway, Tyler gently pushed me back towards the bed.

"The doctor said that you must rest a bit, for now, you were in quite of a critic state back then," Tyler said.

"Talking about back then, I still don't remember exactly what happened, everything seems blurry and unclear..." I told them hoping to get some answers through them.

Mitsuki took a chair and sat next to my bed, and he had the usual smile he has most of the time.

"Gruel inflicted a major hit on you, and you instantly fell to the ground. A few moments later, the think on top of the school hall appeared to be a powerful and evil being, but Bruce took care of her,"

Mitsuki tried to explain the best way he could, but I could see that he was quite marked by the recent events.

"Tornado and the whole Dainsleif teachers arrived with choppers, and we managed to leave the place, but only a few of us survived out of all the students in the school?" Tyler announced.

"What do you mean only a few of us!?" I asked fearing the worst.

Tyler hardened his fist and bit his lip while frowning and facing the ground.

"Only students from our class survived, the rest were killed for experimental purposes..."


I could believe my ears, the whole school was wiped out for experimental purposes? It was hard to believe, but Tyler's face clearly showed he was saying the truth.

I held the blanket covering my legs tightly and frowned holding my tears back. At that moment, I imagined the parent's reaction when they heard that their children died.

For a moment, there was a silence in the room, until the entrance door opened, and a woman in a white cloak appeared in the room. That woman was the famous number 1 S rank healer in England Lora Smith.

She wore glasses, with brown hair and a ponytail, and she had a quite joyful look on her face when she saw me awake (Hange Zoë, AOT).

"Well then, isn't it that sleeping beauty is awake?" She said with a smile.

Still astonished by her arrival, I nodded my head with slightly open eyes while she came closer to me and sat on the side of my bed.

"Hey there, my name is Lora Smith, and I am a skilled healer assigned to heal you. I am also a scientist, and I would do anything for science. You might have known from now, but there is something in you that is very intriguing, and I would like to make further research even after your recovery... for now, let us just do your daily checkup!

Lora then proceeded in doing a check-up every doctor would do for their patients. She used a stethoscope to check my heartbeats, and later let out a sigh of relief.

"Your heartbeat has finally gone back to normal!" she said while putting the stethoscope around her neck, "you used to have an average of 400 beats per minute, but now it went back to normal,"

Miss Lora continued to explain my physical state, however, all I wanted to know was about what was inside me. If she knows what is inside of me, she might know what it is, and how it magically appeared in me.

"Excuse me, ma'am, with all due respect, you said you know what is inside me right?" I asked her straight in the eyes.

She closed her eyes and smiled as if she was expecting that question from me at one point or another.

"I knew you would ask this question, and I don't have many reasons to hide the nature of your powers to you," she replied holding both my hands.

I looked at her with surprise with my face less than 10 centimeters away from hers. She had this warm and welcoming glance that reassured and comforted you. Even without spending more than an hour with her, I knew that I would come to like her.

"I would just like to make one thing clear, you should not tell anyone about this secret of yours ok?" she said in a serious tone glancing at me straight in the eyes.

Why couldn't I tell my friends about this sinister secret? What is so dangerous about this thing that I can't even talk about him?

Those are the questions I wanted to ask her, however, I decided not to ask for, I felt she had good reasons to tell me such things. Plus, I can always find my answers in the explanation she was going to give me.

"Alright!" she said in relief, "let's get started... this starts at mid 6th century AD in the year of 540, with the birth of Myrddin Wyllt or most famously known as Merlin Ambrosius..."

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