
First day of school

The day arrived, and everyone woke up hours before the beginning of school because of how enthusiastic they were.

While Jason Ian and April were ready to go, Roxanne was still in the shower doing whatever she does in the bathroom

"We're gonna be the late cause of her..." Ian already had a hard time living with her, so if she was going to make it harder for him like this, he's gonna lose his mind.

April knocked on the bathroom door as hard as she could frustrated about the fact she still isn't ready: "Hey Roxie, what the fuck are you doing inside."

At the very moment, she said that Roxanne came out in the school uniform that looked not too tight for his at the level of the chest. The buttoned shirt was so tight, one button came of showing the top of her melons.

For boys, the school uniform consisted of a white buttoned shirt, and black jeans with shoes of choice, however for girls it consisted of the same shirt as boys, but with skirts.

"I'm ready* she declared as she took her bag and walked out of the house.

The others followed locking the house and giving each other the house keys. The school bus arrived just a few seconds after, and they entered it. As they were checking for their friends, they didn't spot anyone.

Meanwhile, Tyler is of ranger nobility, so he and his roommates took a limousine to come to school. The other rooms took different buses.

'I wonder what the school looks like..." Ian asked himself looking for any photo of the school on the internet in vain.

"I dunno, but it's big I can assure you of that," Jason replied.

A few minutes later, they arrived at school, and all they could see, was one big building, not even as big as the park.

"Wait a minute, is this a school for hundreds of students?! Where is the training ground, where is the gym, where is everything?!" April asked with her hands on her head disappointed.

As they walked in, they all started to reassemble, and once they were inside, they were all together except the recommended students.

The other students knew where to go, but the first-year students didn't. So they stayed in the hall waiting for something to happen, and indeed something happened. A big sign made of glitter dust appeared above them showing the way.

"That is moon dust, the A-rank Heroine!" Randolph exclaimed.

As they followed the signs, it led them to a door, which Dean opened. When they opened it, they saw a big class with many rangers in front of them. The following rangers were

Moondust, Lightning Jack, Nightmare, Heavymetal, Geardunk and Tiger.

"Good morning new students" Moondust shouted out, "today is your first day at school, so let's go right to the point, this is not some school where you learn in classes, this is a school where you learn in the battleground. In other words, you will be going on missions all along the school year!"

The students gulped at the sound of it. The fact they are going to face demons on missions was scary.

"Don't worry, you will be assisted by an A-rank ranger who will be your teacher," moon dust continued, "Your formation to a ranger will consist of your skill, IQ and strength level. Every six months, there will be a test, where you will all fight with the rest of the students to go up a grade. there are three grades: Novice, Intermediate and Expert.

Now, you will all be divided into groups of three, so without further due, if you hear your name, come forward.

Moondust team (Team 70): Jason, Alexa and Mitsuki.

Heavy metal team (Team 71): Tyler, Roxanne and Ian.

Nightmare team (team 72): Erza, Bradley and April.

Lightning Jack (team 73): Elza, Dylan and Kyrie.

tiger team (team 74): Mason, Dean and Randolph

Geardunk team (team 75): Lucy, Rodrigo and Kyle.

" Wait a minute, who is Kyle?" Lucy asked.

"One of the recommended students and the only one this year to have an animalistic power. Now, you have been given your team and your teachers, so team 70 meet at the rooftop of the school, team 71 outside of the school, team 73 stay here, team 74 go to the main hall of the school, team 74 meet in the class next door and the last team meet in the corridor."

The students left at the instant going each to their point of rendezvous. Jason and Mitsuki were walking up the stairs to the rooftop when Mitsuki asked why Alexa wasn't there.

"Hey Jason, why wasn't Alexa here, including the other three students..."

"I don't know," Jason said sleepily with his hands in his pockets walking up the stairs, "she might already be at the rooftop..."

Once Jason and Mitsuki reached the top, they opened the door which led to the roof, and Alexa was already there.

"Hey, boys! you guys are my teammates huh?" she said with his hand in his back and his chest pumped forward, "Jason, it's great to see you again, oh and Mitsuki, I love your skin tone!"

"Could you please be quiet," Jason asked politely sitting on the corner of the roof watching team 71 presenting themselves to their new teacher.

Alexa wasn't the kind of girl to get angry for nothing when she knows it's her fault, "Oh I'm sorry" she said as she walked towards him to see what he was looking at.

Mitsuki followed and they were all looking at team 71 presenting each other.

"So, for the next three years, until we become full Rangers, we will work together and fight together," Alexa said calmly with a smile when she was looking at team 71.

"Yes, we will be working together and I hope we become good friends as well," Mitsuki added smiling back at Alexa.

"It seems you like each other already!" Out of nowhere, Moondust appeared behind them.

She had a black and white suit too tight for her, so it was showing the shape of her boobs well as well as her ass too.

"Good morning team 71, as for now I am your teacher, but just call me Moondust!"

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Yonko_mastercreators' thoughts
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