

They were walking for about 10 minutes in the fog. It was very stressful to not see anything, but it was a relief to know where they were going at least.

Moondust however still doubted how the situation was going. Even she would be stressed if she was in John's situation, but he seemed calm. It was as if he found the remedy to his problem and he didn't want to tell us.

"Mr Luke, you seem quite calm, are you confident your plan will go as planned?" Moondust asked.

"No, I feel protected with all of you behind me, it's like I am guarded by a powerful army of thousands of soldiers." He said without looking back.

Jason, Mitsuki and Alexa didn't see any threat in him anymore as he confessed everything he has done for the past few years, but Moondust was experienced and knew that villains always had a plan B.

Moondust was imagining the worst scenarios ever in her mind, and that just boosted her doubt about John.

"Mr Luke do you mind if I take a look at the map, just to see where we are exactly."

John gave it to her without looking back, and when Moondust looked at the map, they were further than before. They were even farther than when they were at the village.

"What's going on here Mr Luke, why are we farther than before?!" She shouted out.

John Luke simply grinned and said: "It's already too late."

At the moment he said that he disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was right in front of them at about 5 meters with a man in black behind them. All we could see was his black hair and white eyes.

"You took your time did you..." John told the man.

"You're smart John, the woman in the tight suit is powerful, mermaids wouldn't be able to kill her, maybe the kids, but not her," he said.

"You didn't have to send so many mermaids, look at me now!" John shouted out.

Moondust was frustrated, but not stunned unlike the other 3.

"Crap, that bastard was playing with us since the beginning..." Jason said as he grimaced.

"Don't be too surprised, it wouldn't be that simple to get away when you betray the rebels."

Jason couldn't believe his betrayal, but on the other hand, he was stupid to think everything would be that simple.

"That ninja there is he~"

"Cobra, yes it's him" Mitsuki interrupted Alexa immediately and looked at Cobra menacingly.

"Mitsuki, the traitor, it's been a while since..." Cobra removed his mask and showed his entire face

The demon had the same skin tone as Mitsuki. Moondust thought the same thing and turned her face to Mitsuki who had a sinister and serious expression.

Mitsuki was ready for the worse and had his guard up. Meanwhile, a helicopter came by from far and landed right behind John and Cobra.

John turned around and headed to the helicopter before saying in a very commanding way: "You better take care of them, if they come back here alive then it's over for me!"

Cobra didn't answer and glared at them without flinching. Unexpectedly he started running at them with a sword. He came towards Alexa, but she was not as weak as he thought. In an instant of seconds, the tree branch hit his head sending him flying in the fog.

"Is it that easy?" Alexa asked herself, "something seems off, he just ran at me while his aura is may more menacing and powerful..."

However, instantly, he reappeared from under the ground and held Moondust's feet. His hands released a sticky acid which prevented moo dust from moving.

Once he got out from the ground, he looked at Jason, but Moondust still had her hands and tried to blur his vision by making a tornado of dust around him attracting even the fog.

"Run, the fog is clear, so you know where to go now!" she said.

Jason was against the fact of running from a fight, including Mitsuki, so they hesitated for a moment, but Alexa tried to convince them.

"Leave a fight, the more we are, the easier the fight will be!" Jason said.

"With all respect, I disagree in leaving you here

..." Mitsuki said calmly.

"Hey guys, we gotta trust Moondust, she is our sensei, if we can't rely on her in critical moments, who will" Alexa replied instantly.

Jason and Mitsuki didn't agree, but she was kinda right, she was a ranger, If a demon kills her, then she wasn't made for the job.

Jason, Mitsuki and Alexa made the run for it as fast as they could, but Cobra had more than one trick in his pocket. He cloned himself with one of his duplicate snakes, and with his acid, he created a passage underground and appeared right in front of team 70.

He was standing right in front of them, and team 70 stopped the instant they saw him. Mitsuki dashed towards Cobra with his nails as sharp as a razor.

However, at the moment Mitsuki was going to swing his sharp nails, Cobra cloned himself and grabbed Mitsuki from behind and put him in a headlock.

The original Cobra walked towards Mitsuki and said: "I'm not here for you, my target is her..."

Cobra pointed at Alexa who was horrified by the fact she was the target of an assault. Jason used a hijacked slash and directed it to Cobra who instantly dodged the attack at tbs speed of light, appeared in front of Jason punching him in the face and sending him flying and knocking himself on a tree.

Alexa was left, and she used another tree branch to hit Cobra, but when she hit it on him, he just blocked the attack with his bare arm, and the branch broke in two without damaging Jason.

All of a sudden it was calm in the prairie, a cold breeze was felt sending making the high grass move slowly. Alexa felt like she couldn't do anything against Cobra; she couldn't move because of fear, Jason was still a bit knocked due to the punch, and Mitsuki was still in the headlock of the clone.

Cobra smiled and said: "You're coming with me..."

Next chapter