
Daily Life with discount system

This is my first Fan-fiction novel. Sorry about the grammar as English is not my first language. This fan-fiction is write by feeling which there may be some grammar issue.

KWSeng · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Samaritan or Cheater?

Now I need info. Info that can help me pull this off. 'Argo'This name suddenly appear in my head.

She should be trustworthy since I remember my friend told me that she was the one who later make the guide book to help those newbie player. Let just give it a gamble.

'Hey Argo, this is M. Are you free to meet' and sent. A few second and she reply already.

'It isnt Couple-san. How can i help ya? You need intel?'

'It's a bit inconvenient to talk in chat. Can we meet up. I have a plan that might help a lot of player.' I reply back


'Silver Boar. Inform me when you arrive. I go pick you up.'

'Are you stalking me cause I in Silver Boar too. Just kiddin', i at room 2. Come meet me'

She in Silver Boar. Coincidence? What more is in Room 2 which is just next to my Room 1. Just in case, I better bring Megumi along.

"Megumi wake up, I need to go talk some business with Argo. You want to continue rest and wait for me here or follow me to meet Argo?"

"Yawn*.I will follow you M" She rub her eye trying to wake up.

We walk to the next room. Knock* knock*. The door open and I walk in with Megumi.

"Ok, ya meet me. Spit it out, what your plan. So secretive" Argo ask straight forward immediately.

"Not even a Hi, Argo. Do you mind if I sit on the bed. The room don't exactly come with chair and I am not gonna sit on the floor." I just sit on the bed with Megumi without waiting for her reply"

"By all means, make yourself comfortable. Now can ya tell me this plan of ya that can help a lot of people"

"You know now most player is Lvl 1 right. After the announcement of the death game which will cause most player don't dare to leave the safe zone.

But sooner or later, some of those player will have courage to go out and fight. I want to give those player some boost.

Like a newbie gift pack.I have a plan that can make them reach Lvl 3" I explain my plan to Argo.

"Ya kiddin' me right. Ya sure ya plan can help those player reach Lvl 3? How high the chance of your plan bein' success" she not very optimistic about it

"Well I have start from somewhere right but I have a requirement for the player. Only those who has the WILL to survive this death game.

I don't want to help those who have no will to survive. I not some Samaritan after all."

"Deal, let me join ya plan. I know what player ya talking about. Ya want to give hope to them. Newbie gift, I like the name. What ya need from me"

"Info. I want Intel about 'Collect Material Quest' type. To reach Lvl 3, you need 600 Exp.

I want total quest that can give 600 Exp and 300 Col. The Col is for buying 3x HP potion."

"No problem, I already have the quest that meet ya requirements. Those quest can be repeat 3 times. Total of 900 Exp and 360 Col" She make a peace sign to me.

"Argo, has anyone ever mention to you that you are awesome. As expected of the info-broket that I choose to trust. Ok you just sent me the location to get those material"

"Ya gonna farm those material right. Ya just still a newbie right. I pretty sure ya not even beta tester. You might die from this ya know. I sure ya not even past Lvl 3.

I still dont understand why ya want to do this." Argo can only see so many negative point that she don't even understand why she join this plan.

"Relax Argo.Dont look like that.You do your part and I will do my part. Of course I not doing it for free.

Each of those player that I help, I hope they will sell their material and weapon to me in the future. Plus you might not believe it but me and Megumi is already Lvl 5"

"LEVEL 5!!!!! HOW YA LEVEL SO FAST. It's just the second day, ya know. Did ya get high exp reward quest? Can ya tell me how ya do it. I will pay ya for the intel"

"Well it's not really a secret. We just farm at 'The Frenzy Boar Forest'. As for the method, it's only suitable for Agility and Athletic Elite Player. If normal player attempts, it might get killed from it. This is the minimum requirement"

"Sure no problem. I will sell ya Intel to suitable player. Ya can trust me about this"

Since she say no issue then it's not my problem if player got killed if it didn't meet the minimum requirements.

After I explain my method, I got 1500 Col from Argo. I didn't know my intel worth that much. Now I have 2100 Col and have earn back yesterday spending with extra 100 Col

"Ya insane ya know. This method is almost cheating. If it successful, it will definitely boost the efficiency by many level.

Too bad the requirement is quite strict. Now I can trust that the plan might have hope success.

So ya the reason about the rumour. Player all say they keep hearin' boar scream in the forest. Its like every minute there will be boar scream.

They almost thought it gonna be a monster riot. Look like it just somebody were just levelin'. But still with this method, arent ya still levellin' too fast"

"Well if you add another good reflex as a requirement, you might be able to achieve to same speed like me.

Me and Megumi are martial artist so our reflex might be just a tiny little bit better" me and Megumi stand up and get ready to leave.

Before I close the door, I decide to let Argo know a info that might increase the confident of this plan.

"By the way Argo, Me and Megumi reach Lvl 5 before Kayaba Akihiki teleport us to the central plaza. So you just do the math. Ja-ne~~"

"Wait WHAT" and I close the door.