
Saeko Busujima

Since that day, M have started to led a busy life. In the morning, he will doing Saitama exercise before going to school in the morning.

After school, he will be rest at the home as he will be training martial art in the dojo during the evening.

Only then he got some free time to do your own stuff. Its just a 2 to 3 hour free time before he need to go to sleep to make sure his body is fully rest.

After that then it's morning and he repeat the same thing again. Everyday doing the same thing again and again. It's was a perfect schedule, in theory that is.

When he start at first, it's is indeed bit hard but soon M manage to adapt to it. But what M don't know that is that he forget to take note of his stress level.

People will always need to rest but he didn't. Weekend don't have school, then take extra training. He train everyday like a madman. M know himself the best, he know the moment he stop, then he will quit.

Soon two year has passed just like that and M is turning 13 years old this year. He also manage to do an impossible feat, black belt in taekwondo and karate.

As for the kendo, Mamako stop teaching M one year ago after she notice that her son started to show a bit of violent tendency during the training which himself still don't know about.

[A/N: Just for the info learning martial arts will in fact make you less violent. Please don't misunderstanding about it. As for the mc showing violent tendency is because he train for almost 2 year straight which means. He fight and spare almost everyday plus he is a sadist so he will need heroine to help him control]

Mamako got a bit worried about it so she stop the kendo training. She also want to stop the other two but M manage to persuade her to let him continue.



I am a bit glad that mama agree to let me continue to train at the same time regret why I manage to persuade mama to agree.Mama is not the wrong here, it's me.

I have already know that my mental state is not very good which is why I already stop training the moment I get the black belt. I went to inform my two sensei about this.

Although both of them are a bit sad to hear about this, they do understand the serious of this issue if you don't fix it soon. After I finish my goodbye with them, it's was already late at night.

As I walk back home, I saw a drunk guy is following behind a girl. Although I know what it going to happen but there a chance that I might be wrong so I started to follow behind them.

Just incase I also take out my phone and start recording. If the drunk guy was going to rape the girl, then I at least got some evidence before I fucking beat the drunk guy.

Yes, it's was never about to become a hero. I just want to beat someone up. Fuck, what wrong with me. I guess my mental state is worse than I thought.

Both of them went into a dark alley and the girl suddenly turn around which startled the drunk guy. I saw that the girl is holding a bokken tightly near her body.

I immediately thought that my plan has fail. This girl study kendo, what saving does she need. At least that what I think until I saw the girl start to shivering and slowly walk backwards until her back touch the wall.

Fuck what wrong with this girl. If you do that, it will totally make the drunk guy want to rape you.

Just when I was about to stop recording and save the girl, the girl suddenly strike the drunk guy hand with her bokken. Quch, that hand is totally broken. I think I know what was happening.

The girl was just pretending to be scared. She just want to find a reason to beat the drunk guy. Exactly just like me. Look at that girl face, it totally a turn on sadistic face.

The girl was about to strike again but this time she fail as I kick her bokken away with a roundhouse kick."I think that enough girl. He already learn his lesson"

The girl was shock by my kick before become calm again. "I am sorry and thanks for stopping me" as she apologize and thank me at the same time but the drunk man behind me suddenly went crazy.

He shout"You little bitch" as he stand up and try to punch the girl but fail. Instead he punch me on the face with make me snap at that moment.

Everything went silent immediately. Even the girl went quiet when she saw I look at the guy with a sadistic smile. It's was at this moment the girl know that this guy is fuck.

I do a triple kick at him on the spot. First on his left leg, then on his left side ribcage and last one on left side of the head. Everything in less than two second.

The drunk guy KO directly. I think he got another two more broken bone with a head concussion.

After the kick, only then I recover. I then look at the girl. The girl also look at me. Sigh*"So why you do that?"

"The guy was about to rape me, all I did is for self defense" She quickly reply

"Stop pretending. I know you are not weak. I am a belt black taekwondo master so I know your strength the moment I kick your bokken. I ask again, why did you do that?"

Her whole body froze. She know that she got caught. She don't know how to explain. That exactly what written on her face.

"Let me guess, I have too much strength but I cannot use it. Which is why you try to seduce that guy to rape you and then you can use all your strength to beat him . Am I correct" of course I correct as I also want to do the same.

She could only nod her head as it was exactly like he said.

"Do you know it will make you feel so good to see him suffer. It's turn you on right especially see his frightening face. Make you want to strike again without hesitation, right"

The girl look at me like she found a soulmate. "You are like me. We are the same." The girl has fall in love in first sight.

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