
Chapter 2

Ares jumped down from his ride in a big mood, that's how it had always been, happy to school, depressed on his way back. He backed his school bags, hands in his pocket and a slightly arrogant expression on his face.

He entered into the school compound and the first person he saw was the annoying gate woman nobody liked her and he wasn't any different.

"Senior boy!!" She shouted, with a big smile on her face

He never liked the way she called him but he wasn't going to talk or complain

"Good morning" he said with his signature smirk.

He walked further in and looked at himself in the big mirror standing in the school director's office.

He was dark skinned guy, who was pretty tall for guy's his age, he looked good with a chiseled face, brown eyes and a flat nose.

He walked to his class without stopping, even when the juniors were trying to get his attention. He settled into his seat before realising that he was alone in the class. It wasn't surprising, he knew where his classmates were but he wasn't going to go meet them, he was going to wait for the rest of his crew Roy and Opze. They were a group that nobody dared to mess with.

He closed his eyes for a few minutes of rest when the door opened. He opened his eyes to see Roy. Roy was a dark skinned guy, taller than Ares, handsomer and more popular. Roy was every girls dream guy.

"Hey man" Roy said coolly.

"Hey" Ares said casually. He wasn't in a mood to stand so he didn't.

Roy moved to his sit casually and coolly just like ever other shit he did do. A voice broke in. Roy and Ares turned to the door and there the fucker was .

"Yo" Opze screamed his voice deep and cool.

He walked in with a swag only known to him. He was a fair skinned guy, with a perfectly handsome face, heights both shorter than Roy and Ares but he looked good in his own way.

"Shish man" Ares joked casually without moving from his seat.

"Whaddup?" Roy asked with his cool signature smile.

"Am good bro" Opze said while moving on to his own sit.

The class was silent for a while until a fucking piece of shit dared to ruin the peace of the guys.

"Roy!!" debby screamed.

Roy rolled his eyes at the crazy attitude of the girl.

'Great another fucker' Ares thought to himself. He didn't need to make a sign before the girl squealed his name

"Ares!!" Debby squealed.

He didn't give a fuck about her, she knew but they were all classmates and there was need to have atleast a platonic relationship, so he flashed her his signature smile.

She didn't stop there but continued with a squeal to Opze's name.

"Opze" she squealed again.

"Yo" Opze replied. He was probably the only one of the guys who cared to reply.

"Bj pass the assignment" she shouted to her boyfriend who was outside the class. Bj was probably the only one in the class who bothered to do his assignment, the rest just copied .

Bj ran into the class like he got something trailing him.

"Pass your note" Roy ordered.

"No way" bj dared to oppose because he was martial artist or whatever he called himself.

They glared daggers into each other's eyes. Ares knew what was going to happen next so he hit his hand on his table angrily.

"Why don't you guys shut the fuck up, bj hand over the freaking book and stopping making a mountain over nothing."

Bj retreated while Roy just gave an indifferent shrug.

The group moved in to copying the assignments without shame, it was a regular occurrence and no one seemed to care.

Next chapter