
Chapter 1 : Addiction

The afternoon of mid-summer day is as warm as usual, the cicadas chirping all over the bushes of the park.

The children's park is still bustling with kids and parents even on such hot days, the visitors are mostly women taking a walk with their kids but this park also has another attraction that lures out neighbourhood mothers.

Toji Fushiguro, a 30 year old single father who comes to this park with his 2 months old baby Megumi just like any other parents, but what is so special about him? well....

There sits Toji on a picnic mat shaded by a tree on the very far corner of the park yet visible to everyone, going through his phone totally careless about his baby chewing on his pants. The eye candy to all the mothers in the park, no wonder why women visit the park only with their kids not their husbands.

The women are thankful to summer which has forced Toji to wear a revealing black muscle shirt and a white sweatpants, his huge pecs trying to escape from his shirt, his neck and chest covered in bite marks and hickies that he got from hooking up at a bar last night, his insanely large figure is made to make any other man feel insecure, his sweat running down his neck to his chest.

His veiny muscular arms are covered in scars and his thick and strong thighs are strong enough to crush a watermelon.

And the best thing about it is everyone in the park knows what Toji looks like under those clothes from the spicy photos he posts on his twitter of him fucking girls much younger than him using his huge 13 inch thick and veiny cock. There had been times when Toji had accidentally hospitalized girls by having sex.

People might ask how can a man have such an unnaturally perfect body? When Toji was just in the womb, his mother was cursed by a special grade curse, the curse of sex and fertility. Toji always attracted both guys and girls since he was young, and as he grew older the curse manifested inside him to obtain such a manly body.

His menacing figure and that scar on his face makes him look way more unapproachable but his menacing looks balances out into a very friendly looking person when he's with his baby.

His son Megumi is just 2 months old. Toji is always very calm and gentle around Megumi since he's the only family he has after his wife passed away after childbirth.

Weirdly little Megumi has been affected with the curse too, Megumi has been too clingy to Toji ever since he was born and Toji tends to ignore the signs.

"Mr. Fushiguro... If you don't mind, we would like to join in for lunch, I'm sure sweet Megumi will be happy to be friends with my daughter, she's the same age too".

A friendly looking woman approached her with a smile on her face, but the smile doesn't hide the fact that she's here for only one intention only.

"Ah? We'd like to join in, I'm sure our babies will be happy to make new friends", another woman approached, and then another, slowly it looked like a little gathering of parents where Toji was the only male parent.

"Sure, not like I have something better to do", Toji replied as Megumi slowly started trying to climb up his arm trying to get Toji's attention.

Megumi made little puppy eyes towards Toji that melted every single mother's heart, "I know those eyes, you must be hungry", Toji smirks and reaches out to his picnic basket.

Toji takes out a bottle of milk from his picnic basket which is kinda big for a normal baby of that age. "You've been too hungry lately, you'll get chubby if you keep doing this", Toji smirks while taking off the cap of the milk bottle.

"Don't say that... He's got the perfect little face to steal any woman's heart, he's daddy's boy after all", a woman flirts with him while squeezing Megumi's cheeks but Toji seems to totally dodge the comment she made.

"Here you go", Toji says as he holds the bottle in front of Megumi's lips and without any hesitation Megumi holds the bottle with all fours and starts nursing on it so aggressively as if it's his last meal.

"Oh look at him go, my daughter never likes milk or any other baby formula, what formula do you use? He seems to like it very much", the woman beside him asked as she looked at Megumi in awe.

As she looked back at Toji waiting for his answer when she noticed his face, Toji seemed to be a little nervous and as if he was sweating, "Umm you know... the normal one, I forgot the name".

Meanwhile Megumi had already finished more than half of the bottle and his face looked like he was in peace, he let out a cute little burp as the formula leaked out from the corner of his lips.

"Are you done? Very good", Toji takes out a tissue to wipe Megumi's lips and puts the bottle by his side and slowly starts packing his picnic basket back up.

"Hmm let me have a little taste, you know I am a mother, I always taste my baby's food before giving it to her, I want the best for her after all. Let me see if I can guess which formula it is". The woman proceeds to grab the bottle to squeeze out a drop on her palm to have a taste she suddenly gets interrupted by Toji.

"NOO!", Toji tries to snatch the bottle away from her but it slips from both of their hands and drops on the ground spilling everything that was inside on the dirt. The consistency of the formula looked too thick for a baby's meal.

"Oh... Sorry is everything alright?", the woman asks Toji as he almost looked panicked. "Umm no, yeah...yeah I'm fine...I'm fine...I.. uhh... Oh look at the time, It's very late already... Let's go home sweetie or you're gonna miss your favourite TV show". Toji panicked and somehow managed to get everything together after gently seating Megumi on his stroller.

"Bye ladies, your husbands must be waiting for you at home haha" He almost storms off from that place as if he had committed some crime. After he had reached far from the park he finally caught his breath and the smiley and friendly face turned into a face full of disgust. "Fuck!" he said under his breath.

"Those damn whores, have they got nothing else up their ass to do other than hanging on my dick? Probably bored of their good for nothing husband's cock, fuck I'm tired of this shit now" Toji slowly calms his frustration and takes a deep breath.

"And you there", Toji slowly pulls up the shade of the stroller to see Megumi's face, Megumi slowly turns his little head while suckling on his pacifier. "You gotta control yourself too you know? I told you we can't do this in public, you know how bad it will be if they find out that I have been feeding you my cum".

Megumi again tries to get his way with his little puppy eyes, "Ugh you really are like your mother", Toji sighs and looks down towards his pants to notice he had already gotten a huge boner in his sweat pants.

"Tsk...Fine, I'll feed you once we get home". Toji starts walking towards his apartment complex while talking to Megumi. "Fuck I knew letting you suck my cock was a bad idea". 

"Looks like you are addicted to my cock"

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