

I am a jerk. Jay told me again and again and I did not listen to him. If I would have taken Ana to the doctors it would all have been over and done by now. She would have been on the path of recovering from the trauma too, but I did not.

And today is the last day.

If I don't take Ana today, two officials will take her and make her get the shots which can be the only possible worse situation than taking her to the Doctors myself.

It's six in the morning, I wake Ana up.

"Come on baby, we got to get up early today." I shake her slightly and then pick her up in my arms.

She whines.

I dress her up while she is still half asleep, and then quickly pack a bag with everything that we are going to need, while she is sitting on the couch hugging her elephant.

"You want to take the stuffie along baby?" I ask her, picking her up.

She nods and yawns.

"Would you like to have some milk?"

She ignores me.

"Maybe some chocolate milkshake?"

Next chapter