

after summer vacations...she was again in her full hyperactive stage to attend the schooling...her name is shika..her dad felt bad about her that she again gonna miss him the days she attend the school as they go far from each other but still her dad dint show is sorrow or worries towards her as she need to attend it any cost for her bright future...

hope to her father

dad I'm happy that my school is reopening and how are you feeling...as I enjoyed most of the time with you in this vacation so, I may miss u alot after I go to schooling and what about u dad..

her dad was silent thinking what to answer..if he says he is sad that he wants to spend more time then she may miss her school..so remain silent for a sec and said I'm glad that my daughter is grown up.. as she became stronger than earlier..I love the spirit in u hope u do well in ur studies ok...said the father.

after 2days the time had came.she need to leave her dad for her studies.. her eyes were filled with tears but still smiled very brightly that her dad may become upset while seeing her..so she remained the same..

out of the house taxi is waiting for her to escort her to the destination where she need to go..

she was almost ready with her all baggage..went near to the taxi opened the door as she opened the door. in a flash of a sec she rushed to her dad to hug him a very last time before leaving him..

went to her dad and hugged him as tightly as she can.her dad caressed her hair and said all the very best beta I know u vl do ur best and make me feel proud...as I vl wait fr the moment to arrive he said.

she went back near to the taxi and sat inside silently waving at her dad till he disappears to her eyes...after a while she taught of herself and made a strong mind and will that she definitely make her dad feel proud of her..

at a very last minute of reaching her destination she was again filled with full energy which was boosted as fst as a cheetah chases her prey to hunt..

after a day passed she woke up early in morning.as it was the first day to attend the classes..she had been freshen up went to the dinning hall for her breakfast..their she missed her dad alot as he was the who made her eat every day when she was with him..slowly tears in her eyes scroll down..she was not eating anything as it was observed by her co students..who were already used to the environment and been frnds for a long time saw her and tried to help her out with her feelings and emotions to be controlled as they introduced themselves..

Hi I'm stalin and she is my friend ami.

Hi I'm shika.nice to meet u two..

well I think ur new to the boarding right,stalin said.

yes.i m..said shika

dont worry we can be a good friends from now on.

as shika smiled at the guy..who was trying to impress her and being good to her.

ami interrupted the two and said u dnt have to worry from now on I vl b ur roommate as well n this guy is enough of it..always try to be good to all girls who ever new to the boarding

thank you for ur care n concern.said shika

stalin winked at her mischievously.

after a while they became friends..they sat together and had their breakfast.

after a month the three became a very good friends that no one withstand their friendship and the bound they had together..they used to spend most of the time together..attended the classes together,talk,chitchat,learn,play and eat together...

while sleeping as usual the girls get separated with the boy;)

as the time passed they three had a wonderful relationship between them..

Next chapter