

In the golden colour room with silver flame is roaring,there was a huge black feather phoenix with silverish white eyes and silverish black flame around it.This Phoenix is know as Samsara Phoenix,the god of the beasts and also know as one of the terrifying God Kings.

Right now the phoenix was seeing something interesting on the planet that call earth.The something interesting is about a young man that look around 25 to 30 years old,the man have a black colour hair that cut short and a pair of deep black colour eyes with handsome face.

The man right now was in the middle of war with him alone with his black long sword attacking a group of 500 people.The man is know as Ancient Sword because he have something that only mythic in legend of chinese people,that is sword intent.The sword intent is about a fast and slow sword intent or know as the lesser time intent.

The reason he attacking the group of 500 hundred people with only his sword because he want to protect the earth.Because the group of the 500 people is building a big weapon that can destroy the earth in one attack and the reason why only him alone attacking the group because 1000 other member is attacking the country and the polices and soldier need to protect the citizen.

The war between the Ancient Sword and the 500 hundreds people last for half a day before Ancient Sword slaughter all the 500 hundred grunts with his elegants but deadly sword skill and his ancient slow and fast sword intent.

But too bad all,he can't see the people on the earth too celebrate the success to save the earth because in the fight he used all his energy and life force that he did not know he used to win the fight and just like that he died.

"I never thought that i will die just like that even without i knowing."sigh the Ancient Sword before slowly close his eyes with smile on his face because the reason the earth save is because of him.


(In the golden hall with the samsara phoenix)

"I never thought i will see something that never happen like this on the earth that only a normal human life there."Phoenix

"But because he show me the wonderful fight and also i want to know what is special about you i will give you a gift."

The Phoenix said before he pull the soul of the Ancient Sword into his hall.

Ancient Sword who still in thought how he died was suprise when he suddenly saw himself suddenly appear at big golden hall with silverish black flame around it and a big black feather phoenix with silverish white eyed and silverish black flame around its body.

"Hello there Young Hero,welcome to my place."Phoenix

Ancient Sword who still in amaze seeing the beautiful hall and the elegant phoenix was shock when he heard the phoenix talking.

"What are you?"Ancient Sword

"I am know as Samsara Phoenix,the god of the beasts and also the god of life and death."Phoenix

Ancient Sword is suprise when he heard that the phoenix said that he is god but he still trust it because who will be stupid if they still not believe if they saw a mythical beast phoenix and still not believe it is a god,except he thought that phoenix is flame god.

"But wasn't you a flame god?And didn't the Azure Dragon the god of beasts?and how can you be a life and death god?"

"Well i thought that you will not believe me when i said that i am a god and i didn't thougth that you will ask a lot of question regarding my position."Phoenix

"Well why don't you became a normal human and live at the earth and tell me if a phoenix tell you that he or she tell you that he or she is a God,will you believe it?"

The phoenix was left in laughing when he heard what Ancient Sword said,he laughing for a while before he said

"Well i never thought that you will tell that to me, A God.If you said that to other god i promise that your soul will be gone but i never care about that and plus i like your gut.But now let's stop talking about that and let me answer your question.First yes you are right that phoenix is a flame god because it is the phoenix main power but there also a phoenix that have a ice power that know as ice god but that just for normal phoenix while i am difference.For your second question its true that you all know Azure Dragon as the God Beast because he was know as the strongest beast from the three other sacred beast,the black turtle,the white tiger and the phoenix but that because they don't know about me and for your last question i am know as life and death god because i have both the power of life and death that is why i am know as the Samsara Phonix."

Ancient Sword was not shock or anything and just nodding his head because now he know why no one know about Samsara Phoenix and its powers.But he still confused about the difference about the Samsara Phoenix and other Phoenixs.Well it can be also about the powers he wield but Ancient Sword still want know more about that.

"What is the different between you and other phoenixs."

"For starters its because i am not born from parents because i am born from the void itself,there also because the power of life and death i wield even if phoenixs know as immortal and can be reborn from ash they still don't know about life and death powers and the last reason is because i wield a different sacred flame from them."

"What is it?"

"You need to search about it yourself."Phoenix

"Well how can i search about it?I am dead and plus even if i living i still can search anything about you because earth is just normal planet."

"And that is the reason i brought you here.I want you to be my succesor and i also will send you to difference world where you can cultivate and reach a god level where you can be immortal."Phoenix

"Is world like that even exists?"

"Yes it is exists because there is gods below me who reach thier place by cultivate.You know them as 7 sins gods."Phoenix

"Then i accept your to enter other world and cultivate but what is about being your succesor?"

"Well i will be passing my power and bloodline to you so that you will became a new Samsara God where i will be fuse with your body and don't ask the reason why i want to fuse with you."

"Then i accept to be your succesor."

"Good then let me give you a little gift,the gift is i will let you inspect other being powers."Phoenix

"Now off you go."

After the phoenix said that,the phoenix then suddenly glow in silverish black flame before he flew and enter Ancient Sword soul.After the phoenix enter Ancient Sword soul the soul then lit in silverish black flame before the soul disapper from the golden hall and a few second pass before the golden hall crumble into the ash and gone into the void.

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