70 Final chance for mass release 10 chapter plus first R-18 VOTE TO 400 POWER STONES

This will %100 be last time for mass release so vote power stones to 400 power stones or more.

I will be making a huge deal for pa treon for the new month so dont join me until November 2nd I have a huge pa treon deal. It will be 50 advanced chapters plus 10 R-18 chapters maybe even Gloria R-18 and many more girls like Mercy and the other girls in this fic. So yeah.

As for webnovel, I want to reach 400 power stones today. I have the 10 chapters ready and first full R-18 chapter all very epic chapters. But I need to reach 400 power stones so vote as much as you can. If it is not reached then I am considering pa treon locking this fic. You know I need that $ and damn I would make a killing, but I care about this fic enough to not pa treon lock it. So vote power stones.

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