
Chapter 85

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The next day.

Westbrook, North Oak.

The morning light softly sprinkled down, illuminating the entire Stonemountain residential area.

Luxurious and spacious villas nestled among the quiet flowers, grass, and trees.

Halfway up the mountain.

A modern European-style villa enjoyed luxury with its built-in rockery courtyard, complete with helipad, private garage, swimming pool, and more—fully equipped.

The glass doors of the three-story detached villa automatically slid open, and Susan Abernathy slowly walked out. Barefoot, she stepped onto the soft lawn, wearing a revealing high-cut swimsuit with a long towel draped over her shoulders, as she approached the poolside.

Despite being over forty, good maintenance and cyberware modifications had allowed her to maintain the figure of a twenty-year-old.

Recently suspended from work, she found herself with some spare time to relax, swim, exercise, and enjoy some personal time.

Her husband, Rafael, worked at ZetaTech, also holding a senior position, and was mostly away on business.

The couple rarely saw each other, and as their relationship grew cold, Susan Abernathy had come to accept it.

This marriage was fundamentally about interests.

Reaching the position of Director at Arasaka Corporation, she was no longer the naive girl longing for so-called love.

To her, emotions were the most unreliable thing.

People around her feared her, respected her, and tried to please her, all because she was a high-ranking Arasaka executive with the power of life and death.

With such immense power, one ought to enjoy it to the fullest.

Hence, she bought the grand villa on Stonemountain, while high-end flying cars and luxury sports cars gathered dust in her garage.

She also conveniently found herself a young lover, a 24-year-old in his prime, a high executive from the Kang Tao corporation's external relations department.

His vigor and status matched her needs.

Susan Abernathy stood at the edge of the pool, dropped the towel from her shoulders, and dove into the eight-lane swimming pool.

She vigorously swam butterfly strokes, splashing water everywhere.

Susan Abernathy enjoyed the sensation of swimming; it was her way of relaxing and dispelling melancholy.

Oddly enough.

She had harbored a grudge against Arthur Jenkins and Tang Yu, thinking the suspension would make things worse.

Unexpectedly, during her time at home, her mind became increasingly clear.

She gained new insights and judgments about Arasaka's corporate developments, understanding that forcing an aggressive attack could often backfire.

Although she was not at the company, she still kept a close watch on its affairs.

To her surprise.

Her reputation within the company had soured.

Many employees gossiped about her, likening her to a wicked dragon.

Susan Abernathy was genuinely amused when she first learned of this.

Despite being the one punished most severely, all benefits went to the Counterintelligence department. She took the scolding on the chin, both at the board meetings and in company gossip.

She couldn't understand how, in a corporation where everyone looked upwards, anyone could sympathize with the obviously weaker Counterintelligence department.

Eventually, she realized that her own undue pressure had given others leverage over her.

As Head of Special Operations, targeting a Counterintelligence deputy chief had already lowered her status.

Not to mention that they had no way to deal with him; she had been embarrassed at the board meeting, and people laughed.

A calmer Susan Abernathy seemed to see through more matters.

When the snipe and clam quarrel, the fisherman benefits.

Someone was using the discord between the two departments to ploy and strengthen their own power.

Susan Abernathy didn't want to be the snipe or clam; she aimed to be the fisherman.

"It would be best to let Arthur Jenkins and the others fight it out."

After swimming for a while, a blond man was already waiting by the poolside, holding two glasses of wine.

Susan Abernathy swam over and, lifting her head above the water, resembled an emerging lotus—her long hair and figure shaking.

The two exchanged knowing smiles.

Then they started kissing passionately, with their wine and glasses spilling into the pool, forming a red swirl.


Susan Abernathy received a call from her secretary.

Her face turned displeased; during a vacation, her secretary wouldn't call without a good reason.

Susan Abernathy pushed the man away and rotated the lens of her cybernetic eye to connect with the call.

"What is it?"

Secretary: "I apologize for disturbing you at this time, Director, but I have to report two critical pieces of intelligence concerning Tang Yu and Tanaka from the R&D department."

Tang Yu?


Susan Abernathy's expression instantly cooled, then she waved to the blond man, signaling him to leave.

The blond lover, looking bored, raised an eyebrow but obediently got up and walked away, not daring to disrupt her conversation.

Once alone, Susan Abernathy spoke.

"Start with Tang Yu."

Secretary: "Director, we have placed an informant within the Scavengers who came across some important intelligence—Tang Yu has a habit of running at night."

Running at night?

Susan Abernathy felt this was hardly worth mentioning as intelligence; many corporate executives had workout routines, including her regular swimming and running. Still, she patiently continued listening.

Secretary: "During one of his runs, Tang Yu encountered the Scavengers and had an intense conflict. An entire car of Scavengers was annihilated—using a Nagamitsu handgun."

Susan Abernathy: "Get to the point. A few nobodies thinking they can take down an Arasaka executive? Impossible."

Secretary: "So, after some investigation, the Scavengers have decided to ambush and get revenge on Tang Yu."

"And since Tang Yu has not yet reported to the Special Operations department, we can take advantage of his current situation using the Scavengers' hands..."

As the secretary reported, his excitement began to surface, sensing the opportunity to remove the thorn in his boss's side swiftly and permanently.

And the best part, they wouldn't even have to get their hands dirty—just fuel the fire and watch the enemy burn.

What could an ordinary person possibly stir up?

However, the scene the secretary imagined, where his boss would be pleased and commend his efficiency, did not occur.

Instead, he received a scathing rebuke from his boss, Susan Abernathy.


"Who told you to meddle in this?"

"Now everyone in the company knows that he and I are at odds."

"Everyone in Arasaka Tower is saying he's avoiding reporting to Special Operations out of fear of my schemes."

"If something happens to him while he's being set up, do you think you can clear all suspicions?"

"Today, he is different from when he first arrived, a deputy chief of two departments, having had a private meeting with Arasaka Michiko."

"Everyone is watching; if he really gets into trouble and it's tied to us, that's when the real problem begins."

Upon hearing his boss's harsh words, the secretary snapped out of his self-congratulatory state, sweat beading his forehead, grateful to have reported the matter in advance without secretly arranging to eliminate Tang Yu.

According to Susan Abernathy's analysis, if anything happened to Tang Yu, Arasaka's senior management would blame her, and she would most likely end up a scapegoat like Caitlin.

The secretary stuttered his response: "I understand, Director. I will immediately instruct our informant not to interfere."

Susan Abernathy interrupted: "Let the Scavengers take their revenge on Tang Yu. Leave them be; let them do what they want. Success or failure has nothing to do with us."

"Remember to dispose of the informant cleanly; they can no longer be used."

"Do you understand?"

The secretary promptly agreed: "I understand, Director. I will take care of it right away."

Susan Abernathy reminded once more: "He is now in the sights of Arasaka's top executives. In the game of strategy, you cannot easily employ such methods. Any leaks would only lead to self-destruction."

"I already have a way to deal with him; I'll explain after I'm reinstated."

"Remember, all actions and intelligence regarding Tang Yu must be reported to me in advance."

Secretary: "Understood, Director!"

Susan Abernathy: "What about the other matter?"

Secretary: "The head of R&D, Tanaka, had his exclusive high-end corporate car stolen. Reliable intelligence suggests the Militech division is behind it."

Susan Abernathy fell silent, trying to untangle the relationships.

"It seems the Militech isn't ready to settle down. They must have heard about the last board meeting, the military-grade Sandevistan bio-data that Arasaka's R&D department is developing, and they want to clarify Tanaka's research purpose."

"In that case, have the Special Operations Department follow up on this matter."

"Let the new Deputy Director of Special Operations think of a way to handle it. Let him wrestle with the Militech division."


Tang Yu sat on his balcony, embracing a guitar, trying to hum a familiar tune.

"Wandering on the road,"

"Are you leaving, via, via..."

He remembered how Johnny always loved to mock his musical taste for its folk tunes, which had nothing to do with rock.

It was neither hot nor punk enough to put Johnny to sleep.

On the contrary, fiery-tempered Vik could always calm down at such times, sitting quietly beside him, enjoying the folk music and the bonfire.

Later, they went to see a concert by Kerry Eurodyne, the Samurai band, and everyone had a blast.

By then Kerry Eurodyne was already a rock superstar known throughout Night City, no longer the little brother crying behind Johnny.

But when they performed Samurai's "Chippin In," it felt like everything came back.

Tang Yu remembered he had once promised to give Kerry Eurodyne a song, but it all happened so suddenly that it was over before he could finish it.

So, he casually strummed the guitar strings, singing the familiar tune with abandon.

Yesterday, Maine's operation was a success, and the military-grade Sandevistan was successfully implanted into his spine.

All biometric tests were stable, and the cyberware compatibility tests posed no significant issues, in line with Vik's previous assessment.

When Maine woke from the anesthesia, Tang Yu had already left.

Tang Yu had a run scheduled for the evening and didn't wait too long at the clinic, just enough to confirm the surgery's safety.

Maine paid for V's operation in full.

Vik gave Maine many post-op instructions and some medication, emphasizing he should use his Sandevistan abilities sparingly.

Maine made a promise.

Turning on the life simulation for Maine was the best reminder for him.

But life is a path that must be trodden.

Adversity reveals the true color of a legend.

Tang Yu was contemplating some matters when suddenly, he received a call from his old boss, Arthur Jenkins.

Why call at this hour?

Tang Yu answered.

Arthur Jenkins: "Tang, are you on an assignment?"

Unflustered, Tang Yu replied: "Yes, I have some matters to take care of."

Arthur Jenkins: "Take some time to come to the office tomorrow. Arasaka Academy has sent an invitation asking you to attend their assembly tomorrow and to act as a mentor for the practical evaluation committee for this term's graduating students."

Mentor for the practical evaluation committee?

This invitation was quite unexpected to Tang Yu.

The academy organizes a three-month social practice for the students about to graduate every year.

Some can stay to intern at Arasaka, while others have to find company internships on their own. After three months, they report back on their internship achievements.

The mentor for the practical evaluation committee is responsible for assessing the students' practical achievements and assigning grades.

These grades will directly affect the students' graduation and serve as a vital basis for future company applications.

For Arasaka students who are about to graduate, this is crucial.

Arthur Jenkins continued: "I've already accepted on your behalf, I specifically arranged this for you."

"As you know, the company recruits a batch of new employees from the academy every year."

"We are short-staffed now, and if you find any good prospects, it would be beneficial to commit to them in advance. The department indeed needs fresh blood."

Understanding Jenkins's intentions, Tang Yu replied,

"I understand. I'll be on time for the assembly tomorrow."

"Being a mentor won't take up much time, and whether or not I can find suitable candidates depends on the situation."

Jenkins: "Feel free to choose whoever you like; it's always more reassuring to train someone from scratch."

"Also, I see you haven't reported to the Special Operations Department yet. Take the time to do so. It's not good for you to keep it pending; there are people up top who will give you trouble."

Tang Yu knew Jenkins was referring to the members of the board, especially those supporting the Susan Abernathy faction.

He said he would find time to report to the Special Operations Department, and after their conversation, they hung up.

In fact.

When Jenkins mentioned the role of mentoring the practical evaluation, Tang Yu had almost subconsciously thought of David Martinez, the boy who was bullied senseless at the Arasaka Academy.

Were it not for his role as the mentor for this term, one could almost predict David's fate of being expelled from Arasaka by Tanaka Katsuo.

If Tanaka Katsuo intended to target him, no evaluator would refuse to oblige.

They wouldn't even need a heads up, as the Arasaka Academy, being an educational unit of the Arasaka Corporation, inherently upheld the rule of superiority.

Descendants of Arasaka executives, like Tanaka Katsuo, were almost guaranteed a position at the company.

As for someone with an ordinary background like David, it would be challenging to impress the mentors.

Giving Tanaka Katsuo a bad review would require careful consideration of his father's influence.

Giving David a bad review would be as trivial as marking an X on a digital screen.

David might not say he'd enter Arasaka, but even considering other companies might be improbable.

Now, with Tang Yu as a mentor for the practical evaluation, David had at least a fair chance.

Tang Yu didn't feel obligated to provide extra care for David.

In his view, a man should forge his path.

Only when tested can one truly prove themselves; relying on outside help won't cut it, and even if one squeezes into the company, they'll only be manipulated to death.

Legendary figures should display a legendary demeanor.

If you want to thrive, you have to fight for it yourself.

Tang Yu didn't take the small matters of Arasaka Academy to heart.

He composed himself and once again took up the guitar to play and sing quietly.

"Time passes like smoke, and so it goes,"

"Tomorrow is already before us,"

"The road has been blown upon, yet it's still long,"

"Where is your story now..."

As darkness fell, clouds dispersed, and winds ceased, only the guitar continued to play.

Next chapter