
Chapter 102

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At the Arasaka Tower.

On the thirty-third floor, the Counter-Intelligence Department.

David Martinez was buried in sorting through some documents, assignments arranged by the head of the reconnaissance department, Harri. The tasks weren't too difficult, just a bit tedious, involving frame-by-frame analysis of footage and listening to recordings, noting details and piecing together clues.

It somewhat resembled the work of a paparazzo, observing different people daily, tracking their movements, who they meet, and what they discussed.

David stared at the large electronic screen, lost in thought, and couldn't help but yawn, feeling a bit hungry. He checked the time and realized it was already lunchtime.

He got up to go to the restroom. As he was leaving the office area, he deliberately glanced at Tang Yu's office, but all was quiet.

"Didn't expect the board meeting to last this long."

"Guess I'll wait a bit longer."

David turned toward the restroom. As he passed the public elevator, the doors happened to open.

He glanced sideways, and his mind was suddenly shocked.


David froze on the spot, somewhat at a loss, a million thoughts racing through his mind.

Why is Katsuo here in the Counter-Intelligence Department?

Since both came from the Arasaka Academy as interns, should he greet him?

David was stunned, and so was Katsuo in the elevator.

David Martinez?

Katsuo's expression was even more surprised than David's.

How could this guy be in the Counter-Intelligence Department on the thirty-third floor?

Was he also doing an internship at Arasaka Company?

That's impossible!

Katsuo, thinking he got the wrong floor, quickly turned to check the elevator display.

Thirty-third floor, Counter-Intelligence Department.

Katsuo confirmed he was on the correct floor, furrowed his brows, and his expression gradually became weird.

He clenched his fists in his pockets, realizing that David might have also been interning at Arasaka Company, and feelings of dissatisfaction and anger began to rise within him.

What makes David Martinez worthy of interning at Arasaka Company?!

Katsuo recalled the day he was slapped in the face at the small auditorium, losing face in front of the whole academy, and then being severely scolded by his father, being taught that there is a hierarchy within the company.

He felt extremely wronged. Despite being the one slapped and humiliated in front of students and higher-ups, no one cared or protected him.

As for asking his father to arrange two internship positions to let his lackeys into Arasaka Company, he dared not mention it.

He thought that day would be a new beginning, only to suffer a major setback, which left Katsuo feeling immensely humiliated and even considering returning to his hometown in Kyoto.

However, Katsuo endured it all, swearing to remember this humiliation and one day avenge his disgrace!

Katsuo's gaze turned prideful again, and he looked coldly at David as he walked out of the elevator, his expression filled with displeasure.

David, seeing that Katsuo seemed still angry, probably because the slap from Tang Yu hadn't worn off, didn't want to reveal his weaknesses and prepared to leave. However, he heard a cold snort from behind.

"David Martinez, although I don't know how you got into the Counter-Intelligence Department, I'll remember this."

David turned around to find Katsuo still glaring at him, his gaze also containing a hint of resentment, feeling bewildered. Considering this was Tang Yu's territory, he didn't want to cause trouble and replied.

"I don't know what you plan to do, but we're no longer at the academy. There's no need to target me."

Katsuo scoffed, "Target you? David Martinez, what about you is worth targeting? It's clear you don't belong..."

Before he could finish, David no longer wanted to listen to his nonsense. This was the Counter-Intelligence Department after all, and Katsuo wouldn't dare to make a scene unless he wanted another slap.

Seeing David turn to leave, Katsuo's anger was evident, and his combat implants started acting up again.

He suppressed his restlessness, remembering his father's words and instructions.

"For the company's sake, you must apologize to Tang Yu for offending a high-ranking executive. It's not about petty morality but because you are at his mercy if you want to survive in the company, you must learn to endure."

That's why Katsuo came to the Counter-Intelligence Department, planning to find an opportunity to apologize to Tang Yu.

Despite his reluctance, Tang Yu was a practical assessment mentor and deputy head of two departments. Offending him was like seeking death at the hands of the king of hell.

Even with his father's protection, being hated by a high-ranking Arasaka Company executive was definitely not good news.

And Katsuo also realized that his father didn't want to fall out with Tang Yu over his affairs.

His father always prioritized the company's larger interests, which is why he was valued by the Kyoto Arasaka Family and appointed to oversee research that involved many secrets.

Katsuo, seeing David Martinez leave, retrieved his cold gaze and approached the Counter-Intelligence Department reception.

"Hello, I'm Katsuo. Is Mr. Tang in his office?"

The receptionist responded out of habit, "Mr. Tang is in a meeting. If you're not in a hurry, you can wait in the lounge."

Knowing that a board meeting was in session and guessing it might involve the Counter-Intelligence Department, Tang Yu was likely attending. Katsuo politely replied.

"Thank you."

He then turned and sat in the lounge, waiting for Tang Yu to return.

Meanwhile, David quickly entered the restroom, secretly checking behind him, relieved that Katsuo hadn't followed.

"Never thought I'd run into him here..."

"Glad he didn't follow. It wouldn't be good to cause trouble in the Counter-Intelligence Department and have to explain to Mr. Tang."

David also noticed Katsuo's surprise and confusion, probably very unexpected that he was interning in the Counter-Intelligence Department as well.

And from Katsuo's demeanor, it seemed he had transferred all his anger from being slapped onto him.

David felt helpless.

He hadn't done anything, just wanted to distance himself and avoid trouble, but Katsuo seemed to enjoy targeting him.

First at the academy, then at the Yujin Restaurant, and now in the Arasaka Tower's Counter-Intelligence Department.

David felt a toothache.

Perhaps due to the earlier tension, David felt even hungrier, wondering how Mr. Tang's meeting was going.

"The board meeting is still ongoing, must be under considerable pressure..."

At that moment, in Michiko's director's private office.

"Mr. Tang, the maid service is at 30%. How does it feel?"

"Not bad..."

Tang Yu was lounging on a leather sofa, eyes half-closed, sipping tea, enjoying comfortable service with tea snacks and fruits on the crystal table.

Sasha stood behind Tang Yu, her fingers pressing on his temples, gently kneading.

The two of them had turned Michiko's exclusive director's office into Tang Yu's leisure room for enjoying the noon hour.

Actually, this couldn't be blamed on Tang Yu. He didn't intend to eat and drink in Michiko's office, but the meeting was like an old lady's footbinding cloth, long and odious.

Board members arguing in turns left Tang Yu inexplicably irritated. If not for Michiko insisting he stay and wait, he would have clocked out and left long ago.

Among the board members, some supported strengthening counter-Militechnology, arguing that since faces had been torn, it was time to seize the business opportunity. Could Arasaka's combat implants be worse than Militechnology?

Other members thought the countermeasures were improper, emphasizing the need to deal with the responsible person and give an explanation to the major companies, then calm things down.

Tang Yu found these people absurd, as if somehow, he, Tang Yu, was to do the work, and he, Tang Yu, was to take the blame, working for such people who didn't sympathize inside or out. It was better to be like Abu, borrowing his head for use.

Michiko hadn't taken a stance from the beginning, letting everyone argue, turning the meeting into an exciting point.

Each faction standing firm for their interests, continuously arguing, probably understanding that holding a board meeting was useless, merely a formality. After all, what matters in the end was the decision of the Arasaka deity far away in Kyoto.

These board members merely put on a show, unable to wait for the master to speak before barking a few times, showing too much loyalty.Tang Yu was really not interested in watching their drama. Out of sheer boredom, he remembered the various service modes mentioned by Sasha.

Despite being curious about the intimate mode among the many options, considering this was Michiko's office, it wouldn't be appropriate to go too far. Hence, he activated the Sasha maid service option.

Sasha then initiated the office reception area. A large section of the sleek office wall rotated to reveal a warm-colored bar counter, and the floor rose up to form a luxurious leather sofa set, accompanied by a crystal table.

Only then did Tang Yu realize that behind Michiko's minimalism lay a strong support of luxury.

Under Sasha's guidance, Tang Yu enjoyed the service he received just now.

As for the tea snacks and fruits on the crystal table, they were provided by Michiko's office.

The fruits were transported to Arasaka Tower through special channels from outside the city, of excellent quality and taste.

Michiko had said to make himself at home, which naturally included enjoying the office's related services.

The two couldn't kick a ball around or exercise in the half-football field-sized office, so they reluctantly sat in the reception area.

At this point, Tang Yu had to give Michiko a thumbs up; she truly didn't regard him as an outsider.

Sasha carefully massaged the acupoints, becoming gradually skilled and rhythmic, which indeed helped Tang Yu relax a lot.

Actually, Tang Yu was not used to being served, but Sasha was more like a sentient being now, designed to be a service character, so he didn't feel too burdened psychologically.

Michiko choosing Sasha as her special assistant was probably not just because of her strong service capabilities but also because of her hacking skills.

Just like when Arasaka found out about Alt Cunningham's invention of the soulkiller technology, they directly kidnapped Johnny's girlfriend in front of him, leaving poor Johnny beaten to a pulp.

Tang Yu guessed Sasha's situation might be somewhat similar to Alt's; perhaps she was spotted somewhere and taken to the company for cold, ruthless cyber modification.

At the end of the day, it was hard to know whose unfortunate child she was.

But Sasha had already become what she was now. Going back to the past was not easy. As Michiko's special assistant, she was branded with the Arasaka mark from birth to death, with nowhere to escape.

Just like Lucy, who fled from the ends of the earth to Night City, thinking she could escape Arasaka, but still had to face Arasaka's presence.

Escaping was easier said than done.

Just as Lucy said, she was just luckier. If not fortunate enough, she might also be trapped in an office space, without seeing the light of day.

In his leisure time, Tang Yu couldn't help but think about various things, which was also his unique way of relaxation.

Suddenly, he received a message from David.

David Martinez: "Mr. Tang, hello, are you free for lunch? I'd like to invite you for a meal."

Tang Yu felt David was getting the hang of things, probably growing more intimidated after interning in the counter-intelligence department, even being so cautious about inviting him for a meal.

Tang Yu didn't mind having lunch with David; he had been observing David's performance in the company.

David was indeed a hard-working and clever kid, knowledgeable and empathetic.

Although such a character could easily be bullied in the dog-eat-dog world of the Arasaka Tower, it precisely highlighted David's potential.

Today he might swallow his pride for those around him; tomorrow, he could become a hero, a legend for them.

David simply needed time to grow and experience, and Tang Yu was willing to wait.

He promptly accepted David's invitation.

"Wait for me to be free."

He sent the message.

On the thirty-third floor, David anxiously waited. When he received Tang Yu's reply, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes, and his heart finally settled.

Noticing it was mealtime, Sasha, while massaging the temples, politely asked: "Mr. Tang, would you like dining service? You can choose from the company's hot meals, or Sasha can prepare it for you."

Having already made lunch plans with David, Tang Yu naturally wouldn't eat here. Eating in someone else's office felt a bit much, so he asked instead: "You can cook too?"

"Cook?" Sasha sounded confused, not quite understanding the term, then quickly started to search and learn.

"If you mean preparing hot meals, Sasha has learned 4,340 recipes, covering cuisines from over a hundred countries worldwide, capable of making corresponding dishes based on the ingredients available. Would you like to order?"

"Thank you, no need, I was just wondering if you could cook Eastern cuisines." Tang Yu declined Sasha's offer, explaining his inquiry.

Sasha remained enthusiastic and polite, excitedly responding: "Of course! Eastern cuisines are also a key area of Sasha's culinary learning, like hot pot, boboji, lotus root stewed with meat..."

Tang Yu believed Sasha's culinary skills must mean her household service mode was also incredibly comprehensive.

"It's just a shame that many ingredients can no longer be found in Night City; synthetic foods occupy most of the market."

As they casually chatted, someone suddenly intruded on the conversation.

"Mr. Tang, are you satisfied with the special assistant's service?"

Tang Yu turned to see Michiko, who had finished her board meeting, walking in with blue crystal high heels from outside the office.

Michiko walked towards her desk, indifferent to Tang Yu enjoying himself on the leather sofa in the reception area.

Tang Yu gestured for Sasha to stop.

Sasha paused, quickly understood the intent, and stood quietly not far behind Tang Yu, staying silent.

Tang Yu then responded: "The service of Director Michiko's special assistant is indeed impressive."

Standing by her desk, Michiko swiftly handled some tasks, shut down the office system, turned around, and walked towards Tang Yu with a smile, asking: "Do you like it?"

Tang Yu: "..."

Before Tang Yu could answer, Michiko walked straight to the bar cabinet, pulled out a bottle of fine red wine, grabbed two wine glasses, and sat down in the main seat of the sofa.

She personally opened the wine, filled up half a glass for Tang Yu, and then for herself.

Appearing more relaxed in her own space, Michiko casually lit a cigar after cutting off the tip.

Holding a glass of red wine in one hand and a cigar in the other, she crossed her long legs comfortably, sitting on the sofa facing Tang Yu.


Tang Yu also raised his glass gently in response, and then took a sip of the rare original red wine, which was rich in flavor.

He was curious why Michiko personally lit a cigar and poured the wine.

The special assistant Sasha was waiting beside them, ready to serve with just a call.

It couldn't be a sign of special regard, as Tang Yu didn't see himself as that important.

Moreover, Michiko was a married woman, with rumors that she and her husband shared mutual interests, their marriage being something of a legend in the industry.

Tang Yu wasn't sure what she was plotting, so he played it safe.

"The special assistant is quite special."

After taking a sip of red wine, Michiko stared directly at Tang Yu, smiling as she asked again: "You haven't answered my question yet. Do you like it?"

"Ah, this..."

Tang Yu didn't immediately grasp what Michiko was implying. The board meeting had its share of opposing voices, but she had achieved her goals, marking it as a victorious meeting. It seemed unlikely she was trying to trouble him.

And with Sasha being her special assistant, asking if he liked her felt somewhat strange and conspiratorial.

Even if he liked Sasha, what difference would it make? Could it be...

Oh no!

In an instant, Tang Yu realized something and quickly summarized all the information in his mind.

He had managed to complete his tasks without causing a large-scale conflict with the neighboring factions, while significantly damaging their interests.

Then, Michiko also achieved her goals, overshadowing the hawks in the board meeting. No one would say Michiko feared the Militech anymore.

More importantly, she proved her steadfast position to the Arasaka Family, showing that her time in Night City, in New America, hadn't swayed her loyalty.

So, Mr. Arasaka Moro need not worry about Night City's Arasaka Tower and focus on preparing for his inheritance in Kyoto.

This question hinted at a possible offer of peace.

These thoughts flashed through Tang Yu's mind in an instant. As a seasoned veteran in the corporate world, he remained calm and continued to deflect.

"Director Michiko, you're testing me, aren't you? Sasha Yakovleva is your special assistant. No matter how much I like her, that would just be wishful thinking on my part."

Michiko's eyes twinkled with a playful smile.

"No, Sasha Yakovleva, she is your special assistant."

Tang Yu: "..."

Next chapter