1 Out of Prison

The dawn of dusk came upon the massive buildings, a tone of blue surrounded the bottom as it was mostly filth that covered the place, homeless people, drug dealers, people, in general, were found here. This was the slums where the poor people reconciled and were beaten to the bottom from the top dogs.

I'd always hated the fact that I had to suck up to some rich psychopathic person's rules and such. Following the rules was never my suit as I always got into trouble.

Today I was getting out of lock-up since my last incident at the middle-class level city.

I got arrested for assault but really I was beaten half to death for just dirtying some rich kids coat, It's just a fucking coat I don't care if you spent your whole fucking life on it.

The police labeled my account now as Low Class and now I had to live with that.

My family wasn't around, maybe my brother was somewhere around town but he wouldn't give a shit.

I looked over to see a hotdog stan, that's strange those things are basically ancient.

Me being pretty hungry and thinking this was just some cheap stuff I walked over there and engaged in some convo.

"Woah crim, don' get near me I kno' ya kind."

"Aye man I'm just hungry lemme buy something"

"Oh, alright people just have been bold enough to rob good old me what's your name boy?"


"Oooh, I bet you're a light age boy arent ya alright whatcha want"

"Gimme some dogs old man"

The dogs fried and the old man got the mustard and ketchup at the same time and put them on the bun before putting the dog in it. The dog was nicely grilled and had a sort of brown coat with some cut over it. Then the old man with some fashion added some more ketchup and mustard.

"Bon' Appetit pal"

"Is that some sort of ancient phrase?"

"No, it's Italian"

"What's that?"

The man sighed

"Kids these days."

Looking over the street and seeing the dozens of cars that were going everywhere I thought of getting a ride, but I was too poor.

I'm guessing the place I was at just kicked me out as well.

It looked like it was about to rain at any moment and then the bright red and pink lights were starting to get more bright as night was coming.

I grabbed the hotdog from the stand and gave the old guy 100 credits.

There used to be an old money system but the world has converted to credits. The world was more connected as pieces of metal were now called countries.

I opened up my left palm and talked into it.

"Nearest Hotel Cortana"

A bright screen at least the size of an iPhone blared up on my palm and then there was an A.I with some human features that started talking back to me.

"Looking for the nearest Hotel 5 minutes apart"

It took a couple of moments until the bot finally found a room that was available, what could I say you got at least 20 billion people in this world.

"At the Retro Plaza, Room 214, Cost 8000 credits per night"

Ugh, I have to find a job after this.

"Cortana look into my account right now."

"You have an available balance of 9900 credits at the moment."

I sighed and thought of a way to get some more money for tomorrow it stressed me out as I knew I was fucked, I didn't want to be a homeless bastard living off the streets or a technician that slaved over technology.

"Cortana buy the room for the night bill it once I get there I don't want to get scammed."

"Room 214 rented for the night, would you like me to give you a GPS towards there?"


The only sort of technology I could get along while ago was this A.I transmitter, you basically got some professional to stick it into your veins that are powered from your chip. The chip is located on the side of your temple.

The smell of smog was in the air and the honking of cars was present as well as I started walking toward the Plaza, it was near at least 2 miles of walking.

The scene got less and less tech and more old and ancient as I began to see some houses that were just too old even stand up.

I then saw the huge building that stood out from the rest of the garbage that was around it. Feels like I've entered a lion's den or something of that sort.

Right as I heard the rare chirps of birds as there were more trees in this area than where I was. I was interrupted by a person walking towards me.

I didn't really get what this guys plan was but after he pulled his gun out things got out of hand.

"Alright bastard gives up your credits and you may be able to live another sorry day of this living hell."

"Look man I just got out I don' got nothing"

I stood there and looked at the guy as his face almost told me that he was thinking, while he was thinking my instincts pulled me in from my self-defense training from school came into play.

He was about to realize what was gonna happen but it was too late I was in the distance of his shoot arm what he was aiming with. I tried grabbing it but ended up just gripping it and it became a battle of the balance of who would get the gun.

Just as he then responded a knee towards the side of my gut I felt it and the air went through my lungs, I wasn't done yet though, It only got me nearer towards him and I decided to use my weight against this guy.

I put my arm against his neck and began falling on him, I had control of his arm and he couldn't do anything we both fell and I made sure to cushion my arm with his damaging it.

The gun scrambled away and now it was just the two of us.

It seemed the guy was in adrenaline mode and just got back up and rushed me.

I tried my best to stay calm but couldn't as the adrenaline got to me as well, he decided to go for a hook towards my jaw but I blocked it with my right arm only getting damaged a little bit. I then countered with an uppercut to his chin but he dodged as if knowing that I was doing that, the action wasn't over though after the uppercut I went with an ax kick towards his head.

He couldn't realize it was coming to his head from his blindspot and once he realized my legs were moving he was too late, though he had his arms up he still suffered for the late reaction.

It shook him up and then I got to work, I tackled him to the ground and beat his face in till he wasn't conscious, I felt a little bit of metal from his cheeks but his chin wasn't a problem to hit.

Man, that was a shit show, I felt like a clown just showing everyone my tricks we were being laughed at by the locals as they saw how shit our fighting was.

After the fight I decided to search the area where the gun flew off to, it seemed it was right in front of a house. I've never held a gun before but always imagined myself with one as it was cool like those ancient mafia sorts of movies.

I crouched down and inspected the pistol, it seemed to be part of the Astro series that was canceled long ago since its materials were out of date. It was in poor condition but still looked like it could do the job.

I decided to stash it on my back as this guy didn't even have a holster for the gun itself right after I get some funds I'll go look for a gunshop I guess.

After that, I looted him pretty much of all his money, and he had this sort of new looking chip on his head, I yanked it out and put it on my right pocket.

After getting up and looking at my GPS once more it pointed diagonally to the bottom left of the screen then I got back to work.

I got some more looks at me from the locals as I had just beaten a man's face and took his gun, money, and maybe his chip as well but hey you rob me, I rob you.

I didn't think any less of what I did as I forgot about the situation as I was nearing the plaza now.

It had casinos and gambling halls near it with some restaurants nearby as well.

I still wasn't at the building and looked around as I was getting nearer. More food stands were here as it didn't seem like business was flowing that well back at the city I guess this is for poor people to come and dine at.

Seeing the night lights shine red and blue and such gave me a sort of feeling of how beautiful this place could be if you forgot about the scum and killing that was happening.

I wasn't scum or at least I don't think I am in my own morals. I didn't take grudges too hard but I will remember what's been done with me, I don't trust those big-wig companies or even high-class people at all anymore.

I got nearer and nearer and the more yellow and bright it got, a sort of ancient Las Vegas vibe showing at me.

I opened the doors as people were coming in and out of the place I walked towards the elevators and used the A.I to get the elevator.

It took a couple of minutes till the steel doors came down and showed themselves to me. It opened and then I invited myself inside.

As the doors were about to close at least three women got inside the elevator as well, they picked the highest floor of the building, they were party people I guess.

One had green-dyed hair while the other had braids that were a mix of colors, one sported a natural look that was rare from these days.

They examined me and the one with the dyed hair decided to speak to me.

"Hey, hot stuff looking to party?"

"Sorry not interested I'm going to my room right now."

"Come on the drinks, drugs and women are there won't ya at least come to look?"

"Well, I got no money for such things."

The woman then just gave me a scowl and ignored me as a whole, one of the friends had a sort of sorry face at me while the other just ignored me as well.

Well, my floor hit 200 and I got out leaving the three over there.

As I was getting out one of them saw the gun that was tucked in between my jeans on the back of me and told each other.

"Jane how could you say that to a gangster he coulda killed you and us!"

"Shhh before he hears you, Alex!"

The doors closed and I sighed as youth seemed to be in abundance, drugs were the whole package for them to ruin their young lives.

Though being young myself I still had better things to do.

I walked along the steel-plated floor and the minimalistic setting that was placed upon it. I found the view of the whole city beautiful as if looking at a light show of many colors but then those colors bloomed into the air.

I got to my room 214 that seemed to be a little worn down, I opened it with my A.I and then got inside, it automatically closed right after I got inside.

The place was alright though it was small, its what you get for an economically small room. The bathroom felt old but still clean, the closet was there and then there was the kitchen, gosh I have never seen such a shitty looking kitchen, like what the hell are these wooden cabinets, are we in the 20th century or something?

I decided to access the network and play some tunes on the speakers, I saw the bed and it looked comfy.

There was a view on the window though it was just the back of one of the buildings, maybe if you looked to the right of it you could see the sunset.

I decided to spend 100 more credits and got me some smokes, I used the special fire starter to inflame the cigarette.

I leaned at the window and inhaled the puff of smoke into my lungs, it was a special sort of cigarette it wasn't one of those nicotine oldies got addicted too, these were special.

It gave you a sort of speedy high that you were almost lost as if you had no control but had absolute control at the same time, the view of the city gave me a sense of euphoria it was blinding.

I then puffed out a large puff of smoke that went towards the air.
