

Heinous crimes. Good times in between. Cybernetically enhanced detective.

Faceless_Blotch · Horror
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9 Chs

Case 1-2 | I, Blanche

Lead: Male

Tags: Confession, Romance

Not that my superior isn't beautiful to begin with, but a good while into my course is when she really captures my attention. Not only my attention but the throb in my penis as well. Fortunately, both are still present, and very much active.

19, Yume Yuka is a very professional but cheeky woman who remains unknown to the fact of how my heart beats for her. I'm very shy so you couldn't blame her for not catching on.

Yume's silver hair is often tied in a bun during times of business, with the front parted behind her right ear and hanging freely to the left side of her face. And all hours are hours of business to her.

Yume isn't always serious, in fact, she's quite funny and has mastered both dark and dry comedy. Perhaps that's what drew out my love for her. Either that or her slender but mature figure, tanned skin and doubled D's. Or the fact that she's full-bodied.

I tug on her shirt sleeve as she leads down the hall toward the office.

"Huh?" Yume turns to me with an eyebrow raised, wondering what could be on my mind. She thought maybe I had trouble with the joke she just told. She sometimes had to explain the punchline, but for some reason, that only made it funnier to me.

"Could I…have a minute?" I ask her nervously.

"Yeah, sure," she tells me.

"No need to ask, go for it." Yume turns to the office door.

"No," I panic and tug on her jacket harshly.

"Hey," she appears confused.

"The both of us," I explain. "Together…"

The two meet in the office kitchen, alone since lunch had just passed. The only issue was to watch out for people fetching a cup of tea.

I drop my arms and my heart beats and beats faster, proving difficult to control my breath.

"Well," Yume waits. "Out with it, man," she bumps my shoulder with an open palm and smiles with a look of expectation, wondering what was running through my mind.

"I…" I fail to form a comprehensive sentence as he jumps from phrase to phrase of what he wants to confess. "Well-, You-, I- Hmm…"

"Come on," Yume remains patient with me and comforts my pulsating mind with her friendly manner.

"I'm your partner now," she tells me. "I'm your friend. You can tell me anything." We stand in silence for a bit when someone walks in for a coffee. The kettle boils and we stand in silence as they mix their dry ingredients.

"What're you two up to, eh?" they ask.

"Nothing too bad," she smiles at the random.

I smile back and we continue waiting the minutes until they're gone.

The guy pours his water, his milk and heads out the door. "Well, I'll leave you to it."

"That's just it," I begin. My thoughts are still scattered but manage to string something together. "You're my partner, my friend. I can't tell you everything because I never want to ruin that. But the bravery you show so heavily in your profession will cause me to take the risk."

"Wha-?" Yume backs up a bit but I grab her hands.

"I can't tell you everything because I don't want to lose you," I confess. "But I have to tell you some things for the same reason."

I gulp down my embarrassment, shyness and silent behaviour to make my stance clear. "Every time I see you now, it sends me through some kind of havocious and critical…thinking. Like some kind of storm or something where I can't shake you off my mind."

"It's dumb," I tell her. "I know you're looking for a new romantic interest now, and you've got lists of people lined up, so I've got no shot. But I just want you to know where I stand. I can't really keep it a secret anymore, that you creep into my dreams most nights."

I let her hands free and hide my eyes in my palms. "I've never felt the same in all my 15 years. Even when puberty hit, it was nothing like this." I drop my hands and look away to some clock on the wall, just to avoid the reaction she might be feeling.

"Thoughts of you flood my mind and ease away all the stress, pain, heartache I've been through until this point. And I'm sure you know what I mean. But…"

Yume stands there, not sure what to say, and stares at the ground in a sorrowful look. "But?" she asks.

I shrug my shoulders. I hide my face in my hands and shift my torso from side to side, embarrassed. "But…I love you…"

You could hear a pin drop with how silent the atmosphere was after that.

Yume looks up to me and sees me hiding behind my arms and apologising.

"I…I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I repeat.

She pushes up a half smile, not that I could see it, but it seems she's impressed with my confession. "Havocious?" she giggles.

"I- I don't know," I shrug my shoulders. My heart skips a beat as her lips touch my cheek.

Yume pulls away and swings her arms behind her back.

I drop my hands and look away, sometimes meeting her eyes to see her smile.

"You can't even look at me," she jests.

"Uh… sorry…" I don't move, still bewildered at how things have worked out.

"Next time you see me, tell me how your heart beats. Then I'll decide if I want you or not."

Yume leaves out of the kitchen and into the offices, leaving me dumbfounded.


I spend the weekend alone in my room, staring at my stack of unfinished work and just thinking. Of course, thinking of her. 'Tell me how your heart beats,' she said. "Well," I whisper to myself. "Ever since then, it's beaten for you. I just hope I won't spoil our time together on the force."

Monday comes and I'm paired with someone else. Someone much more attractive and easy, but my mind was fixated. Yume has another mission out of town and won't be back for a while. It was a very last minute decision.

The week passes. The month passes. Another. And another. Finally, I hear she'll be making her return and she was celebrating her success by throwing a party at her place.

I wonder if this was planned by the scaled celestial that runs rampant in our nightmares. The gods of this world. It just so happens I've finished my studies prematurely. Mostly since my mind is directly connected online, only my mental capacity can really be tested.

Since my mind is forever online, even random thoughts I have are answered in an instant - so I've seen my fair share of terrible things without meaning to. I am the first cybernetically enhanced detective that this city has seen. Naturally, I am also the youngest.

There's a lot that comes with this job but I believe I'm prepared for it all. I've had nearly ten years with my mind focused on what I want. And what I want is to help everyone. My first case will be with her, and she's just in time for it.

I've shown up to her party but keep waiting outside, my presence unknown.

The party rages for hours and hours, well into the night. Laughter and music and it sounds like a good time. Nothing I would concern myself with though.

I look at my phone and yawn, utterly exhausted. 2:15 it read. I contemplate going home when the laughter stops, the music stops and a final cheer blasts out from her windows.

Yume lives in a home swell enough to embarrass Clifford in size, and it was very expensive to maintain. With large gardens, fountains, expensive building material, and bulletproof glass to name a few features.

Not that I didn't have more land to express myself freely. It was still uniquely designed and compliments her bold, beautiful, intelligent personality.

People start leaving. They hug and kiss her goodbye while I wait off her property, behind a hedge.

A minute passes and the coast is clear.

Yume stands waving off her last visitors until they're well out of sight, and then I move out.

Yume smiles them away and reaches to close her door. She was thinking of hurrying to the 5th season of Sherlock. However, she notices my figure from afar, slowly approaching.. Nervous of who it was, she slams the door shut and stares through her blinds right next to her.

Walking closer, I hold my arms up to show I'm no threat, I walk closer with a smile on my face, and a nervousness to meet her again.

Yume looks on and is surprised when she realises it's me. A smile slowly transitions to her face to mirror mine.

She must've missed me too. Eh. I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

Yume unlocks the door and embraces me.

I keep it for too long, just excited to see her again, smell her again, hold her.

"Uh," she sounds.

"Sorry," I chuckle, a little embarrassed still.

"That's all right," she giggles. Yume extends her arm, welcoming me in. "Jump on the couch, I'll make you some tea."

I walk in and wait on her couch, ready to confess again.

"How come you didn't show?" Yume asks me as she brings in drinks for the two of us.

"Thank you," I take the offering from her hand. "Hot." I watch as she turns and moves to her couch, smirking at my double entendre. "Well… It's not my thing," I chuckle.

"Makes sense," she smiles. "It's not for everyone." Yume blows her tea and sips. "It is hot," she giggles. Her attention directs to the TV and she scrolls through her Recently Viewed. Some… interesting stuff in there. "Sorry," she tells me. "I'm not sure what you watch. Or if you can even watch things."

I laugh. "No, I can get invested in something sometimes but I have to binge it while I'm… disconnected." I drink more of my tea and cross my legs. "As soon as I'm connected, I might think of something I haven't seen the end of and…"

"That sucks," she shows an expression of concerned annoyance. "That's terrible. So, no One Piece?" she asks.

I shake my head.

Her jaw drops.

"That's what did it," I explain. "I was really into it, at Whole Cake, and then I went for my upgrade. I wasn't thinking about it at the time."

She stares at me, unsure what to say. "That sucks," she calls. "I don't know what else to say, that is terrible."

"Yeah," I sip my drink.

"Well, don't spoil anything for me, please."

"I won't, don't worry," I hold up my vacant hand to gesture. "And, anything," I tell her. "Just play what you want." I feel a drop of sweat at my temple, nervous to follow up on my confession to her.

"Well," she turns and scrolls again through her TV of choice.. "There's a new episode of Nightwatch, if you've ever heard of that. It's pretty big, and it looks like it's starting to get good."

I don't answer and stare blankly into my cup. "It's still the same," I admit.

"Sorry?" Yume questions.

"My heart," I tell her.

It takes her a second but she understands. "Oh," she whispers. She smiles over to me, "Get over here."

The invite to her side sends shivers through my body, and I look up to see her patting down the cushion next to her with a quaint smile. The look was enough to send me into a fit.

"Uh…" I sound, my body language reserved. I rub my knees together, my balls twisting in a tornado within my sack. My heart heaves, drowning and struggling to breathe, and my stomach digests the butterflies inside. I break through my irrational fear of being turned away and get up to join her on the couch. I sit and place my cup atop the coffee table "H-Hey…"

Yume places her hands on my closest lap. "Your heart still beats for me, huh? After all this time."

I look down and nod my head.

Yume kisses my cheek once more.

Again, my heart skips a beat. Two.

She pulls back and takes a deep breath. "We'll see how we go by the end of the night." Yume grabs her remote and continues an episode of Nightwatch. "I'm on season two so, sorry if you haven't seen it yet. It's not that important, just mindless fun, so you'll probably like it."

My heart races for the rest of the night, wondering what she meant by her statement. Episodes go by. She gets hyped, tugging on my jacket. She gets sad, blowing in her handkerchief. She gets happy, bumping her fist in the air. She gets awkward, side-eyeing me as a sex-scene plays on TV. A very graphic one.

Covered with a heavy blanket now, the two are a lot closer than they started. Our cups are empty and I'm pressed up next to her, by her doing.

"Aren't you a bit cold, Blanche?" she speaks in a nervous and blushed tone.

My heart keeps a BPM of 140, there's no way I wouldn't be sweating if I hadn't lost the ability. "Not so much," I answer.

Yume turns to me. "Why not," she chuckles.

"I can barely feel it." I knock on my steel arm, and my hand twists 360 degrees with a quiet whizz.

"Oh," she hides her face in the blankets. "I forget that you're… different. But I am."

Her glasses sit on the shelf, branching to her right from the armrest. Her arms and legs were tucked warmly against her body. Feet on the sofa beneath her, crossed and wiggling for warmth.

I gaze in her direction, my soul taken by her adorable stature and wanting to be hers. All hers. I take a cushion, gently pull her away from the armrest, and place it at her side - between her arm and the armrest.

"Uh?" Yume is taken by surprise that I'm finally making a move.

I wedge myself behind her and let gravity pull me downward. I fall slowly until my head rests on the cushion. My movement implies that she does the same. And she does.

She rests in front of me, and we lay spread along the couch. Our heads sink into the cushion and we wriggle for comfort in a spooning fashion. The sex scene on Nightwatch continues to play out.

Yume bites her lip, "Nice," she congratulates me in her very soft voice with the slightest hint of a giggle.

My prosthetic pieces do, however, make her colder, but she does appreciate the thought of my actions. I begin heating up.

"Huh?" Yume sounds. "You're warming up," she giggles. "What is this… function for?"

I feel myself smiling, happy that things have come even this far. "I told you," I say. "I've been feeling this way for a while." I leave it at that, implying I've been getting many installments just for her. And I have. A few of them had her in mind.

After however many years, Yume finally feels the love she fell in love with again. Never did she think it would happen, but here it is. Stronger than ever, and it's all thanks to one troubled kid.

The episode ends, cutting the sex scene short. "Just when it was starting to get good," I joke.

Yume laughs along with me. She reaches for my hand at my side and glides it gently to her front, resting it on her stomach in a warm embrace. "It still is," she teases. The next episode plays.

Episode by episode goes by. Season 3 is about to start but it asks if they're still watching. Not so much anymore.

I still lie on my side while Yume is now on her back looking into my eyes. Her hand is resting at the back of my neck, and she's kissing my lips.

Of course, I'm kissing back. But, inexperienced, I let her take the lead. My eyes stay wide open while she does so, while hers are shut tight.

She's giving her best, but keeping it mild, and she often gives off little, cute moans.

Meanwhile, I've easily been up for the past some hours, and throb against her leg.

Yume pulls away from her kiss and smiles. "Somebody's keen," her eyes open.

The two of us stare into each other's eyes for minutes but it feels like just seconds.

"Your heart only beats for me?" she asks me, worried about my certainty.

"Easily a year now," I admit.

"Okay," Yume stares into my eyes while a smile crawls upon her face. "That's good enough for me," she giggles. "Let's see if your hands do the same." Yume pushes off the blanket and holds my hand tight. She gets up and pulls me off the couch, then leads upstairs.

I can't help but feel warm for what's coming - probably me - and can't help but stare at her rump while she keeps in front.

Yume leads me down a corridor upstairs to the end, where she opens up her massive room.

Because it's so dark, I can't make out what it consists of but there were many things from many places. Elephant, giraffe figures, dreamcatchers, glass structures, but a massive bed in the middle that required steps to fall into.

Yume takes me up the steps, in much of a hurry, and turns to face me. She wraps her arms around my waist and falls back.

The two of us fall for a brief moment, but I hold out my arms to break my fall while Yume bounces beneath me.

She giggles as my waist drops against hers. Yume wraps her arms around my chest and legs around my waist. She kisses, sucks, bites on my neck as her heart beats faster and her lust grows to dwarf mine. She pulls up the back of my shirt and glides her hands along the smooth but flawed skin of my back.

I ready myself to apologise and explain but she saves me the trouble by not mentioning the scars and deformities.

Yume runs her fingers up the edges of my scars, never getting too close or using enough pressure to hurt me. Only enough to provide a light tickle. "You haven't done this before?" she whispers into my ear before nibbling on the top.

"Mh," I whimper. "No, ma'am."

"But you know how it works, right?" she asks me, concerned at my ability.

"I have an idea," he smiles.

"Good boy," she tells me. "Let me have it."

The willingness my crush is showing is more than enough to force my full potential. Before I know it, I'm throbbing against her.

With no time to waste, I begin immediately moving into her, still clothed and pushing in slow and deep.

"Mmn, I like that," Yume moans. "Passionate."

Since then, I speed up while maintaining consistent pressure against her. Hearing her moans are enough to fuel my undying movement. But mostly that's thanks to my prosthetics.

"Unf, oouh~, gh, ffffffuuhh~, nng, oh God, Blanche," she moans. "I'm ready for you now~." Yume wriggles upward with her shoulders and uses her feet to kick the bed, and move her up to her pillow. She reaches up to flick the switch on a cord to a bedside lamp.

Yume uses the distance to slide her shorts and underwear past her plump ass and she leaves it as is for me to discover.

I remain kneeling where I am, and reach down to unveil myself to her.

However, Yume sits and leans her face against my clothed member. "Let me," She grabs my hands and pulls them downward to my sides. Yume grabs at my jeans and wiggles them downward, ensuring my underwear remains. She passes them by my thighs, but her eyes are fixated on what he's been hiding down there.

"Big," she says. She doesn't giggle, doesn't laugh. She's merely hypnotised and loving my size, just by the looks of my bulge. "This thing wasn't replaced, was it?" she asks semi-seriously.

I shake my head with a smirk. "Fortunately, no."

Yume looks up to me and laughs nervously. "Wow," she rubs my briefs and strokes the thing, and redirects her attention to my hidden treasure.

Three bulging orbs, the middle one stretching to the top edge of my briefs and pulsating furiously against its confines. Yume rubs her face into them and breathes in deeply. The scent is similar to vanilla candle wax. "Interesting," she whispers, her breath coming unsteady.

I move a hand to her head and stroke her hair.

Yume pulls away and exhales. "How do they smell so fresh?" she asks me.

Embarrassed, I turn away. "I've lost the ability to sweat."

"If only I could lose mine," Yume giggles. "Nah, I'm clean. Showered before the party. So we're both ready for each other, huh?"

Yume swings her arm around to my backside and hooks a finger between my cheeks. She gently tugs down until the tip of my foreskin bursts out of my pants. She pulls a bit further and the thing beats forward, skin pulling down to reveal the head of my shaft.

"Mn," Yume moans. She grabs the sides of my briefs and pulls again to my thighs, exposing my freshly shaved seven inches of might and supple balls to match.

Yume breathes intensely, each short and sharp.

"Good god," she widens her eyes for a moment.

"Sorry," my hands rise to cover my face. "Are you used to bigger?"

Yume shakes her head silently and leans in with her tongue out.

"Mnf," I moans as Yume glides softly up my dick from the base.

Her drool drips heavy from her tongue and slides down my balls. She kisses under the ridge of my tip and flicks her tongue across, across, across, across.

"Oouh~," I bite my lip and hold both sides of her head, throwing my own back and relying on my hips to bring me satisfaction.

She takes me into her mouth.

Feeling the inner of Yume's cheeks, her tongue dancing with my tail, I push slow and deep but carefully.

She pulls away and spits on the length, stroking it with her hand and spreading the wetness."Let's see how you do," she smiles up to me in the dimly lit shadow cast of the lamp behind her. Yume falls back and my attention is brought to her again.

"Good god," I giggle.

Placing my hands at both of her hips, I lower to kiss her cheek and then her neck, collarbones, centre of chest, the side of her stomach and then above her private place.

I notice the skin at her backside was exposed, she was already ready for me. My fingers slip past her shorts and claw around her underwear, and slowly pull down to reveal her goods.

Yume's pussy was shaved just recently as well. It seems to have been waxed. Very lucky to whoever did that. An elegant looking vagina - clean, beautiful, classy, with the scent of a rose. "Don't stare," Yume blushes in her shadow.

I move closer and kiss to the side of it, and lick her from bottom to top before pressing into her folds.

"Nnf," she moans. "Gentle, baby."

I halt from pressing into her and instead let my tongue play around her lips and clit without any pressure.

"Oou~" Yume moans. "Like that." She unbuttons her shirt and unclips the middle of her bra, allowing it to break loose.

My eyes wander up and stare at her breasts laying limp to the edges of her body. Her bare chest, full and heavy double D's out to play with, hardened nipples pointing in diagonals to the roof.

Yume places her hands on my head and grips my hair, pushing me into her and forcing my eyes to return to mission. She bites down on her teeth and smiles, closed eyes facing the roof. "Nnh, oouh~, ahhh, fffh~."

Her sweet sounds keep me occupied, and I lick her sweetness to her heart's content. That content that doesn't last much longer.

"Blanche?" she whimpers.

"Hm?" I sound, still busy lapping her juices.

"Do you want to try penetration?" she questions.

I pull up and lean over her, looking down at her bare chest and shy expression. "If it wouldn't hurt," I tell her.

"Please," she giggles. "You're too sweet." Yume feels the skin of my dick faintly breeze against her lower. "I'm used to it by now," she kisses my cheek. "It's good." She uses her leg to press my rear and draw me closer.

"Ng," I whine as my penis is dragged up into her pelvis.

Yume uses her hands to reach my package, and strokes it slow and steady until a bubble of precum leaks from my tip. She holds it downward while pulling her folds apart, and positions it at the hole between her lips. "On your mark," she tells me.

"Okay," I nod. Nervous, I press into her, showing my love.

Her arms fall limp as her toes curl, legs still wrapped around my waist. "Oouuhaaahhhh, yyyeeeeeahh~,"she exhales as I build a pace and moan back.

"Ooh, ffh, oh my god~." I move into her, each thrust met with a light convulsion of pleasure - from the both of us. My perfectly straight, uniform, symmetrical, tidy seven inches of manhood was working wonders inside of Yume's body.

Perhaps she should be used to it. Perhaps this shouldn't be special. Perhaps it was only special because she hadn't done it in a while. Perhaps it was special because I showed her a love she'd never felt. Perhaps it was as strong as her first love. Perhaps it was stronger. One thing that was certain was that I loved her indefinitely. Perhaps she thought I was lying.

Yume throws my arms over me and pulls me in tightly. She feels tears welling in her eyes but she casts them away. "I-", she stops herself before finishing that sentence.

"Sorry?" I ask, still pumping into her.

"Nothing," she holds me tighter.

My moaning grows louder in her ear, and she can feel the passion from within every time I delve into her. "It's good?" I ask for reassurance, unsure by the way she's moaning.

"Mhm," she quickly nods her head. "More."

I increase in speed, the sound of my tight belly slapping against hers, pairing to fill the room with the erotic sounds of her heated, wet pussy.

Yume pulls me in with her legs and tightens her grip at the back of my shirt, while she licks and suckles on my neck.

I continue bouncing into her pull, her enclosed lips around my thick cock. I move my arms to hug her back.

Both of us embrace each other, both with skin a bright shade of pink, and both of our waists very attracted to each other. Every inch of our bodies flooded with warmth.

Surrounded by the sounds, feeling, look of lust and love, I could feel the hearts bouncing off our steamy, very sweaty session. Sweaty for her. I near the brink of orgasm as Yume's sharp and fevered breaths fill the bedroom.

"Nngh," I groan in ecstasy. my eyes shut and balls begin to pulse. A tiresome throbbing develops at the base of my shaft, signalling my imminent release. Yume's muscles begin to clench around my penetrating limb as I thrust it with vigour into her deep, tightening hole.

"Oouhn~," she moans as our hearts race against each other.

"I'm cumming," I call out, giving fair warning to her.

"Inside," Yume tells me. "I want it inside."

I almost crush Yume with the grip of my arms as I jerk my hips.

"Ah, mn, ahn, ouh, ng," Yume's sounds come out in exhausted whispers as she feels herself coming to climax.

My cock erupts forcefully, expelling thick ropes of cum inside.

Yume dips her head back and lurches her hips forward, crying out in bliss while surrendering to the intense explosion of pleasure between her thighs.

Her muscles pulse quick and hard around her lover's member, bathing my shaft with her sweet juices - while I pulse quicker and harder inside her. Both of us continue throbbing, twitching for what feels like a full minute, just coming down.

I could feel it fill her up as it creeps and seeps out of the walls gripping my meat.

"Oouh, Blanche," Yume falls limp. "Thank you." Yume melts into the bed, cementing her print in the blanket.

At 15, I've just lost my virginity this night to my superior, tutor, teacher, friend. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Dearest Yume Yuka. At 19, she's experienced a lot. Some of her best times are spent with virgins. The lust, the love, the speed and abrupt ending. No virgin has ever made her cum, except during her first time. Yume hasn't felt a connection as strong since then. In her case, this makes Blanche special.


Morning comes and we get ready for our first day on the force with each other.

"Can't be on your bloody laurels, Blanche, come on," Yume hurries me. "Tea, breakfast, have whatever you want. Just be quick."

I hurry downstairs and rush to her kitchen. "Really?" I ask, already exhausted. Sleep was not well after the long time of sex last night.

"You're my guest. Go for it," she explains with a smile.

I'm gripping at my knees, tired and recovering from my short sprint. "Does this mean we're together?" I look up at her, eager for an answer.

Yume slips on her shoes and tosses me a spare key. "If this is how your heart beats, you're welcome back with open arms."

I smile.

"You should get an upgrade," she jokes. "Keep up your stamina. You might need it with what we'll be doing."

I laugh and turn away from her to the kitchen. "I've already gotten a few. Those really sunk my ship," I side-eye her as I walk to her cupboards. "Expensive." I pull out some wheaties and take a jar of chocolate spread. "Makes sense." I pull out a spoon and dig a heap of spread before dropping the lump onto a wheatie. I bite half and freeze when I notice Yume staring.

She stares and I stare back. "Having most of your body gone, I would assume you kept health in your best interest."

I turn away so she can't see me, and chew in silence for nearly a minute, to clear my mouth of the very dry breakfast. "You're right," I admit. "I'll do better."

"No need," she laughs as she gets to her knees. Yume jumps up to her feet and heads out the door. She enters her vehicle and I hear her music playing. My Chemical Romance. Nice.

I stare at the front door with a smile on my face. I then spin around in victory, whispering "Yes!" to myself. I walk to the fridge and spot the clock above. 7:15 it read.

"Eeg," my eyes bulge and my jaw drops to the floor. Gonna be late for work at this rate. I hurry with my breakfast, shoving in many wheaties and leaning over the sink.

I push a slice of bread into the toaster and stare a good five minutes, waiting for it to finish. Pop! Done.

I shove the toast in my mouth in traditional fashion and run outside to find Yume sitting in the driver's seat on her phone.

The roof of her convertible is up and I jump over the passenger door and drop to a comfy fluffed seat.

She looks to me with her shades on and a lollipop sticking out of her mouth. "You ready?" she asks me along with the sound of Justin Timberlake's SexyBack.

I smile and laugh, "Oh, cool." I nod, and she shares another pair of shade with me. I wear them, gladly, throw on my belt, and eat my plain toast. Her wheels burnout and we take off down her driveway.

We come to a quick stop while waiting for her automatic gates to open.



We drive forward a little and wait for them to close.



Done. We take off with great speed, barely sticking to the laws that we push on the city. We're off to the Office. My first case, and our first day together. I can't get over that.
