
02. Mr Biggs

Returning back to the club, she was met with a cacophony of noise and complaints like she had expected.

"Aww, V. Why'd you let him go?" A regular at Avi's bar spoke up in disappointment.

"That's not fair V!! I remember you beating the shit out of me cause I refused to pay ten times the amount for breaking a cup. How come you are letting him go just like that!?" Another customer complained to Avi, obviously extremely dissatisfied with her decision of letting the drug dealer off.

"And he could also fight back… I thought you liked the feisty ones that resists. You don fuck up jhor! " Another spoke up obviously also disappointed by the outcome.

"Only one round?!! That's too short man. we went at it for 7 rounds before letting me go, with only the bones in my skull intact. How come you are letting him off lightly? Have you taken a liking to that dude?" Another regular who had suffered from Avi's wrath a while b quickly spoke up.

"Ohhh, Avi'z in looooov- ouch!!" Before the smiling drunkered could finish his sentence, Avi had swiftly sent a bottle smashing towards his head at lightening speed with a frightening velocity.

"Say that one more time, I will make sure that would be last words you'd say clearly for months." Avi said while glaring angrily at the now sobered man who is also nodding his head like a chicken.

Ignoring the man, Avi walked through the rows of crowds before standing before a cute female bar tender she had as an assistant. Saying a few words to her. She left after putting her shoulder.

A few moments later, Avi came out from the bar. Huffing out a cloud of smoke, while cracking her neck to both sides making out a thunderous sound.

She walked down the alley for only a few moments, bit in those few moments, she had passed no less than 40 corners and alleyways. After making sure she had lost whoever or whatever was watching her, she walked into a nice looking boutique.

A few minutes later, a completely different woman walked out of the boutique. Dressed in a casual but fine looking gown, her previously red hair had changed into a blond type. She also wore a nice looking glasses on a face, red lipstick, high heels. She looked really hot, grabbing most of the attention to her self. She dressed like she was going for a high end party.

Her previously stoic face instantly morphed into a smile. As if her former self who walked into the boutique wasn't at all related.

Calling for a lift on her techprint, the hovercar was in front of her in less than ten seconds. She walked in, then the hovercar rose into the air, and with a 'Swish!' it took off.

In a highfalutin and grand looking high end restaurant, Mr Biggs. Where the customers are people with high status and authority, exiting and entering the restaurant with smiles on their faces.

A hover car swished into one of the available parking spot. Avi came out of the hovercar after paying the cyber credits for the journey.

Adjusting her glasses, and smoothening her clothes and hair with her hand, she walked inside the restaurant. Her hips swaying a bit seductive.

Entering the restaurant, she was immediately blinded by the expensive looking furniture. As she looked down at the piece of art made into a floor marble, Avi could swear one piece of the marble could cost several thousand CC.

Sighing at such extravagance, although she had been to restaurant numerous number of times, she still could get rid of her admiration.

Gazing around, she spotted who she had come to see, walking towards the man who was seated at a corner of the hall. The man upon catching sight of her, immediately stood up and just like a gentleman, he walked towards one of the empty chairs in front of him since there was 7 empty chairs surrounding the table soon thereafter, he pulled out the chair at a comfortable distance.

Avi glanced at the man with smile, "Thank you."

Although she was smiling, her eyes were already scanning if there was any problems with the restaurant.

Previously, when Avi was at the bar, playing with her newly found pet, her techprint had picked up a signal. Which was a call from one of her crew members.


She had placed him at one of the government Bounty Posts where wanted criminals are displayed and are only available to bounty hunters with accessible power grades and legit datum. She had positioned him there to observe just in case there was any bounty that falls into her list of acceptable missions.

Although as the captain of the crew, and as a C - grade bounty hunter, she had direct access to the list of available mission on her techprint, she obviously had other interesting 'Things' to do than to sit down and start checking for the availability of acceptable Missions. That's absurd. Apparently, that was the excuse she gave to her crew mates.

The restaurant they currently at, is their gathering point and the main reason Avi chose was non other than the fact that as long as one is seated on any chairs, a hidden mechanism would be triggered immediately, muting any words spoken by that person making only the person could listen to his or her own voice and also those who are seated together with the person on the same table.

The mechanism also deflects and repels any signal, either discernable or not, or hidden, from tapping into the signal of the person attempting to pry out useful information from them.

Well, she also loved this place cause they serve good pepper soup and bush meat. Her personal favorite.

"You are welcome, boss." the young man responded swiftly while also sitting down his own spot.

Burner's eyes, blue in color. A nice looking young man, wearing a white and black casual outfit with tiny amounts of black hair growing out of his chin. His hair, black with a flat top haircut. His main role in the team is to basically act as support for the crew.

"Where are the others?" Avi casually asked while picking up a glass of wine from the table.

"Uhm, i- i- here they are!" Burner's eyes instantly lit up as he secretly heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing the rest of the crew coming into the restaurant one after the other.

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