
Cyar'ika Star

Iris Tanooki is the former student of Yoda. After being dubbed a master by the council, she was given the mission. Though she doesn't agree with it, She gose threw with it. Will she succeed or fail?

Mama_Wolfblood · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Obi-Wan looked at Iris in fear. "Iris how much of that did you hear?" Praying she heard none of it. With a soft sigh she walked in the room."Why didn't you tell me?" She asked softly kinda hurt. "I was afraid and the Jedi forbid it." He said standing in front of her. He took her hands in his. "Order be dambed I love you. I have been in love with you Iris." He finally declared his love but it was to late. "A year ago I would have accepted your feelings. But there is another that has my heart. He didn't wait Obi-Wan. I'm sorry but I can't with you." She whispered leave the room in tears. The man stood shocked before thinking of a way to get her back.

Time skip

Waiting for her men Iris stood on the bridge. Obi-Wan and his team show up. He looks at her and she looked away. Threw the force he entered her mind. 'I am sorry Iris.' He sounds apologetic and knows him he ment it. The red head looked back at him over her shoulder. She nods and heads of the bridge to her room. The room was small having only the necessities a bed,vanity, and bathroom. The bed was cool and soft. "Why would he say something now. I should keep Rex away from him." She said closing her eyes only to be awoken by a pair of arms around her. The sent of grass and crystal pool water. "Cyar'ika whats wrong? You looked so upset earlier." Rex whispered kissing her shoulder. "It's Obi-Wan Cyar'ika he confessed his love earlier." She said rolling over to look at him. The clone just looked into her eyes. "What did you say?" His hand on her cheek. "He was to late my heart belongs to another man, who didn't wait around to say something." She smiled at him. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum cyar'ika" He said before kissing her passionately pressing her into the mattress. "His team will walk by any minute calm down Rex." She tried but in the end she wanted this too.

Iris was about to fall asleep when his com link went off. "Rex you are needed at the Baracks." He sighs disappointed. "I will be right there." He said and got up. Iris watched him leave. She giggles knowing his men are in for it. Looking at the clock it was three in the morning. She had to get up anyway.

Iris pov

I was mediated in the courtyard waiting for my men to show. Ten minutes later they were all in positions. Zephyr was ballsy to come at me first. Leaping to my feet before he got to me. I block his punches and kicks throwing him over my shoulder. The others join in. It was a new recruit that got me on my back. He went by Sky and I didn't like how cocky he was being. "Sky look out!" Zephyr tried to warn him. I force pushed him allowing me to get up. I offer my hand to him and he took it. "Alright everyone feeling loose?" I asked making them nod. Zephyr stood by me. "Alright men lets do some laps." He said as he and I start jogging.

Anakin on the bridge with Obi-Wan watching the morning work out. "I guess thats one way to train the group." Obi-Wan said. 'Rex obviously isn't doing his job if she can still walk.' Anakin though to himself. "Her team loves her. She gose out of her way for them." He said taking his shift. "Maybe we can start something like that?" Rex said followed by an agreeing Cody. "Would serve as a grate wake up routine." Obi-Wan said getting ideas. "Have to start later. Shift is all is all yours Anakin." He said sarcastically walking with his team. At the time it was calm but it was not ment to last.