
first thoughts

on the day it all changed it was an average day for me I woke up went to school came home and and started to look through my furniture catalog when all a sudden I heard a boom from outside and the sky turned a darkish red and I heard people screaming ,I quickly ran to the balcony and I seen people being chased by th.. these zombie like things and in that moment my main thought at the time was, does that mean I don't have to have lots of money to afford my customizations now. sure it may be a selfish thought but it's not like I'm some hero about to go out there and fight for people I'd probably go and protect a couch before a person and I know that may change in the future but for right now I am just in it to protect my passion and my future. I spent the next two days preparing for the rest of my life I don't have that any wepons so I'll have to make do with a bat I made in woodshop next I went through my few tools I had cause I had to get them prepared for future projects and I spotted my nail gun it's not much but it will work in a pinch and it's battery operated, and with my tools a bat and some extras of importance I took my final rest in my apartment and was ready to set off

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