
Chapter 3

"Aaaand done." says Corven quietly with a smile, as he lays the last tree branch against the entrance to a extremely small cave in the side of a cliff.

" Its not much but itll at least keep me out of the wind." says Corven as he looks over to the sun setting, then the stormy clouds up above.

"And hopefully the rain....." he says nervously.

With his shelter done and the rain coming, Corven crawls inside the save,and covers the entrance with a large piece of tree bark.

Looking towards the entrance of the cave, He sees barely any light poking through.

"Good, itll do for the night." Says Corven as he nods is head in approvement.

As he gets comfortable in his cave, he sits his back up against the wall.

" Now let's figure out how you work. System." says Corven summoning a status panel infront of his eyes.


Name: Corven Cain

EXP Points: 0.5

Health: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

STR: 10

AGI: 10

CON: 10

VIT: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUK: 10

Tabs- Inventory, Drawing Panel

"In the novel it took Roy 1 lower ranked hatchling demon soul to make a fully loaded revolver. So I need to figure out the ratio of EXP to souls to figure out where to start. So for now let's make it simple."

"Drawing panel."

What Appears infront of Corven is the same White panel as before, with several different colors and pens.

Seeing the panel, Corven uses some pins to draw and color a loaded revolver, when he's done, the red 0/0.5 mark becomes 5/0.5.

"Hmm.. so 1 hatchling demon soul is worth 5 EXP, give or take some."

"Assuming angel and human souls would be relatively the same ratio, and that more powerful and or older beings give better grade souls, I could gain much more EXP finding stronger opponents to fight."

"So EXP wise it really is just like a system from a game, Thankfully." Corven says with a thankful sigh.

"It looks like soon ill have to go hunting for stronger game.... maybe I could set traps for a steady stream of EXP as well." Says Corven as he ponders on what he could do, his mind drifting off to the thought of trying his luck hunting those Turtle-Boars.

"Hmm.. maybe after I gain some items or strength.."

When Corven's done, he erases the revolver, and after debating for a moment, he starts drawing a yellowish brown vegetable, with buds in some spots.

Otherwise known as a potato.

As he finishes, He looks towards the bottom right and he sees that it became 0.01.

Seeing the little amount a single potato cost, Corven smiles and chuckles slightly.

"At least i really won't have to worry about starving."

"It might be best if I make fruits and vegetables from the system until I confirm whether some here are safe to eat. Thankfully the fish look and seem similar to ones back on earth. Though they do seem to be mixtures of others."

Saying this Corven draws a sack of a dozen potatoes, as he does the price changes to 0.1.

"So the system can offer a discount when things are made in bulk, okay that'll be useful." says Corven as he ponders the possibilities.

Finishing with that, Corven erases everything and hesitates for a moment before drawing a freshly cooked steak, when he's finished, he wipes away the drool hanging from his lip from wanting a steak, and sees that the priced stayed at 0.1.

"That might be too much to spend considering I don't have alot of EXP as it is.. Ill have to stick with hunting, at least that way I can eat and gain EXP. Killing 2 birds with 1 stone."

"Hmm.." eyeing his spear, Corven debates on making a knife, itd probably be cheaper than a sword and would help out with many things while surviving, his makeshift spear would only get him so far.

With his decision made, Corven draws a normal hunting knife, with a 4 inch long gray blade, and a 4 inch long solid black handel.

Once he's finished he sees the price chance to 1 exp, and is a little shocked.

"Do weapons cost more?...Hmm...." thinking to himself, Corven decides to try something different.

he redrawn the blade of the knife, but this time making it dull, and when he's done the price changes to 0.7.

"Okay good, so id only need to kill 2 more fish to get a dull hunting knife."

" Its fine if its dull, itll just take some time to sharpen with a smooth stone from the pond." says Corven as he moves the knife drawing into a save tab in the drawing menu.

"Until then...."he says as he begins drawing on the screen.

As he finishes, whats visible is a large roll of metal fishing line, with the price being 0.5, which Corven grins at.

"I could do passive hunting as well." he says as he holds the large bundle of fishing line.

Before closing the system for the night, Corven thinks back onto the novel he read, there were many things he could use and copy from it for his own potential growth.

He plans to modify his body in all sorts of ways to grow further.

"Thankfully me and grandpa were both nerds." Says Corven as he chuckles remembering the nights they stayed up watching movies or playing games together.

So drawing the final thing for the night, Corven thinks on it, and soon the final drawing is a white syringe gun, with a vial of a light purple liquid in a spiral tube.

"The t+g virus.... this would be much better for me rather than the t-virus Roy used. Its defensive and speed properties alone would be a great boost, not to mention the electrical properties....Maybe ill find a way to use the super soldier serum with it as well, maybe boosting the abilities of both, After all, a strong base means a strong build."

Seeing the syringe gun and virus, Corven quickly wrote down the extra properties before he forgot.

Without missing a beat, Corven writes down "Perfect Infusion", and "No Side Effects", but unlike Roy, Corven also writes "Host Lock".

That way he won't have to risk rejection of the virus, killing him, or get any of the nasty side effects, along with him being able to prevent others from getting the virus from his DNA, unless he allows them too.

After hes done, he finally looks over to the price of the item, with a scared look....

"..1-1,050.17.....this is gonna take awhile...." seeing the price Corven almost feels like crying.

"It might be a bit cheaper just to start out with the super soldier serum... But id rather have the adaptability of the virus before I add more to my body... I suppose I'll just have to wait" he says with a big yawn.

Putting the virus in the save tab, Corven lays down and gets as comfortable as he can in his bed of moss and leaves, and gets to sleep.


Comment about what yall think I should add for his growth, if I like it and it makes sense ill probably do it.

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